
Chapter 073 Nora

Nora Duwa silently watched Link Baker on the opposite chair. Despite having seen several of Link's boxing matches on television and hearing quite a bit about him from Franco,

she was still somewhat surprised when she saw Link in person. Dressed in clothes, he appeared polite and gentlemanly, with a gentle and friendly aura, not at all like the fierce and aggressive fighter he was in the boxing ring.

It felt like the person in and out of the ring were two different people, like a pair of twins: a wild younger brother, and a gentle older one.

Could this be the reason Franco was so keen on Link?

But if that was all there was to it, it seemed insufficient because Franco was "too" keen on Link, as if he had become "enchanted" by him.

To sign Link, Franco offered more than just a big contract and a higher share of the fight revenues than other companies; he also handed over a twenty percent stake in Dynasty Promotion.

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