

The room fell silent as they all listened closely to Lysandra. 

She had explained Luciel's [Undead] Ability and its cost, but what shook them the most was that she was also a victim of it. 

Lysandra was once a legendary assassin who stood shoulder to shoulder with the Dragon Ranks; this was one of the reasons she was appointed head of the Sardes Organization and bloodline. 

However, she fell from grace once she came face to face with Luciel Kilde. She was stripped of the strength and Skills that made her a legend in the field. 

The weight of her revelation pressed heavily on everyone present, by the looks of it, this was the first time they had heard it too. 

Conrad had always viewed Lysandra as this powerful figure but in reality, she was actually weak, way weaker than himself, a husk of her former self. 

He felt kind of stupid for holding her in such high regard, but then again, his belief wasn't baseless. 

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