
The Red Dragon

THE TEMPERATURE RISE came with twilight. "I did not think weather to be this dynamic on Corynthia. Islands are usually tropical all year round," said Rafel stroking his nurse's cool platinum hair. He was feeling much better after her delicious serve.

"The isles are rumored to be the only spot in the continent where Demeter's unfeeling coldness for humanity doesn't reach. In order words, we do not miss winter here. But you're right, the island's air is always tame—or should be. Huh?" Sekhmet fell silent for a moment, thinking.

Rafel had pulled the blanket off their bodies and he could feel the rising warmth of Sekhmet's body spreading into his. The door to the huge cabin was open, and kept that way with a long mop stick. The fireplace only had embers now smoking in the pits and Rafel was glad: he didn't need added heat to his breaking fever.

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