[And it will also be helpful to me,] she added, looking into my eyes. [Since I doubt they will leave you and me alone.]
"Now that we have time, let's talk. Why do they want your essence?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. There had to be more to this story, something that connected her to the people hunting her.
Vitaliara's eyes darkened slightly as she settled onto my shoulder, her tail curling around my neck in a way that was oddly comforting. She took a deep breath before beginning her explanation.
[After Gerald and I separated, I didn't lose hope. Even though I knew he was walking a dangerous path, I believed in him. I wanted to be of use to him, so I sought out a way to grow stronger. In my search, I came across a minor sect in a city called Thornridge. It was known as the Azure Blossom Sect.]
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: