
Down time.


(Information and planning his life.)

W.A.S. pull up my rewards.

(Sarah's first time gave you $600,000.00, she didn't get pregnant.)

(Amaka's first time gave you $300,000.00, she didn't get pregnant.)

(Amanda came three times. You got $90,000.00, and she got pregnant.)

(Samantha came two times. You got $80,000.00. She is already pregnant.)

can you pull up my info?

Level 6 -> 7 (can only level up by having children for every child you have; you can get 1 level)

Age: 34(max as of now 88-->108->128->180->200 can be raised by having children 20 years for every child)

Height: 6'5

Weight: 225 lbs.

Strength: 29

Intellect: 30

Stamina: 40

Charm: 40

(average stats for adult males are 15)

Money: $4,459,000.00 -> $5,529,000.00

Number of new children: 5 ->6

(List of Host girls and their charm meter, Plus number of children.)

Samantha Rockefeller CM: 100 CC: 1

Amanda Rockefeller CM: 100 CC: 0 -> 1

Barbra Williams CM: 100 CC: 0

Jane Williams CM: 100 CC: 1

Isuzu Miura CM: 100 CC: 1

Itsumi Miura CM: 88 CC: 1

Camila Castillo CM: 89 CC: 1

Kimberly Jones CM: 91 CC: 0

Genevieve Matisse CM: 54 CC: 0

Lilian Ayala CM: 65 CC: 0

Ai Jiang CM: 79 CC: 0

Sarah Miller: 100 CC: 0

Amaka Adeoye CM: 72 CC: 0

Zosia Andrysiak CM: 89 CC: 0

Eleonora Andrysiak CM: 100 CC: 0


Bhavna Begam CM: 45 CC: 0

Stat: 5

Skill: 5

(Stats points come from when women are seeded with a child, and you get five stat points and five skill points.

Skills: Soothing hands of pleasure level 2 active (hands that make women feel at peace or lustful depending on their charm meter value, plus 2 to charm meter for every minute one touch for anyone below 40 will feel a peaceful, loving feeling. Anyone about 40 will get plus four and will feel lustful and try to have some form of sexual interaction. The higher the charm meter, the more likely they will have sex with you. It lasts ten minutes and has an hour cooldown.) 

Aura of Charm level 1 passive (woman have a hard time looking away from you, plus 1 to charm meter for every five minutes, no cooldown)

Bodily fluids of desire level 2 passive (your bodily fluids depending on the type spit, blood, or sperm. It will raise the meter depending on the fluid. Spit adds 2 to the meter; blood adds 10, and sperm adds 20. But each can only be used once on the same woman.)

Blessing of Good Health can't be leveled. (It ensures the child will be born healthy and can be cast as long as the child is still in the womb. Once the child is blessed, complications will be prevented at birth.)

Stamina regeneration level 3- (regenerate 20% of stamina for every minute while not having sex. Also, increase the making of sperm by replacing 30% for every minute while not having sex.)

Chosen sex can't be leveled- (Can change the sex of the child while the child is still in the mother.)

Money a day keeps the pain away; level 1: (Once a day, you can get $1,000,000.00. It has a 24-hour cooldown and costs 15 skill points. To level it up to level 2, you need 15 skill points, and then it doubles. Every level doubles the money.)

Oh, Bhavna Begam, she does have feelings for me. W.A.S. pulls up her info.

Bhavna Begam (She has black hair and blue eyes. She dresses in Hindu clothing)

Charm Meter: 45

Age: 18

Breast size: C cup

Hips size: medium wide

Number of partners: 0

number of children with host: 0

Status: Happy with getting the Host's number, daydreaming about holding hands and walking in the moonlight.

Loves: Romantic sex, sex by candlelight and in front of a fire.

Feelings for Host: She likes how he carries himself like a man above another man. He has a manliness that she doesn't see in other men. She has fingered herself to the thought of him eating her pussy out. Making love to her next to a campfire.

It's so romantic. I'd better get my fireplace set up for when she comes over. I'll get some nice carpet or animal fur, to lay in front of it. If she wants a romantic setting, I'll give it to her.

I best get my wooing into shape. I will give her a night that she will enjoy.

W.A.S. put 2 points in stamina and the rest into the other 3.

Strength: 29 -> 30

Intellect: 30 -> 31

Stamina: 40 ->42

Charm: 40 -> 41

As for the skill points, I don't want to level up the aura, but I am already trying to get my girls into a lifestyle that works. It's not like it doesn't already give me a head start; I should take it slowly with that skill. If not, I will drown in pussy, literally.

Level up soothing hands and Bodily fluids.

Skills: Soothing hands of pleasure level 2 -> 3 active (hands that make women feel at peace or lustful depending on their charm meter value, plus 2 -> 4 to charm meter for every minute one is touched for anyone below 40 well feel a peaceful, loving feeling. Anyone about 40 will get plus 4 -> 8 and will feel lustful and try to have some form of sexual interaction. The higher the charm meter, the more likely they will have sex with you. It lasts ten minutes and has an hour cooldown.) 

Bodily fluids of desire level 2 -> 3 passive (your bodily fluids depending on the type spit, blood, or sperm. The meter will be raised depending on the fluid. Spit adds 2 -> 4 to the meter, blood adds 10 -> 20 to the meter, sperm adds 20 -> 40. But each can only be used once on the same woman.)

Getting women to 100 with these two skills won't be a problem. There are a couple of models in Valentina's company that I don't mind adding to my harem. There are these Brazilian, Egyptian, and Australian girls there that I have rubbed one out to, and I want to put a baby into now. I think my personality has changed now. Maybe I could somehow get them to drink my sperm. Perhaps I should carry a small vile of my seed and spick their drinks with it. That seems doable; I bet they will attend the party on Thursday. That's food for thought later.

I must call Ai and ask about the land beside my house. I grab my phone and call her.

Dear, what can I do for you?

Ai, is that land next to me for sale?

Give me a moment. Let me look it up, dear.

I have $5,000,000.00 that I can use. If it's less than that, I can save up to build a house that can hold at least 50 girls plus babies, which can help me a lot. Then, I can work on buying other people's homes if I need to build more, which would be easier than moving every time I get more girls.

Dear, it is for sale, it's 15 acres for 3.5 million.

Can you help me buy it, Ai? I plan to make my house bigger so that all my girls can move in the next three years. I still have a couple in high school.

If you give me your account information, I can help you. I can also find a contractor to help you build the house if you need one.

Thank you, dear. You've been a big help. I love you.

If you love me, visit me at your house tomorrow evening. I don't work tomorrow, and I want some of your love; my pussy misses your cocks feeling. And playing with myself doesn't cover it. I need your cock, dear; you made me this way.

Ai, I'll be there tomorrow around 5 p.m. My daughters and I will start moving there, so you won't feel lonely. 

That's good to hear. That house is too big for one person. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I need to get back to work. I will tell you how the sale went. I love you.

I love you too, be safe bye.

Now that it is taken care of, I must prepare for tonight. I take a shower and clean up the flowers and candles. It wouldn't be right to use what my girls did for me and then turn around to use it for Isuzu and Itsumi. My girls finally woke up; they were out for two hours.

I tell Amanda that she is now pregnant. She cries and hugs me, and Samantha comes into the hug. They laugh and cry together. I tell them that Isuzu and Itsumi will be staying in my room tonight, so they will have to chill in their rooms tonight. 

Time goes by. I am making dinner now: some steaks, fried okra, and mashed potatoes—enough for five people. I was just about to finish when the doorbell rang. Amanda went to the door.

Good evening, Mrs. Miura and Itsumi.

Amanda, you don't have to call me like that when we are at home. Call me Isuzu. After all, we all share the same man. We are sisters now and need to take care of each other so your father doesn't bully us too much.

I will punish you tonight, Isuzu, for trying to get my sweet little girls against me. Wait until you beg on this big fat white cock that you love so much. I will show you what it means to go against me.

 Isuzu, you are trying to turn my daughters against me. I hope you can handle the price for your courage.

I walk over to her, and she sticks out her tongue, and I pull her in for a kiss. I slap her ass. Then I go over to Itsumi and pick her up, kissing her as she wraps her legs around me.

I made dinner. Let's eat and enjoy each other's company before the night comes.

We make our way to the dining room and begin to eat. We joke and laugh. I look around and see everyone smiling. This is how life should be: joy and love with those you cherish. I want even more of it; it's addictive. I could fall into this pit of lust and love forever. I have no regrets about my life, even if society finds out. I wouldn't care; this is happiness. We finished eating and went to the living room to watch some TV. My daughters let Isuzu and Itsumi sit beside me as they all enjoyed my company.

By the time 9 p.m. rolled around, we were ready to head upstairs for the adult fun. My girls went to their rooms, and Isuzu and Itsumi went with me to my room. 

We should take a shower.

I said to them, and they both blushed as this would be the first time mother and daughter would please me together. We walk to my bathroom; I turn on the shower, start getting the temperature right, and slowly undress Isuzu. I am making her feel shy when I am done with her. I turn to Itsumi and do the same thing. Her face is red from ear to ear, it's so damn cute. 

They began to do the same to me, and when they were finished, I wrapped my arms around them, playing with their asses. We walk to the shower and get in.

Next chapter