
Section 38 - Boiling Water Kind

"'Polish, Polish, Polish Kind,' I actually forgot to prepare it, damn it! It was always Pu Aihua who did it before. I thought I had done it, but... it still wasn't done!"

Chef Abel, frustrated by his own negligence, ripped off his tall chef's hat and clenched it tightly in his hand.

The time required for the "Polish Kind" is too long; starting from scratch now would be completely too late.

"Chef Abel, how about this, let's change the kind? Or just add yeast directly, to make do on the fly."

Chen Fei had heard Teacher Shen Fei ramble about the little tricks of bread making more than a few times.

Even if he hadn't eaten pork, he had at least seen a pig run—he knew a bit, including what the so-called "Polish Kind" was all about.

The "Polish Kind" was nothing more than a refrigerated fermentation starter. This small pre-fermented dough under low temperatures could, to a certain extent, enhance the overall taste of the bread.

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