The announcer's voice rose again, this time with a hint of dramatic flair. "And now, his opponent! Representing the esteemed Silver Flame Sect, Joel Rythan!"
A roar erupted from the crowd as Joel stepped into the arena. A tall, broad-shouldered man with fiery red hair and a confident smirk, Joel exuded raw power. His silver and red robes, embroidered with the flame emblem of his sect, caught the light as he raised his sword—a massive greatsword wreathed in faint, flickering flames—earning another wave of cheers from the audience.
Unlike Lucavion, Joel played to the crowd, basking in their adoration as he made his way to the center of the arena. His presence was loud, commanding, and brimming with confidence.
But when his eyes finally met Lucavion's, his smirk faltered, just for a moment. There was something in Lucavion's steady, unyielding gaze that unsettled him—a calmness that spoke of absolute control as if Lucavion was already a step ahead.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: