

I had a dream.

A dream where I was wandering alone. No, I was not wandering alone. I was flying around the darkness of the sea.

 In this dream, I felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility. The vast, dark ocean below me was calm and serene, its gentle waves lulling me into a state of profound peace.

It felt as if I were exactly where I needed to be, floating effortlessly in this tranquil abyss. The sensation was comforting, almost as if the darkness itself was cradling me in its embrace.

As I drifted, a sense of sleepiness overcame me. My eyelids grew heavy, and I allowed myself to sink deeper into the dream's soothing embrace.

Time seemed to lose its meaning, and all that existed was the gentle rhythm of the waves and the quiet hum of the sea.

But then, something began to change. A new presence made itself known, a light that pierced through the darkness. It was blinding, sudden, and intense.


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