
Boarding the plane and joining the mile high club. (Part 1) (+18)

I wake up as I am lying over an intable man. Last night was brutal; I need to train more. She had the will, and I could barely hold on. How big was his harem? I need to up my game, I thought as I rolled off the table and stood up to see all the women in the house passed out and the day shifts waking up the night shift to tell them they could go home. The room is covered in a fantastic amount of fluids, and I feel sorry for the maids; I feel even more sorry not to get a chance to make those three sex arab maids moan under me.

I get up and see Barbra putting a suitcase next to the door. She looks at me and smiles as she walks over and kisses me. As she speaks to me, she is the must-wife material of all my women.

"I packed your clothes and some of your hygiene stuff other than what you will need to take a shower with after last night's fun-filled orgy."

She chuckled as she covered her mouth, and I picked her up, making her yelp a little as I carried her to my bedroom. I desire to shower with this lovely lady; she has done so much for me with a smile and never asked for anything in return. She is an outstanding woman and needs to be shown the love she deserves. She smiles as she lays in my arms and runs a finger over my chest.

We get to my shower, and I turn it on while I begin to kiss her neck and undo the back of her dress, letting it fall to the floor; a strong urge to shower her with love is building up inside me, and it needs to be released as I guide her into my shower and pin her against the wall as hot water cascades down on us. We kiss with a passion hotter than the water; I run my hands down her back and grab hold of that fine milf ass of hers.

Barbra moans as I knead her with my hands, pulling her ass cheeks apart and letting them slap against each other when I let go of them. She runs one of her hands down to my cock, grabs a hold of it, and begins to play with it.

"I am going to miss you these next seven days; I am going to be jealous of those Japanese girls getting pounded by you as they moan and beg for your cock. But I know you will return and give me a good pounding, too."

She slides my cock between her legs, letting my cock rub up on her pussy lips as she begins to move her hips back and forth, pleasing me with those meaty thighs of hers. I start to suck on her breasts as she holds my head and runs her fingers through my hair while moaning loudly. 

She lifts one of her legs and guides my cock with the other one as she slides it inside her. Barbra moans as she finally has my cock back inside her; she pleads with her eyes for me to move. I smile and lean in, kissing her while I begin to thrust up into her, pushing against the wall harder, we bask in our own world as she sucks on my neck, and I feel every fold of her wet pussy.

I held the leg she was holding up as she wrapped the other leg around me, making her ride up the wall as I thrust up into her. She places her arms over my shoulders and leans her head down. She is now a couple of inches taller than me while I hold her up.

"Timothy, love me harder until I can't walk today. Carve out my inside and make me remember this feeling for the next seven days."

I pick my pace up and begin to tell that I can last longer now as I don't feel the need to cum even after ten minutes of us making love. This ability to last longer could become a problem if I didn't impregnate women for first-time sex, as I enjoy that very much. I would have to up the number of women I fuck at the same time we break the woman I am fucking if it's only one. I will have to look into it. I am now pounding Barbra harder as her moans become screams of joy.

She starts to cum after five minutes; as she tightens around my cock I don't stop pounding into her as Barbra moans and begs me to let her rest while she is sensitive after cumming and needs time to recover. But I don't let her recover, making her dig her nails into my back and bite my shoulder as the pleasure is too much for her to handle, making her cum again, and this cycle repeated for the next twenty minutes of me seeking my release.

She arches her back and places her hands on the wall as she screams from the pleasure of me filling her insides with my thick jelly baby-making seed. I finish filling her up as she falls limp into my embrace while I hold her under the hot water, making her body quiver from the feeling of the water as she feels sensitive all over her body right now and needs the rest. We stay like this for about ten minutes until she can stand alone.

We begin to wash each other. I cover my hands with soap, wash Barbra's shoulders, and move to her back as she does the same to me. Then I move my hands to her breast, cupping my hands, making her moan while I lather her tits with soapy bubbles. She runs her hands across my chest, teasing my nipples but not too much as she doesn't want to unleash that beast upon herself again.

We work our way down and save the most private places for last as we wash each other's legs first. I kneel, and she raises one of her legs as I wash it, cleaning every inch. Then, I move to her foot, kissing the top of it as I wash it. She looks down at me with nothing but love in her eyes. I move to her other leg and repeat what I did as I stand back up, and she kisses me.

She returned the care as she washed my legs and feet, doing the same thing. But she stayed down and began to clean my cock, making sure to treat it with care so as not to wake the sleeping beast. She can't handle another round of sex; as she finished cleaning the cock she worked her way to the balls. Being gentle and caring with them, then to the taint and finishing off with my ass.

She stood up, and I was about to wash her when she stopped me.

"It's tender right now, so let me take care of it. If I let you, my moans will make you want to do it again, and I won't be able to handle another round. You, Isuzu, and Itsumi must head to the airport soon."

We finish up with our shower and dry one another off as I kiss her neck, and she shoos me away, running out of the room in fear of me poncing on her once more as I smile at this cute side of hers. I brush my teeth, wear a good suit, and watch while squaring myself away to show the girls a man worthy of having them.

I leave my room and go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. We must leave in about thirty minutes and get to the airport somewhat early. I hate trying to get through security, as it always takes so long if you try to get there only an hour before your flight. Itsuzu and Itsumi are eating in the kitchen. They see me walk in and smile, and they stand up and come over to hug me.

Itsumi kisses me and begins to tease me.

"Are you ready to make the women of Japan quiver and worship your cock, Mr. Rockefeller? I know you plan to visit so many hangouts for women and plant your seed in as many Japanese women as possible. They will be laid on the ground when you finish them, squirting your seed. The high school girl will moan under your greatness; the evil teaches from across the seas."

I roll my eyes as she isn't entirely wrong, and I am not that bad. Even I have standards, at least some standards, very few standards, but not to the point of being evil. I just can't say no to a girl desiring my cock as long as she is single, that is, and that's a line I am not crossing. I may bend that line if she is suffering in her relationship, but I won't fuck someone that loves their partner even if they desire my cock.

"Itsumi, stop teasing him and let him eat so we can leave. Mr. Rockefeller has paid for the whole first class for us, and we will be able to have fun with him."

Izanami and Amaterasu walk into the kitchen and grab something to eat. As we finish our food and head out, I kiss the girls still here before I leave. We headed to the van Zehra had called for as we loaded up and headed to the airport. My blood is burning with the possibility of what awaits me and who awaits me to put a baby inside. I lick my lips as my cock starts to get hard as Izanami and Amaterasu are sitting next to me. They smirk as they see my member raising and undo my pants as they begin to take turns sucking my cock.

I begin to push Izanami's head down and my cock into her throat as Amaterasu gargles on my balls. I slide my hand into Amaterasu's Kimono and her underwear as I play with her clit pinching and pulling it, making her moan on my balls as the van driver looks in the mirror. His eyes are full of jealousy as he watches me play with the two most beautiful women he has ever seen.

I smirked as we made eye contact, making him look away while I spoke up.

"Izanami, the diver keeps looking at you lustfully. I wonder what you think of him? As a man, of course, would you lay with him?"

She pulled my cock out of her mouth and laughed before speaking.

"He never had a shot, to begin with, dear. He would have to be on your level of looks and equipment to get me to think about it, and no one is on your level."

He grips the string wheel and grits his teeth but doesn't say anything and focuses on the road. He now knows not to look at my girls while they please me, as I let Izanami take my cock back into her mouth as she begins to suck my cock, and to reward her, I start to finger her pussy by sliding my hand into her Kimono. Making her happy.

After thirty minutes, the two girls cum as I fill her mouth with my seed. She drinks it all as we pull into the airport just in time. We unload, and the driver gives me a death stare as I smirk. We walk inside the ticket area, and once we get there, we are treated with extra care; I am an essential customer as they have an attendant who will be on the plane to guide me to the VIP waiting area as she will be taking care of our needs here, and she is a beauty. Too bad she has a wedding ring on; the goddesses kiss me as we sit. We were making the attendant blush as she watched.

Part of me wanted to make her flustered as she withers in anguish while making her horny and not be able to touch me. But I could give her a dildo in the shape of my cock and make her use it in front of me. It wouldn't be cheating, just live-action porn for her; well, it's a very grey area. 

She watches the two goddesses pull out my cock again, but this time they open their Kimono and straddle my hips as I look at their naked chest and bare pussies before me. I lick my lips as I look at the clock: three hours before we board the plane. I have plenty of time to sow the seeds of lust into this attendant and make her choose to play with a dildo of my making in front of me.

The two goddesses speak to me.

"Let's get warmed up before we get on the plane, as we know there will be so much pleasure once we get up in the sky."

Said Izanami while straddling one of my thighs, and Amaterasu began to agree with her as she mounted my other thigh, and they both offered one of their breasts for me to suck on as they began to give me a handjob.

I look over at the woman, and her face is flushed red. She turns her head but keeps looking out the corner of her eyes. She wants to watch but is fighting with herself not to. I smirk and think to myself.

The flight is going to be a fun one, for sure. I begin to suck on the breast in front of me with a hunger for what is to come next.

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