A thunderous explosion shook the entire Zhige Base, almost like an earthquake.
Wu Xuanzhu reached out with one hand, catching the blade of the White Gold Giant Sword in a gripping manner.
His entire body instantly shrank by several centimeters, his feet sinking into the ground, and a ring of cracks radiated outward from beneath his feet, soon stretching to a dramatic diameter of nearly a hundred meters.
This strike, which should have nailed him to the ground like a spike, was miraculously dissolved and transferred by his superb Channeling Energy, radiating into the surrounding floor.
Wu Xuanzhu frowned slightly.
The power of this sword was unparalleled; in terms of strength alone, it had already reached the level of a Limit-Breaking Grandmaster, but it was nothing to him.
He could deliver a strike a hundred times more powerful than this sword at any moment.
The problem was... the person who wielded this sword was a youth not even one fifth his age.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: