
Chapter 88 – Dawn city and Doctor rampage – part 2.



The players stared at the Doctor with mixed expressions.

 Some of the players were scared, while some of them were confident.


(5 players.) – though Phantasia while observing the players.

(This isn't Min city filled with newbies, but instead Dawn city filled with somewhat high level players.)

(Well, high level or not, if they are weak, what does that matter in the end?)


"GET HIM!" – shouted the goblin player.

The goblin, human and the orc player rushed towards Doctor, but as soon as they tried to do so, Phantasia lifted both of his arms and revealed his gatling guns.

The players were confused and catched off guard as they saw Doctor arm suddenly changing shape as well as having now some sort of gun barrels sticking out from them.

Moments later the gun barrels began spinning before then starting to fire a hail of mana shots at the players that were rushing towards.

Next chapter