

Basic Information:

Taiketsu duel is an ancient technique used by players to challenge each other for a duel or fight, to compare their strength, agility, endurance, stamina. In the process of the technique players agree for the duel after which they are teleported to Xenon.

Xenon is a pocket dimension which is opened when a taiketsu duel pact is formed between players. As players are not allowed to use their skills in public this technique is frequently used by players, but only who are of A class or above whose destructive powers are too much for the place to handle.

The technique was formed by Kashime Urashaki aka ( the dimesion warper) . He was a player at the Tenkaichi period, famous for his dimension creating techniques .

He was one of the most profound players in the Tenkaichi period who literally created more than a hundred dimensions or spaces which he could manipulate at his will.

He was the founder of the taiketsu duel and Xenon which he made before his death passing on his last dimension technique to the future players.

Dear reders this is a bonus chapter to explain about the concept of taiketsu duel

Lacoste_acecreators' thoughts
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