
Section 18 - Return to Base

A Y-9 medium-sized transport aircraft from far away descended from the sky, and the moment its landing gear touched down on the runway of Aircrew Base 911, it kicked up a brief trail of white smoke before the aircraft stabilized and, after taxiing for several hundred meters, turned towards the apron.

The Y-9 had become the most mainstream medium-range transport aircraft, cheap and cost-effective.

This time it not only brought 20 tons of supplies but also two passengers who were hitching a ride with the wind.

Seeing the two bald passengers carrying their carry-on bags, the deputy squadron leader of the "Genuine Fragrance" squadron, code-named "Devil Pepper," cheered, took big strides forward, and pounced on one of them, embracing him tightly.

At that time, Yamada Yuhu's Z-9 armed helicopter brought back the unconscious Squadron Leader Chekhov and the grievously injured new recruit Chen Fei, whose fates were uncertain, making everyone's mood incredibly somber.

To take down a Metallic Giant Dragon, Aircrew Base 911 paid an unimaginable price; these were achievements traded with lives.

It wasn't until today that the two of them finally returned to the base unharmed, that the worries of the people dissipated completely.

"Squadron Leader Chekhov, welcome back!"

The other thirteen pilots lined up and saluted their Squadron Leader Chekhov in unison, one of them leaning on a crutch.

"Mhm, Little Chili, long time no see, is everyone doing all right?"

With one arm in a sling and unable to escape, Chekhov Leonidovich Ivanov was quietly greeted with a hug that was a little too firm.

I, an old hand at Jianghu for more than forty years, consider all under heaven as strangers, eh? You I cannot afford to provoke!

"All's well, Rookie, how are you recovering?"

The short-haired lass Irinei Rusios extended her fist and thumped it unexpectedly against Chen Fei's chest.

"Cough, cough, I'm, I'm okay!"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes, barely spared by the punch after just recently having taken a magic potion that cost more than ten million Star Yuan.

Lass, are you waiting to partake in the feast?

"Phantosmia," this side effect still lingered, and there was no specific medicine that could cure it. The string of characters "A:\>_" was always in his field of vision. However, as time passed, he grew accustomed to it and easily ignored it, so it didn't have much of an impact.

"Take it easy, Irinei, he's not fully recovered yet. If he ends up bed-ridden again, who's it going to fall on?"

At last, Big Bear spoke a word of fairness.

When Chen Fei was brought aboard the International Medical Ship, his body was extremely frightening from head to toe, covered in blood. He had not a single piece of intact flesh, and it was truly a miracle that he had managed to cling to life. Now, the weakness and severe loss of vital energy in his body were unavoidable.

Pilots were known for their robust physiques, and even without an injury, the slender Chen Fei couldn't withstand the short-haired girl's punches – one punch to the ground, never to rise again.

"Mhm, you did a good job this time!"

Irinei Rusios smiled awkwardly, changed her fist to an open palm, and patted Chen Fei.

One Shot Soul Entry, beating the Sky Knight to the punch, taking down the extremely vicious Metallic Giant Dragon was an unmatched win, and it even brought glory to the entire "Genuine Fragrance" squadron.

At least when boasting with outsiders from the base, they could brazenly claim, "Even if a Metallic Giant Dragon attacks Aircrew Base 911, it still has to kneel!" Such grandiose statements were now validated.

However, the many benefits that came with the successful killing of a Metallic Giant Dragon were not limited to this. Aircrew Base 911's defense contract fee for the next cycle would be significantly boosted with confidence, plus the full cashback for the "Dragon Slayer Missile," and a significant entry in the career records of all team members. This "dividend" would last for quite some time.

The 10 million Star Yuan cash reward planned to offset the cost of the "Life Resuscitation" magic potion did not go beyond expectations much. In fact, the open retail price of this potion on the market had already exceeded 15 million. The Apocalypse Defense Group's internal discount offer of 12 million had already taken into account various intangible benefits brought on by killing the Metallic Giant Dragon, effectively turning some of it into cash for Chen Fei, just without making it public.

The workplace newcomer was completely ignorant of the power of capital. Dead or alive, he had no choice in the matter.

The welcome ceremony was fervent and brief. The "Genuine Fragrance" squadron pilots clustered around their leader, leaving in high spirits. However, Chen Fei saw Chief Mechanic Xiao Ming, the silent and reserved head of the mechanics crew, holding a brand-new set of work clothes.

The previous set did not last an hour on the newcomer Chen Fei before it ended up in tatters.

"Back already?"

The man, reeking of motor oil, was as laconic as ever.


Chen Fei felt a bit uneasy inside. On his first day on the job, he was lured into the sky, accidentally killed a Metallic Giant Dragon, scrapped an A-39B "Big Mouth Monster" light propeller attack aircraft, and tore apart a set of work clothes.

The most important thing was that a technical manual had been lost.

If a man who can easily handle such a huge aircraft were to get angry and punch himself, wouldn't the result be almost as bad as getting hit by a 'Big Bear' of a punch from Chekhov, that big brute?

"Let's move, work starts now, there's still a lot to do!"

Showing no emotion, Chief Mechanic Xiao didn't seem at all like he wanted to get angry; he remained utterly indifferent.

Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly took the work clothes.

He had hardly taken a few steps behind Xiao Ming when suddenly, Xiao Ming's stride halted.

Chen Fei's heart lurched again—had the head of the mechanics finally decided to lose his temper with him?

For a moment, his legs went weak!

"Um, this, I forgot to give you this!"

Chief Mechanic Xiao reached into the large pocket of his work shirt, took out something, and turned around to hand it to Chen Fei.

The A-39B "Big Mouth Monster" Light Turboprop Attack Aircraft Technical Manual (A), its cover marred and worn, seemingly having survived some perilous ordeal.

Chen Fei recognized it, the technical manual (A) he had lost, which had astonishingly survived the terrible power of the "Dragon Slayer Missile" and been retrieved. The inner pages had been glued back together, the binding reinforced with stitching, and covered with clear laminating film neatly applied to the cover without even a bubble in sight. Though it couldn't compare to its original pristine condition, it was nonetheless restored to usability. After all, the content was what mattered most.

Following Chief Mechanic Xiao into the hangar, the mechanics who were still bustling about paused in their work for a brief five-second salute, silently welcoming the newcomer, Chen Fei, back to the team.

Indeed, the attitudes of the subordinates truly reflected their leader.

Like Xiao Ming, each mechanic was silent and taciturn, quick to action rather than words.

Chen Fei soon found that, other than having lost a set of work clothes, his technical manual had been returned, and not a single item was missing, including his tablet computer and its dedicated data cable that hadn't even warmed up yet.

It was as if nothing had happened at all. Chen Fei continued his apprenticeship, using the data cable to reconnect all the aircraft in the hangar once again.

Although he had acquired a strange post-visual symptom—an "A:\>_"—it didn't affect him too much overall.

After all, using magic potions from the Cangqiong Realm on a native of the Blue Star Realm was bound to result in some mismatches, leading to unexpected side effects. Such cases were not unusual. Compared to those with excessive hair growth, budding horns, tail sprouting, skin color changes, sharpened nails, elongated teeth, swelling into a ball, thinning to a stick, and other bizarre transformations, displaying a short string of characters was hardly an issue, as being brought back from death's brink was ultimately what mattered most.

The casualties at Aircrew Base 911 were significant, with two MiG-28 jet fighters and three A-39 "Big Mouth Monster" light turboprop attack aircraft lost; the base's aerial combat strength had been reduced by a third. However, everyone seemed far from despondent—rather, they appeared quite cheerful!

At lunch in the base canteen, Chen Fei discovered why: Pu Aihua was back at his part-time canteen job, using his spare time to make a little extra money for household expenses. He returned the "Magical Beast Eggs" (actually eggs of some unknown wild bird, or perhaps snake eggs), the grass nest, and the wooden box to Chen Fei.

Stubborn as ever, he hadn't taken it back to deceive others again, but had returned it to its rightful owner.

A bemused Chen Fei could only accept the inescapable gesture of goodwill when he heard Pu whispering sneakily after looking around, "Psst! Chen Fei, did you manage to find that 'thing'?"

"That 'thing'? Which 'thing'?"

Chen Fei was as confused as a monk at a loss—entirely befuddled.

What in the world was this guy secretly hinting at?

"You know, that 'thing'!"

Pu Aihua was getting anxious, raising his voice a bit before startling and glancing around again, wary of being overheard.

"How should I know what 'thing' you mean if you don't tell me?"

Throwing his chopsticks into his plate, Chen Fei gave up on lunch, losing patience with this guy. When would he ever let up?!

With gritted teeth, Pu Aihua leaned in close to Chen Fei's ear, speaking in a barely audible whisper, "You know... did you pick up any 'Metallic Dragon Shards'?"

"Metallic Dragon Shards?"

Chen Fei looked at Pu Aihua in surprise; before he could reply, Pu reached out a hand to cover his mouth. Hurriedly pushing the intrusive hand away, Chen Fei frowned in disdain and said, "What the hell are you trying to do?"


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