
OMAKE - The Gamer One Vs The Honoured One


"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




hmm.... What should I do? i have reached 1 Million Readers In Webnovel, and 32,000+ readers in Fanfiction.Net, i wanna do something-

ah yes, versus battles.

Let me do this quickly-


"What the fuck?" I look around, noticing darkness everywhere, realising that this looks familiar to me. i remember that-

"Yo-lo! It's a me, Mario!" Mr -NOTHING- arrives in front of me, shining light in the darkness. I look confused, questioning why I am here. I know he can read my mind, so I expect him to answer the question, which he does.

"Did I die again? i don't remember that tho-"

"well, This Fanfiction has reached 1 Million readers in Webnovel and 32,000+ Readers in Fanfiction, so-" Before Mr -NOTHING- could continue, i start clapping, with my voice sarcastic.

"WOW! I am soooo happy that people are enjoying my suffering and my headaches." While my tone is sarcastic, I am genuinely Happy to reach this milestone, which can be felt by Mr-NOTHING- and all the other readers. 

"So, I have decided to pit you against a fictional character of my Choice. let the readers have some fun." i stare at Mr -NOTHING- , just what kind of thought does he have normally for him to risk my life for a random matchup-

Wait? Shit!!! Don't make me fight Goku, I am going to be obliterated to the point I couldn't even dream of ever fighting? Or if God forbid Someone Like Rimuru or Anos Voldigod-

Maybe Rimaru might understand my plight but-

"Stop overthinking it. Your opponent is Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen, you know him don't you?" Mr -NOTHING- or me in a light-ish Form speaks up, stopping myself from spiraling down into thoughts on whom I am fighting.

Gojo Satoru huh? That's manageable, but still difficult. I don't have anything that can go through Infinity, and since I don't have something like Sukuna's Slash that cuts the world. I try to think of an ability to counter it from my existing Skill Set-

"Well, as much as I would love to give you time to brainstorm and shit, we don't have time. It's already 450 words, so we need to start the matchup." He snaps, and suddenly, my worldview changes. From Darkness, it's greenery which is all I can see. I turn around, seeing Trees.

"Well, there are three things I should mention. One is that the place you are going to battle is completely empty, the entire world is a battleground for you And Gojo. Second is that Any stats or skills that you have gained in this fight will be reset when you are sent back to your world. Third is that the current you is just a copy of the one in the world in one piece, so even if you die, it won't really change anything in the main story."

"That's all, Gambare Gambare xD" I stare blankly at the window tab that is in front of me, relaying the message that Mr -NOTHING- should have already mentioned before.

I shake my head, opening my stats and skill windows to check if everything is as I remember, which it thankfully is. From my memory, I was in the Rocketman, waiting for us to reach Enies Lobby. But now, I am here. i Use My observation Haki, making it interact with the Map, extending my reach.

i Sense someone around 10 Miles away (16 Km), noting that it might be the one i am sent here to fight against. he still hasn't detected me, which makes sense Since Gojo's sensory ability works only through sensing Cursed Energy, which i don't have-

wait a second? is this verse equalization where the power system are equalised to make the power system of different Verses the same-

"No." a window pops up, giving me the answer for the question I asked. I sigh in relief, thankful that I don't have to use Cursed Energy, since without Innate technique, it is more useless than the <SAND WALKING> skill in my opinion.

I start walking, hyping myself up to fight against the Honoured one. I remember his abilities, and try to create a counter to it. The biggest annoyance to me is Gojo's Infinity, the Base state of The cursed technique Limitless, where Gojo Manipulates the space between him and his enemy and divides it infinitely. infinite space within a finite distance.

I can easily counter and dodge the other abilities he has, but the most important and the most annoying is his Infinity. I think of all the stuff that could counteract Infinity, the first would be Sukuna's slash that cuts the world, which Slashes through the space Gojo inhabits. It's like Gojo being drawn on a paper, and instead of drawing a slash on Gojo, Sukuna would cut the paper itself, cutting Go/Jo in half.

The other method would be Domain Amplification, which I cannot do. I also cannot do Domain Expansion, so that's all out of the equation. then there is Infinity speed, which i cannot go-

Wait, could I use my perception Blitzing ability to punch Gojo? Gojo's Infinity is only automatic due to his perception. with his six eyes, he can filter out Mass, speed, shape and energy and can decide which things can touch him. IF i am able to-

WHEN i am able to do it, his automatic defence doesn't work, as he Keeps it active all the time, but with his brain healing itself with Reverse Cursed Technique. Before, he was using it Manually before his fight against Toji, activating it constantly, which is a pain for his brain, but after learning RCT, he can leave it active all the time, allowing his brain to receive information and filter it out.

 His brain receives information due to his Six eyes, so if I am faster than his brain can perceive, I can win.

i sense Gojo turning towards the direction that i am approaching him, meaning he has sensed me-

"Oh, are you the one who kidnapped me?" for a second, my Observation Haki doesn't work as a person appears right in front of me. a dude who is a very tall, lean, and muscular man in his late twenties with a tight-fitting black shirt, white baggy training pants with a black belt weaved through the waist, and black martial arts slippers. He has snow-white hair and a vibrant blue color.

Satoru Gojo has arrived in front of me.

"Who are you?" I notice that Gojo's fit is similar to the one he wears in the Shinjuku Showdown arc, where he faces against Sukuna. I shrug, deciding to give a normal answer.

"My name is Rai Adam, what's yours?" Gojo raises his eyebrows, amused at my response. He thought that I would start explaining my evil plan since he feels that I am the one who kidnapped him.

"My Name is Satoru Gojo, where are we anyways?" I shrug at him, intending to not reveal it. But by the look on his face, he doesn't believe me.

"Well, I might as well beat you up until you-" i Immediately Teleport, Kicking him in the face-

Or I would have, if my Leg is not slowed down. Me and Gojo blink, surprised. How is it possible-

"Damn, you sure are fast." Gojo has an amused and arrogance plastered in his face, He swings his hand, Using blue on contact to hit me-

But I already sensed it, disappearing and appearing a little distance away, trying to think HOW Gojo was able to React to me.

 "Hmm, you have some kind of Weird Power, a power different from Cursed energy." Gojo appears in front of me, throwing a Punch which has blue surrounding it. I get pulled into the punch, but before i could be hit-

I disappear, appearing behind him while throwing a Punch which is Amplified by <MARTIAL REINFORCEMENT> and also Using Giants Strength, along with getting a 10% boost to my physical stats with <ONE-MAN ARMY>.

But, My Punch stops, and Gojo turns around, his smirk even more pronounced.

"You are Fast, Much faster than even I can React, but-" He pulls me in front of him using Blue, and before i could disappear, He throws a punch-


I summoned my Poneglyph in front of me, making it take Gojo's Punch. The punch does Nothing, but Gojo's Punch does Nothing. He retracts his hand, clutching it. He looks surprised, while I touch the Poneglyph and store it back into my inventory.

Both of us look at each other in caution, me due to not knowing How My speed doesn't work, and how i was Not able to go into My domain when he had Blue active-


"You are... Interesting. Do you have an Heavenly Cursed Restriction?" Gojo knows that I don't have cursed energy, but the thing that is bothering him is HOW I am going past his perception, AND how I summoned that Huge Stone in front of him.

"Nope. Just a regular old dude." He looks amused, but our small banter comes to an end as he once again summons me in front of him-

I disappear this time around, coming into my Dungeon before stopping to think. With Infinite time at my hands, I wonder why I am not able to go past his Infinity. Gojo himself admitted that I am faster than his perception, so how can he Activate Infinity and categorise me as a threat-

....wait a second. If I remember correctly, Gojo Manually filtered out Danger before his Awakening, But Now, he can do the filtering automatically. That means, his Brain works independently to filter things out, and Due to His Six eyes able to see Cursed energy, his brain can use that knowledge to Filter out-

But am I emitting Cursed energy tho? This fight not verse equalization, as Mr -NOTHING- Said it wasn't -

Motherfucker lied to me, didn't he?

I sigh, knowing that there is no point in thinking about this. If I want answers-

"So, how are you able to react to me even if I am able to Perception-Blitz You?" Gojo's head turns to the side with an amused smile, and for a second, he thinks on what to do.

"Blitz? Like those power scaling terms?" His amused smile grows larger after he realises that I understand that he ain't gonna say anything. Damn, he normally would start blabbering about his cursed technique due to his over-confidentence , but it seems that he ain't gonna do that to me.

Well, I gotta figure out how his brain works on filtering, so that I could plan against that. He immediately Uses blue once more, but i disappear once again while throwing a punch-

But before it could even reach the supposed Infinite distance, I disappeared again, appearing in front of him and throwing another punch. Before the punch-

You guys get it. I throw a punch as a fake, trying to overload his brain with Information about my attack. But from the way Gojo looks as I try to punch him, it doesn't seem to be effective.

....you know, what's the point of this fight anyways? It's like an Unhittable force meets an undodgeable object, both canceling each other out. I just-

 Fuck it. I might as well use my Stat Points to Increase My INT to figure it out. My Stat reset anyways.

Name:- Rai Adam

Job:- The Gamer

Gender:- Male

Level:- 24 (EXP:- 9,882,923,400/13,421,772,800)



HP:- 1660

MP:- 5,947 (3130)

STR:- 132

VIT (HP):- 108

DEX (AGI):- 78

INT:-203 (107)

WIS:-148 (79)


Stat Points:- 0

A person who was orphaned during his young age, Rai Adam has always worked hard to sustain himself independently. his job however, is not to his satisfaction, and due to this, he watches Movies and Anime to take his mind of his bad days. he Dies in his sleep and is Summoned by #@!#$#@ and sent to a different world.





I Blink, surprised. While i knew that at a hallmark of the stats, I will get a skill, what I did not expect was me receiving a skill from my brain-

Especially the skill which can help me in this situation.



Allows the wielder to manipulate objects at a certain range.

PSYCHOKINESIS or Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate or move something with the use of the mind. Against Gojo, this ability gives an instant advantage since Telekinesis doesn't travel.

The fact that I got this skill at his specific time while i am fighting Gojo is akin to Plot armor or something kind of asspull that the author wants to do with his MC-

But hey it's just better for me.

But, the level of this skill is too low, so is grinding time-


Nah I'd Win-

I mean, it is a weird place that I am currently in. The one who kidnapped me is even weirder. Like, what is with that dude? He has some kind of Weird energy surrounding him, and I am sure it isn't cursed energy.

Then, he is somehow faster than I can even perceive or sense. The only reason My infinity is even useful is because I am keeping it active without Filtering out anything.

Then, there is the cursed energy surrounding the air, which moves so fast that my brain cannot pick it up. He- Rai completely outspeeds me, and the only defence I have is infinity.

It seems that he cannot counter it, with the way he seems to appear and disappear all around me, trying to overload my brain with Fakeouts. But, it doesn't Work at all since I can Consciously change the conditions that are used to Filter things.

My Infinity is the ability to divide space to infinite INSIDE a finite space. My Six Eyes allows me to see Cursed Energy in the body of my enemy AND exists in the world. My brain, through the use Of Six eyes, can analyse it to the atomic Level, allowing it to detect incoming attacks or objects and categorise it as a threat.

I can program what I want Infinity to not affect, like rubber or Someone touching me whom I know. This program needs my active input, and if I do it all the time, my brain Would fry, which I negate by Using reverse Cursed Technique, keeping my Brain fresh.

If I keep Infinity active all the time while already predetermining The objects which can Filter through My Infinity, it takes a lot of cursed energy, but it can be negated by my mastery of Six Eyes, allowing me to Spend Infinitely Zero Cursed energy.

 "Ah, there you are. You know, your feints don't really work since it doesn't matter if my Brain can process the information or Not, my defense is always active." My grin widens, though the way This person looks at me is annoying.

Normally, after realising that things can go through my Infinity, people either start tweaking out or start doing different things to go through my Infinity, or even run away, though that's Rare, since I don't leave them.

But His look, the calm Look-

Annoys me. Like, This dude has the same calm and confident look like THAT person Had. Megumi's Daddy-

Me- I mean, Toji Fushiguro.

"Well, that would make sense since Infinity Slows down anything that travels, and only you have the ability to filter things out to let them touch you." I raise my eyebrow, so he knows about Infinity huh? Well, it wouldn't surprise me to be honest. Though, the similarities between this guy and Toji are becoming more apparent.

"Well, since you know about my ability, I might as well explain it to you. My cursed Technique is Limitless, and the neutral version is Infinity, so whenever I activate it, infinity is active. Then is Blue which is this-" i create a negative space between Me and Him, allowing the Universe to fill in the negative space to make it Neutral, making him shoot towards me-

Before he disappears and appears behind me. How does he do it? It's like a teleportation ability, but the fact that he can appear while in the motion of Hitting me kinda makes my thinking incorrect.

"Blue works by creating a negative space to whatever place I want, and the universe will move to fix that negative space while adding Space into it." His technique is something i cannot understand, and with his similarities to Toji, He might have something that can Negate My cursed technique, and with the Strength This man is using while trying to punch me-

This man is leagues Stronger than Toji, He might be as Strong as Sukuna. Which means, I need to be ready for any extra shit he pulls. I might as well get an increase in cursed energy by Using a Binding vow of Disclosing My technique.

"Then there is Red, which -" I add Space into the existing Space, overloading it and making it push towards Rai, but he just tilts his head to the side, letting it pass by towards a tree, obliterating it. So he has some kind of sensing ability huh?

"- adds Positive Space into space, making the existing Space be pushed by the universe to create enough space, shooting forward the space which is moved." I feel my Cursed Energy increase exponentially, due to divulging my Cursed technique and its application to this dude, I made the fight hard for myself, making my Cursed energy swell in response.

If I were to put the cursed energy into numbers, i had 50,000 Cursed energy Points, but now, I have 100,000 Cursed energy Points, this is in gaming terms though.

I use blue to pull him to me, knowing that the more he uses his teleporting ability, the faster i will figure it out, so all I need to do know is make him use it again and again until-


"I understand it now." He didn't even Teleport, he just let me pull himself to me and even blocked my Punches which I use Blue on contact-

Wait, what-

"In simple terms, infinity is the ability to stop, Blue is the ability to attract, Red is the ability to repel. So when Convergence and Divergence comes together and mixes into one, it becomes Hollow:- Purple-" he grins, before twisting his free hand a little-


I spit out blood, dispersing my Blue as i grab onto stomach, which is twisted in a similar side to Rai's hand-

I teleport out immediately, hiding behind a tree and using Reverse Cursed Technique-

"Nuh uh Bitch-" Rai appears before me, throwing a punch that stops, though there is some kind of Weird green wisp of energy surrounding it-


I get Punched in the face, and it seems that Rai took this as an opportunity as he launches a barrage of punches-

I immediately use Blue to pull myself downwards, Pointing My finger upwards as I use Red right at His face-

Though he disappears from that spot and stands next to the tree, throwing a kick that-

Gets disrupted as i Use Blue next to his leg, causing him to be disrupted. I teleport, getting as far as possible. The moment I land, I use all of my Cursed Energy to Heal myself, successfully healing completely-

Before getting Punched in the face once more by The person, who appeared in front of me. I stagger back, noting that the power of this punch- or all the punches that successfully landed aren't as strong as the one he used when trying to get over my barrier-

I use Red, creating a big ball in front of me, making him disappear. I use this chance to create four more balls of Red, making it spin around me as a defence and some kind of Laser beam-

But it loses its effectiveness immediately as I am punched in the back with an even weaker punch, though as I turn to see who it is-

I got Punched in the face. I teleport to the air, using Limitless to stand on the air as I see from where the punches are coming from-

I get hit in the stomach, making me arch a little. I notice that the punch has a similar power to the one that he did first. Before I could do anything, my stomach starts turning-

I immediately use Cursed Energy Reinforcement, increasing my Physical Stats. This somehow cancels the twisting of my stomach. I try to see-

There he is. I look down, seeing him looking up to me with an arrogant smirk, similar to the one I wear, with his hands inside of his pocket. I grin too, feeling my heart beat madly-

Like it did against Toji. I try to understand How he was able to land a punch while Bypassing Infinity. How tough? Did his punch or whatever he used not travel? But why did he swing his hand then? Was it a misdirection?

"Phase,Pāramitā, Pillar of Light.!" I start chanting, gathering Positive Cursed energy and adding it to my Limitless, creating a big ball of Red. Chants increase the output of an attack, and the fact He-

No, Rai. The fact that Rai is letting me do this is that he knows he can dodge. I try not to laugh, since for the first time in my life, I am experiencing being on the other side of arrogance.

I shoot the Ball of Red, with it destroying the sound barrier as it reaches Rai, before he Appears behind me-

"Since you like Naming your attacks, how about I do it?" He has his Arms behind him, and for some reason I am reminded of the Anime One piece where it's Main character stretches his arm for an attack-

"Tele-Buddha Palm" he pushes his Palms in a thrusting position, and immediately-

Immense weight comes down on me, crushing my organs and sending me crashing down to the ground-



Seriously, Timeless Dungeon is such a cheat that it makes me wanna Marry that skill if it had a human consciousness and a body. Like, I trained for a couple of hours before I could properly use <PSYCHOKINESIS > as I leveled it up. But after realising that it can affect Gojo-

And that with distance, the power of the Telekinesis Strike would diminish, I went on another training regiment, training for days on end without Stop to level it up to the point that-



Allows the wielder to manipulate objects at a certain range.


Binding: To keep objects/beings from moving.

Levitation: To lift an object.

Object Calling: To call any object to one's hand.

Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place.

Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course.

Telekinetic Pull/Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user.

Attraction Field: To cause surrounding objects to be drawn towards the user.

Aversion Field: To cause surrounding objects, especially projectiles, to avoid the user's immediate location.

Repulsion Field: To cause surrounding objects to be moved away from the user at a variable speed and intensity.

Force-Field Generation: To protect oneself or others by creating barriers made of telekinetic energy.

Pressure Strike: To exert pressure and kinetic energy from a distance to strike a target, either to repel or damage it.

Almost a month of Grinding this skill led me to this, for the sole reason of beating the absolute shit out of Gojo.

Why? Because I hate the Nah I'D Win Memes, and I have a feeling that he said it in his mind after realising that I cannot touch him.

I look down as I come down to the ground. Gojo is in the middle of a creature which looks like a palm. Gojo's body is crushed, but I can see him Using RCT To heal it, so I let him.

I need to give the Readers some kind of Enjoyment right?

As I touch the ground, Gojo gets up, looking fresh. He turns to me, with a grin on his face, looking excited.

 "What was that?" I am amused by his question, since I asked him the same question, which he didn't answer. Now, should I be petty, or be A Young master?

"That's a Telekinesis Strike, your Infinity only Protects you from attacks that travel, not attacks that-"

"Yeah yeah, attacks from the mind. Geez, you do like to talk a lot huh?" He cleans his ear, still as confident as ever. I grin, knowing that he has a reason to be confident, since that Strike was my most powerful one yet, which he survived.

"Well, i learnt it from you, the best yapper I have met in my life after all." His grin widens even more, and he chuckles, along with me chuckling with him. He points his fingers in front of me, continuing to fight.

"Well, I do Yap a lot, so do continue to listen to me Yap your ears off-"

" Phase, Twilight, Eyes of Wisdom." A big ball Of blue comes in front of Him. The big ball of Blue starts attracting me, and I let it, making myself fly towards The blue ball of energy. Without me seeing, Gojo uses his other hand to direct The Red he fired before to come towards my back-

Which is something I already knew was going to happen due to my observation Haki noticing this. I turn around in air, resisting the pull of Blue using my Telekinesis as use <PARALLEL BRAIN> To create a forcefield around the incoming Red.

 Telekinesis works through the power of mind, and one of the weaknesses of it is that it exhausts the user mentally due to putting strain on it, which is a problem that I don't have to face due to Gamer Mind. So with Parallel Brain, I am able to use Telekinesis twice with the same output at the same time.

The forcefield around Red compresses, reducing the size of the Red before I use both of my hands to Push it upwards. Gojo uses this time use his free hand to charge A Red and release it-

Right in my face as he mimicked my ability to teleport and launch an attack in the same second, something that he could only do due to Six eyes and his own combat Genius and Adaptability.

I got hit, and sent flying. the Red that is in my face gets bigger, damaging me more. The pull of the Blue becomes faster as Gojo Starts Chanting-

 "Nine Ropes, Polarized Light, Crow and Declaration, Between Front and Back.-" The Red expands as I am literally carried towards The blue. It takes 3 seconds for me to reach Blue, which I use properly as-

"Unlimited Hollow Purple!" Gojo whispers, as-


Nothing happens.

I look on, dumbfounded as my Red is completely swallowed by A blueish Energy. The blueish Energy starts compressing, before going inside of Rai's extended Hand. Rai closes his palm, looking-

Completely fine. No damage anywhere in Rai's body. I notice that my blue is still there-

But the same Blueish ability appears once again, surrounding Blue before Compressing itself and then going back to Rai's Palm.

"Huh, that worked." ....


"what the fuck did you do?" I couldn't stop from asking, since even from my Six eyes, i don't know what the fuck happened. He looks at me surprised, but he grins widely, looking arrogant like some kind of Young Master from A trashy Chinese Novel.

"Well, i...absorbed Red and Blue."


"I'm sorry what?" I looked at him incredulously, did this bastard say that he "absorbed" my Cursed Technique? I look at him, take a small glass of bottle from....somewhere and then drink it, sighing and then tossing it...somewhere.

" I didn't absorb the space or something, or that's what you are confused about. Your curse energy has the property of both Convergence and Divergence when you use Red or Blue, so what I did was absorb YOUR cursed energy."

 .....did he just absorb Positive and Negative space which are Imbued in my Cursed Energy that I fired at him? That means could he also absorb imaginary mass too-

"Domain Expansion - Unlimited Void." I decide to fuck this shit. No more abilities, Paralyze his ass and then kill him immediately. As my Domain Barrier surrounds him, I immediately rush towards him as he stumbles a little, getting his brain fucked by continuous Limitless Knowledge fed to his brain.

I Use Blue, bringing him in front of me as I throw a Punch while making a Red in front of My fists which will resonate a second after I make contact, giving it a huge boost in attack Potency.

I land my Punch as-

Rai immediately moves to counter it with his own Punch which-

Negated Red? What the fuck? Did he just-

"Well, thanks for the Free Stat Points In INT, here is your gift!" He throws a punch that-

Is surrounded with negative space, pulling me into the punch. I immediately use Red, adding Positive Space into the Negative Space, canceling it out as we both clash fists once more. I used the same thing he did just a couple of seconds ago to nullify Red.

 He created a negative Space over my Red, canceling it out. I take a couple of steps back, watching in shock as Rai looks at me with a grin, being able to move INSIDE my DOMAIN, which should be impossible-

"Let me guess, you cannot understand what is going on, so I'll explain. My ability is the Gamer, which allows me to have A Gamer Body and Gamer Mind along with a status Screen, where I can align Stat Points to increase my Mental and Physical capabilities as I level up-"

Rai throws a punch, which I duck under, throwing a punch to his stomach which is Imbued with Blue, but he raises his free arm, using Red on contact to Nullify the effect of blue whole he physically blocks my attack.

"Gamer Body allows all damage that I take into HP reduction, and once I reach Zero, I die. Gamer Mind allows me complete protection against Mental attacks, and makes me calm under situations, meaning-"

He grabs my arm with the arm he blocked my attack with as he uses his other arm to come down with a blue enhanced Punches, which i dodge by using Blue to pull myself to the ground as I use my free hand to balance myself and throw a kick to his face, Imbued with Red.

"My stats grow through The use of stat points and through that, My stat increases. I have a Stat Called INT, or intelligence, which increases due to the accumulation of knowledge, which, thanks to your Domain Expansion, it is growing as seconds pass.-"

 Rai stops holding back Gojo's arms, raising his hand, Imbued with negative Space as he catches My Leg, before pulling me upwards and tossing me-

Well, he tries to, but I use Blue to kick his face, making him immediately drop his hand while Using Positive Space in front of his face to negate the Blue as I kick him in the face and use him as a springboard to jump back.

"You talk a lot you know" he shrugs, wiping the dirt in his face. But his grin becomes wide, as he continues his speech-

"Well, in short. I have some skills, and one of those skills are-"


"- Escape Dungeon." The only reason why I even let myself get hit by Infinite Void in the first place was to see if Escape Dungeon skill would work on it. while i did Expect the INT to increase, i didn't think that it would go exponentially to the point that-

INT - 10,000 

It is still growing. this INT made me realise something interesting, and that is how to use Gojo's red and blue. after absorbing-

nevermind, it won't matter anyways.

Gojo's Domain gets shattered, and he experiences Cursed Technique Burnout due to expanding his domain expansion. rather than attacking, i decided to use my new skills that i have gained to scare him. I stretch my hand forward before crossing them, speaking up.

"The ability to Converge Space to create a negative space-" In my right hand, A blue spherical orb starts forming, and Gojo's eyes widen as he realises what is happening.

"the ability of Divergence to create a positive space-" in my left hand, a similar spherical orb forms, this time being red. Gojo immediately Uses His cursed technique to damage the area of the brain where his cursed technique is Engraved.

"with both of them mixing together, creates an Imaginary Mass that pulls and pushes things at the same time." i move my arms, making the two orbs collide with each other and start to mix with each other, creating a new colour which-

"Hollow Purple-" I speak up, with Gojo using reversed Cursed Technique to heal his damaged brain to restore his burnout, teleporting away from the range of the Hallow Purple as i shoot-

but i appear in front of him, with another Hallow Purple, firing it right in front of him. 


i disappear, thinking on how this would damage Gojo. due to absorbing Red and Blue, i could use it similar to how Gojo can use it. i remember that he did survive in canon, but even if he didn't-

I come back to the real world, being far away from the damage. After a while, I teleported in, seeing Gojo looking similar to Sukuna in canon, Lol.

"well, the second skill was this-" i walk towards him and grab onto him-

"Gluttonous Break-" my Mana seeps out, surrounding Gojo as his eyes widen, before he could even do anything, the mana compresses and goes back inside of my hand.






I Grin, satisfied with the fight. i open my skills tap, looking at my new skills that i have devoured-

"Well, I will have to stop you right there." a window appears, stopping me from looking into the skills. The man, the myth, the legend, Mr -NOTHING- arrived in front of me as my surroundings changed from a destroyed ground to complete darkness, with the source of Light being Mr -NOTHING-.

"Stop trying to do tricks on it will ya? With this fight being done, you are sent back to your world. and remember, your memories, your Stats and Skills that you got from this battle will be erased. ta-ta!" Before I could say anything, my surroundings changed once more, this time back to Rocketman.

I looked at the Window i was opening, noticing that it explained how the livestream works. i continue looking and reading through it, understanding-





this is one big chapter, with insane mind scheming done. i had to continously change my preception of how infinity works during the hours i wrote this chapter, since there are many intepretations of Infinity along with red and Blue, but somehow, i completed this chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SpiritFest13creators' thoughts
Next chapter