
Dinner and Planning (Part 4) (+18)


Gabriela starts to take my cock into her mouth and clean it after she finishes cleaning it. The butler comes out and says that dinner is ready for us. Zehra and I dressed and went to the dining room; she asked me to pick one maid. So, I chose Gabriela, which makes her blush. She nods to her, and she leaves; I wonder why she would make me pick one if they would go. But I feel like I will enjoy what comes from it. They bring the food out, and we sit at the table.

 Zehra nods to two maids; both are black; they go under the table, making their way to me as they pull my cock out of my pants. They start to lick my cock and kiss it, moving all over it. Taking in my flavor and taste, I run my fingers through one of their hair—and ask for her name.

What are both of your names, lovely ladies that enjoy the taste of their master's cock.

My name is Vivian Black, and my Master should sit back and enjoy our loving, tender care. 

My name is Sienna Willis, and Master has fantastic equipment down here. You would put all the porn stars to shame with this big thick club between your legs. I wish to know how it will feel inside me, master. Can you put it in me while I feed you? I know madam said to wait until after dinner, but I don't think I can master it. Can you ask her to let me entertain you during dinner? I promise to feed you. I will do all the moving, and Vivian can also help if needed.

I look at Zehra and smile. She shakes her head in defeat as she knows what I will say. She sighs and grabs a glass of wine from one of the maids.

I would like that very much if you would ride my cock. An feed me dinner, I beat your pussy is dripping wet to have my cock in it. I don't mind taking both of you while we eat as it will be a while before we finish eating, so some dinner-time entertainment wouldn't be wrong. So, why don't you take off your clothes and hop on this cock you so desperately want. I want to see how you bounce on it. 

Yes, master. I will get ready to take that fantastic cock of yours into this ebony pussy of mine. I am already getting wet and just thinking about it, master.

She gets up and slowly removes her maid uniform, letting it fall to the floor. She has nice breasts and an ass that I want to slap and grab. She pulls me up so she can pull down my pants and underwear. She pushes me back into my chair as she mounts me; she lifts her hips. As Vivian brings some food over. Sienna lowers her sweet pussy onto my cock, spreading it open; she moans and looks at me. With a look of content and satisfaction.

Master, this cock is to die for. Fuck, I don't think I want to get off of it now. You will have to pull me off this thick white cock, as I am now in love with it, master. Let me get to feeding you and milking you at the same time, master.

She moves her hips as she grabs a chicken leg, holding it to my mouth. I bite into it, letting the juice of the tender chicken meat enter my mouth. She grinds on my cock, as she tightens her pussy around it. She takes a bite and kisses me, passing the food into my mouth to eat. I have never eaten or had sex while eating; this is a new experience for me. I can already tell that I will want to do this more often from now on. She picks up the pace as Vivian takes some food and feeds me. 

I open my mouth and let her put it in. She kisses me and mixes her saliva and the food around before pulling away and letting me chew the food and swallow it. Sienna plays with her big breasts as she bounces up and down on my cock. I can feel her pussy spasming from my cock, but it tells me she has about twenty minutes before she comes. So, in the meantime, she and Vivian feed me while the other maids watch in envy of their friends, wishing it was them and on my dick, feeding me food. 

She begins to be more vocal about what she is feeling, and as it becomes harder for her to feed me, Vivian has to stop getting in on the action and feed me.

Shit, master. I don't think; I will be able to continue to fuck you. My pussy is starting to get weak; I won't be able to last much longer from this outstanding cock of yours. Please, finish inside me. As I wish to be filled with your cum before I pass out from my orgasm.

I shall reward you, my dear maid, for your outstanding work of entertaining your master while he ate.

I grab her waist and begin to thrust up, meeting her descent. Making her moan louder as she starts gushing and foaming from her pussy. She places her hands on the back of the chair, having difficulty keeping herself from falling onto the floor backward. She kisses me and starts to squeeze harder around my cock. Bringing me and her closer to climax, after three more minutes of lovemaking, we release our built-up pleasure together as she looks to the ceiling and moans a ferial sound of pleasure as she receives my seed into her fertile womb.

We both release our liquids for the next two minutes before she falls forward and her head lands on my shoulder.


She stays like this for ten minutes as Vivian keeps feeding me. I rub her back, and she purrs like a cat in my warmth. After that, she pulls herself off my cock and kneels before my cock sucking it clean as Vivian starts to get undressed. To take her place on my dick after Sienna finishes cleaning it. She takes her time cleaning it; she doesn't want to part ways with it yet. But sharing is caring, and Vivian needs some love, too.

Sienna finishes, and Vivian climbs onto my lap. Sienna picks up some food, even though I don't have much left. Vivian slowly lowers herself. She is much tighter than Sienna, so she takes her time to get into her as it opens up her womb. She begins to slowly ride me as Sienna walks around to the back of the chair, feeding me from behind. So I don't take my eyes off Vivian as she brings my food in front of me. 

I pinch Vivian's nipples, ad they are more prominent and pointy right now, pulling them and making her pussy tighten even more. It feels heavenly. She begins to pick up the pace as she also jurats, making her thighs slap mine as it echoes in the dining room. I look over to see a couple of maids "helping" each other out, and Zehra is having two maids play with her pussy as she watches me fuck Vivian. She pinches her nipples and sucks on her fingers; her desire to be fucked by me is growing even more now than in the waiting room. 

Master, your thick white cock. It is incredible; it's made to make any woman desire it. This ebony pussy won't want anything else but this ivory cock. It made me a slave to it, master; please make sure to take care of this lowly slave from now on, as I won't be able to be happy unless you fucking me with this thick white cock of yours. 

We got at it for twenty minutes before she couldn't take it anymore and begged me to end it. As her pussy is getting tired, and she doesn't want to be unable to fuck me later if I so choose to grace her with some love tonight.

Master, let's end it, please; I won't be able to serve you tonight if I can't recover fast. I wish to be able to be called by you if you have a desire to fuck this ebony pussy of mine, so please have mercy on this slave of yours and fill me with your seed soon. As my pussy already belongs to the master.

Very well, Vivian. You are an outstanding slave and maid. I shall enjoy you for hundreds of years to come. You will be in my household till the end of time or my untimely death. You now belong to me and only me.

I stand up, and she wraps her legs around me as I begin to slam her onto my cock, making her scream a moan of pure lust. As this was too much for her to fast, making her tighten around my cock, bringing me closer to climax as she started to leak like a broken faucet. She pulls herself closer and wraps her arms around me before yelling.

Master!!! This is too much!!! You're going to destroy my pussy and make it lose!! Please have mercy on this slave!!! I beg you!!! Shit!!! I am coming, master!! Please come with me too!!! I desire your seed filling me at the same time!!!

I begin to go hard, and we both reach the zenith of pleasure, releasing the spark of climax. As I blow my load into her squirting pussy, she haulers in joy as she is filled with my seed and finally able to complete her goal. An falls to my chest as she nibbles on my shoulder. 


I slowly pull out of her, and she moans while asleep; I place her in my chair and stretch. That was an excellent after-dinner workout. I enjoy having sex while eating; I should make this a habit with my girls. It opens up new paths of pleasure for us; food play seems fun. It's harmless as everyone can enjoy it together, as long as the food isn't bad. I walk over to Zehra, who is still in the afterglow of her maid play. I place my cock in her mouth, and she opens it, letting it slide into her mouth as she cleans it as she sits in her chair. She enjoys the taste of my cum and her maids pussy juice; she finishes it and pulls it out. She asks if I am ready for dessert.

I reply I am ready for it. I enjoyed the dinner and bet the cake was good, too. I can't wait to have a piece; it has to be good. Or is it ice cream? She smiles at me and says it's a dessert not many can enjoy, as it's sometimes hard to get the ingredients and stay put willingly.

What does she mean by that? Is it some live animal food? I mean, I am down to try anything but. As long as it isn't too freaky, I should be able to handle it just fine. She gets up and tells me to wait; I sit in another chair and wait. I think about what has happened today, and I find myself wishing the cosplay con come sooner. I have two more days to ensure Sarah is ready and tell her parents I am going with her. They won't overthink it, as I have known them for a while.

After ten minutes, the door opens, and Zehra and the other maids come in with a big chart with a cover. She tells me to close my eyes and not to take a peek; I do as she asks. As they begin to do something, I ask if they are ready. I can hear them moving closer; I hear the cover come off. She tells me I can open my eyes; I do so, and before me is Gabriela. I like this dessert very much, covered in whipped cream and other sweet substances. 

I can't wait to dig in.

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