
Chapter 12: Safety in Numbers

Alex takes a quick look over her shoulder towards her baby sister's way. She gives her a bit of a side-eye when their gazes meet. She turns back towards her task, preparing the glaze for the meat."Yea sure. It better not be a sex thing." Alex's face scrunches up a bit at the mention of sex and her sister. Kara huffs a laugh at the comment.The reporter and CFO are on the other end of the counter cutting up asparagus, Kara then turns her attention towards Sam, sneaking a glance."Do I have to leave for this question?" Sam quirks an eyebrow. She knows that there are some things that she can't know because of this whole ironclad sister commitment Alex and the blonde share, so she isn't upset, she respects the trust they both hold for each other. It makes her happy, knowing that they are joined at the hip.Kara ponders for a bit. Debating on having this conversation that's about Lena with the CEO's longest-standing best friend."No, I think it's ok. Maybe I need to ask you too, you've known Lena the longest." Sam raises her eyebrow at that, signaling for the reporter to continue.Kare puts down her knife and lets out a calming breath. The reporter's eyes drift over to her girlfriend, she can't help but smile at her. She hears her and Maggie giggling away at the book. They whisper about how the person who wrote the particular poem must be extremely sexually frustrated.Sam follows her line of vision. She looks towards her little one, seeming on the cusp of another drop, but a happy-induced one of course. Her eyes shift to Lena when a child-like lilt in her voice lights her superpowered ears. It clicks for Sam."Damn, I knew it."Alex then turns around from her task, "Are you gonna ask her to marry you!" She whispers yells, looking back and forth between the duo on the couch and her little sister."No! I mean yes-no, not now anyway." The reporter runs her hands through her hair in a bit of frustration. Her cheeks flame pink and the pigment rushes just under the colour of her sweatshirt."Alex shush, now you've got me all flustered, Rao." Kara ignores her sister and turns to Sam once her thoughts catch up to her."What do you mean by, 'I knew it'?" Sam doesn't answer her question right away. She grabs Alex by the back of her shirt and tugs her over. She points Alex's vision to the duo seated on the couch."Yes, that is Mags and Lena." Alex is perplexed as to what she is supposed to be seeing."Look at Lena, like really look at her Alex." Alex does, cocking her head a bit to squint and concentrate. Her eyes bug out and she gasps audibly.Kara looks as something clicks for Alex and wants in. "Ok, what?" Sam's gaze reverts back to Kara, she picks back up her knife and continues chopping up the veggies."I knew this was a part of her," Sam says more to herself than Kara. "This didn't really start to come out until you guys actually got together." Kara stands there still, her attention hanging onto every word coming from the CFO. The tallest brunette grabs Kara's batch and finishes cutting them up. She puts them in a colander and hands it to Alex to rinse. Alex rolls her eyes and decides to spare Kara the underhanded explanation Sam seems to be getting at. She bites it in the bud."She's a little Kar.""A little what?""A little. I can give you some stuff to read on it. But to sum it up, since I have the time, being a little is like a form of age regression. You can notice the signs if someone doesn't always "act their age" and does child-like things or has an interest in child-like things. Obviously, this isn't always the case, because I think everyone has an inner child, but those classified as little, have more of that child-like glee."Kara just stands in the kitchen, blinking slowly back to reality as though she has just woken from a century-long slumber."I did research last night, it was all sexual, that's not what this is."Both Sam and Alex shiver.Sam cuts in, "Some people do this thing called ageplay, it can be sexual or not. The term for it is sexual regression, the term for ageplay that is not sexual is non-sexual regression." She rinses the unused utensils. "Alex, can you boil some water please."The brunette Kryptonian dries the utensils and puts them away. "I know Lena's side isn't sexual, just like M-" She cuts herself off. Internally kicking herself for almost outing her little bunny. Maggie would hate for anyone other than her girlfriends to know. The tiny detective trusts them, they can't break that. Even if they know Kara and Lena won't look at her any different."Anyways, I doubt that this would be a sexual thing for her. We will send you some research and you guys should talk. Preferably when she is out of the little headspace.""Usually this can be used as a coping mechanism for many people. Or they use it to gain the experience of a carefree childhood they never had. Or to maybe kinda rewrite their actual childhood, that's done from trauma mostly."The blonde nods her head, soaking in all the information.The super asks questions here and there, looking to get as much out of them on this subject as possible. The two answer to the best of their ability. They do try and avoid anything that would implicate Maggie in any way.Kara has always looked to Alex as a mentor and teacher. She knows almost anything Kara comes to her with so the reporter does not question the vast knowledge her sister seems to hold.They talk and continue to prepare Saturday dinner, they pack what needs to go into the oven, that being the vegan lasagna and meat. One timer for forty-six minutes and the other for an hour. They clean up in silence, basking in the quiet. They have noticed that the duo has quieted down and nothing but slight breathing can be picked up, but only by the two Kryptonian ears.The TV has been turned on again, and once more, Blues Clues have been put on but plays mute in the background. Kara sees Lena with her two fingers firmly stuck between her lips. She sucks gently in her light sleep. Probably unaware of her suckling ministrations. Maggie sits just beside her. They both lay mostly on their sides turned towards one another. Kara rounds the couch and Maggie surprises her.She has her thumb in her mouth, not sucking, just planted firmly between her lips.The Latina's eyes flutter, trying to stay awake to catch the ending of the blue doggie episode. She lets her lids finally shut and she sighs contently. Lena snuggles a bit closer to the shorter girl, looking for extra warmth. Maggie does the same with the little consciousness she has left.Maggie opens her eyes one last time and her gaze meets Karas. She is too far gone into unconsciousness to realize what has happened. She blinks again and this time her eyes stay closed. She starts to suck in her sleep, happy to be rid of the bandages.The CEO and the detective snore alike, happily sleeping next to one another, soaking up the comfort the other brings."Oh." Is all Kara can say, still staring at the almost unbelievable sight.Sam looks to her awake girlfriend, equally wide-eyed. She turns back and sees Kara smiling at the sleeping forms on the couch. Sam walks up to her and rubs her shoulder, "We will talk after we discuss this with Mags, ok?""Of course."The three settle on the couch. Sam grabs a blanket from the armrest of the chair and drapes it over the two unconscious bodies. She grabs the remote, tunes into Cupcake Wars but keeps the volume mute. Sam sits at the head of the two, gently wiping the fallen hair from her best friend's face and going to massage the hair of her girlfriend. Kara's on the floor, just in front of the detective and Alex seated on the couch at the pair's feet.They individually take in the comfort and softness the snoring their girlfriends bring. Their smiles get bigger alongside the occasional suckling sound.

hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I'm writing it!!

Alex_Grey_5388creators' thoughts
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