
Chapter 142 Guardian angel [Edited]

Ai was very hungry. She hadn't eaten a complete meal in a considerable amount of time. And by the time she arrived at the police station, she was starving to the point where she thought she might pass out.

"I'm hungry. I want to eat chocolate."

Her mother was arrested for stealing. Given her being close by, she must be considered involved. Her mother attempted to implicate her as the thief in front of the police. And she said she was about to return the items her daughter stole.

Ai experienced both good fortune and misfortune in her life. The authorities didn't believe her mother's story at all. As he recalled, this wasn't the first time that her mother had used an explanation like that to save her own skin.

Ai now turns her attention to the officer, who informs her that her mother will be arrested and taken to jail. She couldn't stop thinking about the food she was going to eat later that day. There is not much food left at home. If her mother hadn't been around, she probably would have consumed more delicious food.

Her entire life was condensed into a span of twelve years. She had no idea what it was like for her mother to be in custody because her mother had never shown her affection. Should she feel sad or something?

She showed very little interest in the matter at all. because the quality of life should be the same regardless of whether or not her mother is present in it.

And at that precise moment, she was experiencing hunger on a level that almost caused her to pass out. Something suddenly materialized in front of her eyes.

"What is this?"

Ai reached out with her hand to touch it, but her hand passed right through it as if it were nothing more than a cloud of smoke. When she saw that, she immediately assumed that someone was playing a joke on her.

Ai: Eh, um, is this some kind of prank? If so, then after you finish it, can you give me something to eat, please?

Ai's hunger has gotten to the point where she no longer cares about anything. Just get some food. It is going to make her very happy.

The person who was pranking her didn't appear to have any ill will toward her in mind. He was interested in knowing how old she was as well as her current location.

She found it very amusing that the person who was pranking her was completely clueless as to where she was. However, she played along.

And once she had disclosed her age to him as well as the location. He intended to reward her with some food. 

On the other hand, he will also show her some magical tricks. 

However, this must remain a mystery; do not disclose it to anyone. He suggested that she go to a secluded location away from other people to get some peace and quiet. 

Whichever way she goes, she eventually ends up in the storage room inside the police station.

And it was at that point that she became aware of the existence of magic.

"There's a lot of chocolate, and it's extremely tasty. hehe, there's also pudding. I've never had pudding taste like this before."

Ai is filled with joy. She indulged in the desserts and foods that she desired to consume. Introduce her to some new people who won't be mean to her.

AI: Um, Sullivan-san? Are you Ai's guardian angel? Because Ai is such a good girl, you're going to take care of Ai right!

It is not incorrect for Ai to believe that Sullivan is an angel.

Sullivan: Well, yes, you can look to me as your guardian angel. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future whenever there is something that you want. If you are hungry or want something, I will give it to you. However, if someone knocks on the door, you must not open it until you are certain that it is safe to do so. Do you understand what I mean?

Ai felt like her guardian angel was very nice. He even worried about her. This made her feel that there was something inside her heart.

'Is this love'

A/n: The twins will still exist, but they are not Ai's.

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