
Chapter 35: I'm The Fastest!

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Next Day

The Boys and Ben were getting out of the press Van they were using and readying their covers to get in.

Ben meanwhile went with Butcher who was walking amongst the other fans, leaving M.M and Hughie to talk.

"Ok kid so here's your role." Butcher begins. "Cause something tells me you're already gonna be doin' it."

"Show up, ruin the race and embarrass the Seven and Vought." Ben guesses.

"Well I was gonna say after those cunts finish their lap, but I like your idea better." Butcher comments. 

"Still keep them, and the camera's on you for as long possible." He adds. 

"Really give the fuckers their money's worth. More bad publicity for the Seven means less support for supes in the army."

"How much is a bad ticket here? 1,000 bucks?" Ben questions then looks to the concession. 

"Also ten bucks for a foam finger that was made for like 10 cents in Vietnam." He comments. "And their names make no sense."

"Like I said before." Butcher begins. "Amazing what kind shit cunts will buy." Points to a group of A-Train fans decked out in memorabilia. 

"Like those bunch of wankers. They don't even know the cunt and they wanna worship the fuckin' ground for him."

"Until they find out the truth." Butcher adds.

"Everyone loves their hero, until they meet them and realize the truth." Ben says.

Butcher smirks. "Well look at you." He says. "Read that off a fuckin' fortune cookie?" He asks jokingly.

"My Grandpa Max told me that once." Ben corrects. "In my dimension he was kind of a secret hero before he retired. I asked why they never went public and he told me that was one of the reasons why."

"Huh no kidding." Butcher says. "Well I say fuck what everybody else thinks. Worry too much about other peoples opinions you forget who you are." He tells him. "Plus you'll save yourself a lot of stress."

Just as the announcer was calling out the contestants Ben took that as his que to go change. 

Seconds later the same time Hughie stopped Starlight from discovering Frenchie snooping around.


With Hughie and Annie

As Hughie awkwardly asked Annie on a semi date someone else was watching. With her hood up and hiding behind a standee Elena saw this with sad eyes. Starlight was another sellout. She was just like Maeve and the others.

If Starlight couldn't help her hide from Vought and her mom who would? 

Deciding it was better to leave she began to leave only to stop when she spotted security talking to her mom! 

Quickly turning and taking off her sweater she walked into the bleachers and found a bit of empty space next to a guy with a beard.

"Oi you lost or somethin'?" The man rudely asked with a foreign accent.

"Um I." Elena stuttered, however her eyes briefly flashed blue. It was chip telling her 'behind you' so she looked back to see her mother directing some Vought people.

Butcher looked at the girl then at the new comers, who were clearly Vought. 

"Stay close and don't look." He ordered, and the girl responded to literally, clutching his leg and turning her face into his pant leg. 

"Fucking hell." He muttered.

As the people were walking through one was heading towards Butcher and was close when. 

"Oi who are you?" Butcher demanded in an accusing tone. "You're scaring my niece, and she got anxiety disorder, but she wants to see the race. So fuck off or you're gonna get clobbered."

"Something wrong?" A random citizen asked.

"Yeah this pedo was eyeing my niece like she was milk at a grocery store." Butcher tells him and soon the Vought employee walks away apologizing furiously. 

After thanking the other citizen Butcher stares back to the field as the tacky entrance music of Shockwave comes on.

"You must be important or did some real shit." The Brit comments in low tone. Elena loosened her grip slightly, but still not letting go and said thanks.


With Ben

After M.M mentioned something about checking out a new lead Ben looked for a place to change. He needed a place with no cameras, luckily the bathrooms were free. 

After all nobody wanted to miss the race so they were empty. Going inside he checked the stalls just to be safe.

"Hero Time." He said, as he dialed through and pressed on the one he wanted.


Race Track

"Ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention to the track." The announced spoke. "Please, clear the track."

"Ready." Both supes got down into their ready positions.

"Set." Both briefly stare at each other, confident they were gonna win.

A gunshot was heard and they both took off. Beginning the race that was gonna last less than a second. But in reality it was gonna last longer, and the event changed.

As they were on their tenth steps, with A-Train in a slight lead, neither of them looked behind to see XLR8 zooming in. 

First shoving Shockwave then tripping A-Train with tail. Shockwave fell to his side and rolled, A-Train fell on his back. All while XLR8 ran the lap.

"What's my time?" The Kineceleran asked, lifting up his visor after crossing the finish line. 

Ignoring the shocked murmurs and shouts the world saw the alien clock nearly 400 meters per second.

"Boom baby." XLR8 said, doing the Usain Bolt victory pose. He got a mixture of cheers and boo's. 

"Who's the fastest? I'm the fastest." He said doing a dance, ignoring the negative reactions he got.

The alien then looked at the two downed supes and said. "Look everybody!" He shouts, the camera pointing at him and his face on the Jumbotron. "Shocklame and Lame-Train are back up, to give you your main event!"


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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