–Birds of a feather tend to flock together.
A saying that is from Earth.
–People like them, despicable through and through, always seemed to find each other.
Like weeds in a field, they clustered together, feeding off each other's rot. Slave smugglers, gang leaders, and nobles who turned a blind eye to corruption—all thriving within the same festering underbelly. In their own twisted way, they upheld each other's malice, validating every vile act in the name of power, control, or wealth.
But is it fair to lump them all into the same category? I wondered, my thoughts darkening. For all the evil I knew them capable of, it was an unsettling realization. I knew nothing about them individually. Was I any better, dismissing their worth with such sweeping judgment? Did I have the right to pass judgment so easily, to decide that they all deserved to be condemned? Was I any different, really, for seeing them all the same way?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: