
Entry 10: A Lunch To Remember

"There she is! Woman of the hour," Maeve announced as I approached, her voice full of exaggerated cheer. She was already sitting down on the large blanket spread out on the school lawn, surrounded by an array of homemade dishes. The enticing aroma of food wafted towards me, making my stomach rumble despite the nervous tension I felt at Bio.

"Hey, everyone," I greeted, giving a smile as I took a seat between Maeve and Sophie, who had apparently gone all out with her cooking.

"Wow, Sophie, this looks amazing!" I exclaimed, genuinely impressed by the spread.There were sandwiches, pasta salads, fruit platters, and even a few baked goods. It was clear that a lot of effort had gone into this 'welcome feast.'

"Thanks, Joanne," Sophie said with a warm smile. "I wanted it to be special for you, and the boys hauled the ingredients too."

"Well, of course! Anything for m'lady," Liam flirted, reaching for my hand and kissing it. I was particularly flattered by his actions, which was quickly followed by a smack on the head from Max.

"STOP flirting, jeez," Max warned, seemingly not liking Liam's special attention to me.

Maeve took the opportunity to pass a plate to me and the others. "Dig in. We made sure to get all your favorites."

I hesitated for a moment before accepting the plate. As I started to serve myself, Maeve started conversing, "Sooo what do you feel about the little welcome feast?"

"It's really nice," I replied, looking around at the friendly faces. "I appreciate all the effort you guys put into this."

Maeve smiled, satisfied. "We just wanted to make sure you felt welcome. High school's tough enough without having to go it alone."

Max who has seemed to get Liam in control, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we're glad you're here, Joanne. It's good to have new friends."

I glanced at the railing of the roof, my thoughts wandering back to Rachel. She wasn't part of this group, and I was caught between them. I shook off the feeling and focused on enjoying the moment with Maeve and the others.

"So, Joanne," Sophie began, "what's been the most surprising thing about our school so far?"

I thought for a moment, then smiled. "Honestly, how friendly everyone has been. I was worried about fitting in, but you all have made it a lot easier."

Max grinned. "That's because you're awesome, Joanne. Who wouldn't want to be your friend?"

I laughed, feeling a bit more relaxed. "Thanks, That means a lot."

The conversation continued, light and easy, as we enjoyed the food. Maeve seemed to be in good spirits, chatting animatedly and making everyone laugh. It was a stark contrast to the tension I had felt earlier in Biology.

"Oh right Jo, well- can I call you Jo??" Sophie asks giving a sheepish smile.

I giggled and nodded in response to her, this makes her face light up fast, continuing her thought. "How are you liking the school so far? Made any new friends besides us?"

I smiled and took a bite of pasta salad, thinking carefully before answering. "It's been great so far. Everyone's been really welcoming. And yeah, I've met some nice people in my classes."

"That's good to hear," Sophie chimed in. "It's important to find your people in a new place."

"Very welcoming alright, remember Rachel's party that I bartended at?" Liam says, making the others immediately turn their heads.

It has gained their attention, except for Meave who seemed to know that I was invited. Well, considering she mentioned it infront if me and Rachel earlier.

"Wait- really?? You never told me that," Max claims with a pout. "Well I kiiinda forgot cuz we had to get these ingredients early in the morning," Liam replies rubbing his head.

Sophie then turned her attention towards me, her eyes curious. "So, how was Rachel's party? I heard it's always a big deal."

I smiled, trying to keep my response neutral. "It was... interesting. Definitely a lot of people, and it was fun for the most part."

"Interesting, huh?" Max said, raising an eyebrow. "Anything in particular happen?"

I shrugged, not wanting to delve into the more complicated aspects of the night. "Just the usual party stuff. Music, dancing, some people getting a little too wild."

"Wild indeed, I saw Joanne here taking an interest in the queen~ she was staring at her hard for sure," Liam commented with a smirk, which earned him a hard jab from me. He winced and giggled.

"Oh really?" Max said, raising an eyebrow. "Didn't know you had a thing for Rachel.

"I felt my face heat up. "It's not like that. She just... stands out, you know?"

Maeve gave me a knowing look but didn't say anything. Sophie chuckled, sensing my discomfort. "Well, Rachel does have that effect on people. But don't let Liam get to you."

"Yeah, he's just being his usual nosy self," Max added, rolling his eyes.

Liam put his hands up in mock defense. "Hey, I'm just observant. But fine, I'll back off."

Maeve, who had been quiet during this part of the conversation, finally spoke up. "Rachel's parties are always something. But it's good you got to experience it."

Sophie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like a rite of passage around here."

"Well, I'm glad you got to see that side of things," Max said with a grin. "But just remember, we're the more down-to-earth crowd."

I laughed, feeling more at ease. "I appreciate that."

The conversation flowed easily after that, with everyone sharing stories and laughing. Despite the tension simmering beneath the surface, it felt nice to be included. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, analyzed even, by Maeve.

As we ate, I caught snippets of conversations that seemed normal on the surface but hinted at deeper undercurrents. Maeve's comments were always perfectly timed and slightly suggestive, making it clear she was testing my reactions.

"Joanne, you should try the brownies. Sophie made them from scratch," Maeve said, handing me a piece.

"Thanks," I said, taking a bite. The brownie was delicious, and I couldn't help but smile at Sophie in appreciation.

Sophie leaned back on her hands, watching me closely. "So, any plans for the weekend, Joanne?"

"Not really," I replied, wiping crumbs from my fingers. "Just catching up on some schoolwork and maybe relaxing a bit."

"Maybe we could all hang out," Maeve suggested, her eyes flicking to the others for support. "It'd be fun to do something outside of school."

Lily nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, that sounds great! We could go to the mall or catch a movie."

"Sounds like a good idea," I agreed, though I felt a knot of anxiety forming in my stomach. The last thing I needed was more time caught between these conflicting loyalties.

As we finished up lunch, the bell rang, signaling the end of the period. We began to pack up, and I felt a tug of reluctance, wishing I could linger a bit longer in the easy camaraderie.

"Thanks for this, guys," I said, giving them all a sincere smile. "It really means a lot."

"Anytime, Jo," Sophie replied warmly. "We're just glad to have you with us."

As we were finishing up, Maeve leaned in and whispered, "Remember what we talked about okay? Just don't get too attached.."

I nodded subtly, my mind still processing Maeve's warning from Biology class. The bell signaling the end of lunch rang, and we began to pack up. Maeve lingered, waiting for the others to leave. I braced myself for what was coming next.

"So, Joanne," Maeve started once we were relatively alone, "did you think about what we talked about in Bio?"

I nodded, my gaze shifting between her and the retreating figures of the other girls. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it."

"And?" Maeve prompted, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"I don't know what to think yet," I admitted honestly. "There's a lot to process."

Maeve's expression softened slightly, but there was still a hint of frustration. "Just remember, Joanne, me and the gang will be by your side always okay?"

I nodded, feeling more conflicted than ever. As I made my way to my next class, I knew that the coming days would bring more revelations and decisions. I just hoped I could navigate them without losing myself in the process.

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