
Chapter 31

Umbridge sat in her office, happily drinking her tea while she watched Ronald Weasley and the mudblood Hermione Granger do lines. Ronald Weasley might have been a pureblood, but Granger was not and unlike Mr Draco Malfoy the two did not come from a well respected house. After all Weasley's father was regularly made fun of for his obsession with muggles, she could not tell for the life of her why he would find them interesting. As far as she was concerned the muggles should either be kept far away from wizard and witches or be killed, she knew which she perferred.

Because Mr Weasley and the mudblood Granger were not people she was worried about she had no qualms with using her special blood quill. Of course the two had both put up complaints at the start but she was quickly able to shut them down, the two were clearly furious but silently did as they were told and continued writing.

Umbridge was glad that she seemed to have Harry Potter's trust, that would please the Minister, she had not gone and asked Potter for anything yet as she as not sure how willing he would be to help. Of course he had not objected to her or any of her educational decrees either, but that did not neccesairily mean that he was one hundred percent on her side. if he was smart then he would be one hundred percent behind the ministry but she was not entirely sure, he was a filthy half-blood after all.

She rather hoped that he used his brains and supported the ministry, she would have be blind to not see how much influence Potter had. If he supported Cornelius then it would be much less likely for Cornelius to lose his position as Minister and it would go a long way in helping stop Dumbledore from spreading his horrible lies about you-know-who while also helping her own carreer. The question was could she convince Potter to join her? Hmm, perhaps she could see if he was willing to join the inquisitorial squad she planned to set up once Dumbledore was gone.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Ronald Weasley hiss in pain and curse under his breath.

"I heard that," Umbridge smiled, causing both Ron and Hermione to look up at her. "I do not know who permitted you to use such language but I know that it definetly was not me, that is another detention for you both."

"But Professor Umbridge I didn't do anything, I was just doing my lines!" Hermione protested.

"Ten points for talking back to a teacher." Umbridge said, a smile still on her lips. Hermione and Ron scowled at her but did not say anymore and looked down before continuing with their lines.

"Bloody wanker!" Tonks said under her breath as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table where her father was sitting, already eating his dinner. Though she apparently was not quiet enough as her mother had heard her.

"Language." Andromeda said as she walked over and placed a plate of food down in front of her daughter before she went back into the kitchen.

"You alright Dora?" Ted Tonks asked.

"I am fine." Tonks said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, what happened?" Andromeda sighed as she sat down at the table with her own plate of food. "Does this have something to do with that boy… what is his name… um… Thomas?"

"No mum, not close at all, Thomas was my gay friend that moved to America last year. The prat that I am angry about goes by the name of Joan and no, I am fine and I have no problem with the stupid, dumb fu…"

"Nymphodara." Andromeda said in a warning tone.

"Dumb idiot," Tonks ammended while glaring at her mother. "and don't call me that."

"Oh honestly dear, I do not know what your obsession against your name is, Nymphodora is a lovely and beautiful name." Andromeda sighed.

"You are not the one who has to be called it." Tonks reminded her.

"Harry liked it." Andromeda replied.

"What?" Tonks blinked.

"Harry, Harry Potter, he liked your name, remember that?" Andromeda asked with a smile. "Remember? He called it 'unique'." She said, looking pleased that someone agreed with her about 'Nymphadora' being a great name.

"Yes mum but Harry also has tattoos, has become an animagus despite not being of age and enjoys fighting dangerous creatures and wizards." Tonks pointed out. "I mean I like the guy but I do not think that he is the picture perfect example of sanity." Tonks said.

"Alright, alright," Ted sighed. "can we skip the part where you two argue about names? I am getting tired of keeping score."

"I am winning though, right?" Tonks asked.

"By two." Ted replied without missing a beat.

"Yes." Tonks grinned.

"Fine, so what did this 'Joan' say or do?" Andromeda asked. "Will I have to hide a body?"

"No, sadly." Tonks shook his head.

"Will I have to be your lawyer?" Ted raised an eyebrow.

"No," Tonks sighed. "at least I don't think so, the dickhead asked me out on a date," Nymphadora said, Andromeda was tempted to admonish her for language but decided to give it up as a lost cause. "I said yes, he took me out to a restraunt, the food wasn't that good but I didn't complain."

"Even though you wanted to?"

"Even though I really wanted to!" Tonks nodded so hard she nearly hurt her own neck. "I mean how can you make something frozen and burnt at the same time?! I didn't even know which part I was supposed to eat! Anyway after the date was over he tried to get all touchy, I said no, he kept trying, I gave him a second and third warning before I made my hand two times bigger and decked him in the face."

"Atta girl," Ted smiled. "I mean bad," Ted quickly said as he lost his smile when Andromeda looked at him. "you shouldn't be violent Dora." Ted said even though his lips curved into a smile against his will.

"Got it dad." Tonks said with a mock salute and a smile.

"You two will drive me crazy." Andromeda sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"Dear, you are a member of the Black family, you came with a free side of crazy." Ted replied.

"Yeah," Tonks agreed. "after all no sane person would name their daughter Nyphadora." Tonks added under her breath.

"Well," Andromeda frowned. "just keep trying dear, one day you'll find the right person. Do you have anyone in mind?"

"Do we have to talk about this?" Tonks grumbled.

"Yes," Ted said. "you know what your mother is like, she wll keep going until she gets her answer."

"Fine," Tonks rolled her eyes. "there's not many people I am interested in at work, I spend the rest of my time here or in the order." Tonks said, ignoring the look her mother gave her, Tonks was well aware of the fact that her mother did not like the order and had refused to join multiple times. "In the order I don't see many people I hang out, hmm… maybe one."

"Oh?" Andromeda raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, do you guys know Remus?" Tonks asked.

"Lupin?" Ted asked. "You're talking about Remus Lupin?"

"Please tell me you are not talking about Remus Lupin." Andromeda said.

"What's wrong with Remus?" Tonks said defensively. "I mean I know he is a werewolf but…"

"My problem is not with him being a werewolf, I married a muggleborn for Merlin sakes, as far as my parents were concerned they are both horrible crimes." Andromeda said. "My problems come from the fact that he is too old for you and is not able to provide for you. A date is fine but for my sakes please do not tell me that you wish for a long term relatonship."

"I mean yeah he is old but that's not a big problem but it's not his fault that he cannot get a job, I mean he's a werewolf and nobody wants to hire him and…"

"He could go to the muggle world for a job." Andromeda pointed out. "He could have made some money there and transfer it into wizarding money at Gringotts."

"Yeah but…"

"Dear, you are going about this all wrong." Ted said to Andromeda.

"What do you mean?" Andromeda frowned.

"In my experience telling Dora not to do something makes her want to do that thing above all else."

"Hey that's not true." Tonks protested.

"Is it not?" Ted snorted. "Do tell me if this sounds familar." Ted said before he began spekaing in an immitation of Andromeda's voice. "Nymphadora don't run near the stairs." Ted raised an eyebrow at her before he spoke in his normal voice. "it does to me because I remember you saying 'dad I fell down the stairs' the next day."

"That was a one off."

"Oh shall we talk about the trampoline incident?"

"No but…"

"Or the painting accident?"

"Well I…"

"Or how about the tutu incident with…"

"Alright, alright!" Tonks cut him off. "I give up."

"Lawyered." Ted smirked. "Now Dora, I suggest that you and me talk about this like adults. I will tell you what I think and you will not angry and I won't get angry if you disagree, there will be no arguing and shouting, just a couple of adults debating. Does that sound good to you?"

"Hmm… yeah, I suppose." Tonks replied.

"Good now Remus doesn't have a job, yes, but that is not entirely because he is a werewolf." Ted said.

"What do you mean?"

"A couple of years ago Remus was offered a job at my law firm." Ted said.

"Wait Remus could have been a lawyer?" Tonks asked, eyes widening slightly in suprised.

"No, but we did have an opening for a secetary position plus a janitor position. The previous owner had a sot spot for werewolves because his cousin was one." Ted replied. "I don't know why he doesn't work there, you could ask him. I know those jobs are not as well paying as other jobs that Remus could get if he wasn't a werewolf but if you had the choice between no job or job that is not as nice as you'd like but with fair pay then which one would you chose?"


"Plus you said age is not a factor even though he is about the same age as Sirius, fine." Ted continued. "What about the fact that Remus grew up during a war while you were born near the end of one? What about any mental issues that Remus may have from being a werewolf? I do not want to be offensive but I could argue that Remus's mental state could be worse than Mr Potter who you had mentioned before. Also there is the matter of personalities, how would you describe Remus's personality?" Ted asked.

"Well… he is quiet, a bit shy, hard working and he is mature. I just think he needs someone to make him happy." Tonks said.

"It is not your job to make him happy." Andromeda said.

"Ahhem." Ted coughed. "I will handle this dear," Ted said before turning to Tonks. "it is not your job to make him happy." Ted repeated. "Dora you cannot make everyone happy, if that was the case then the world would be a much better place. And it will not help anyone if you risk your happiness just to keep someone else happy. You have a happy and outgoing personality, the exact opposite to Remus. I am aware that opposites attract but that is not always a good reason to be with a person. If you got together then how would you handle each other? You would have to comprimise in some way or form, who do you think is more likely to change their personality, you or the older man?" Ted asked, Tonks frowned but he continued. "Also if Remus asked then would you turn into a big chested blonde and let him have a feel?"

"What?! No!" Tonks said quickly.

"You are saying that you are not willing to physically change because someone would perfer you that way?"

"Of course I wouldn't!"

"So then why would you change your personality?" Ted asked.

"I… I wouldn't…"

"Dora if you are going to get with someone like Remus Lupin then you will have to change," Ted said in a soft voice. "in one way or another you would change, not comprimise, change. I fully support you in whatver you want to do but I do hope that when you do settle for someone it be someone who likes you as you are. Do you understand where I am coming from?"

"Y… yeah, I suppose." Tonks sighed.

"And you said he is mature right?" Andromeda asked.

"Yeah, and?"

"Well why do you think that?"


"Why do you think that he is mature?"

"Well he is hard working and he knows about what the world is like and…"

"You're hoping that he would be mature enough to not see you for just your powers." Ted guessed. "Am I right?" Ted waited but she did not answer. "I will take your silence as confirmation. Dora I don't want to sound like an old man but you shouldn't be trying to get with him just because of that. Just because he is mature does not mean that he will not see you for your powers, maybe he will but maybe he won't, besides there are different types of mature."

"What do you mean?" Tonks asked in a soft voice as she looked at him.

"Okay well… let's compare Remus to… um… Sirius Black and Harry Potter yeah? Well Remus and Sirius are both more mature than Harry in physical age, they have both also gone thorugh more years of suffering than Harry but that doesn't mean that Harry has not suffered either, that does not mean that Harry is not mature or even just as mature. Also Sirius and Harry are, from what you have told me and from my own experiences, more jokey and with closer personalities to you. All three of them have seen and suffered things they should not, they are all mature in different ways."

"I think I get what you mean." Tonks nodded as she thought about his words.

"Tell me dear, is there anyone else you are interested in?" Andromeda asked in a hopeful voice.

"What?" Tonks blinked as she looked up at her.

"Is there anyone else you are interested in?" Andromeda repeated.

"Um… well… no." Tonks answered.

"Ah ha!" Andromeda laughed. "You hesistated, who is it?" She grinned.

"I am not interested in anyone else." Tonks said in as firm of a voice as she could.

"Is he older than you?"




"Oh I am getting close, red hair? Blonde? Black?"

"Mum I…"

"Black hair!"

"Oh she's on a roll." Ted said before sipping some tea.

"How much younger?" Andromead asked.

"Dad please make her stop!" Tonks begged as her face settled into a pout.

"I would have better chances at stopping a shark after it sniffed blood." Ted calmly replied.

"But I…" Tonks was cut off as a white snowy owl came in and landed gracefully on the table. "oh, hi Hedwig." Tonks smiled at the owl, Hedwig gave a short nod before extending her leg. Tonks took the letter from her leg and handed Hedwig some bacon, "here you go." Tonks said.

"Ah, the owl from your friend." Andromeda said as she looked at the owl, the owl that for some reason kept delivering letters to her daughter, whenever she asked Nymphadora about it all she got was a 'from a friend'.

"Oh hi Hedwig." Ted smiled at the owl.

"You know this owl?" Andromeda asked in a suprised voice.

"Yes, it's Harry's owl." Ted answered.

"Harry's owl? You mean Harry Potter?" Andromeda asked before turning to Tonk. "You have been writing with Harry Potter?"

"Yeah, and?" Tonks said in a casual voice.

"Oh my… Merlin! You like Harry Potter!" Andromeda blurted out.

"What?! No I don't!"

"Oh it's obvious!"

"Dear do calm down before she rejects him on the basis that you like him," Ted commented before turning to Tonks "to be fair Harry wouldn't be your worst pick."

"Harry wouldn't want to be with me." Tonks said in a dismissive voice.

"Oh and why not?" Andromeada asked.

"Well I am older than him."

"Coming from the girl who wanted to get with Remus Lupin." Andromeda snorted.

"I didn't want to get with Remus, I was just considering it." Tonks said in an irritated voice. "Plus I know that Harry had a relationship with Fleur Delacour before, she's a former Triwizard champion and a veela."

"Past tense." Andromeda noted.

"So what?" Ted asked Tonks. "Your mother's prospective partners were rich purebloods and I was just a 'filfthy mudblood', I'm still the one who got the best looking girl at school." Ted grinned and kissed Andromeda on the cheek.

"Flatterer," Andromeda said as Tonks rolled her eyes at her parents behaviour. "truthfully from what little I have seen I think you have a great chance with him. Ted, do you agree?"

"Well you're both near enough same ages," Ted said with a thoughtful face. "I don't know much about Harry outside of having him as a clinet but he seems a decent lad. If you want to go for it then go for it."

"I will think about it but can I please just eat in peace?" Tonks begged.

"Fine, fine, go and eat dear." Andromeda said.

"Thank you." Tonks sighed before she continued eating.

"Harry and Nymphodara," Andromeda said quietly under her breath. "sitting in a tree, K… I… S… S… I… N…"

"Mum!" Tonks said, apparently she wasn't quiet enough.

"Apparently Malfoy is coming back tommorow," Tracy said as she walked down the hall with Harry and Daphne. "that will be fun." She said sarcastically.

"Yeah," Harry snorted. "I am sure it will be. What are the chances of Malfoy growing some brain cells and leaving me alone?"

"Highley unlikely and near impossible." Daphne answered. "Personally I rate you becoming the king of dementors as a higher possibility than Malfoy becoming less of an idiot."

"Careful Greengrass, you are giving me ideas." Harry smirked. "Wouldn't that be great though? Harry Potter, boy-who-lived, defeater of dark lords, triwizard champion, king of dementors. Actually nah, I have enough titles already."

"Probably for the best Potter, we wouldn't want your head to get too big." Daphne said as she gave him a sweet smile.

"It's not my fault if my brain is so much more powerful that I…" Harry trailed off when he saw many students rushing towards the courtyard "… what the hell?" Harry blurted out.

"What do you think is happening?" Tracy asked.

"Let's go find out." Harry said and followed the students with Tracy and Daphne following after them.

"What the hell is happening?" Daphne whispered once they reached the courtyard, many students were gathered around while Professor Trelawney standing in the centre whilst wearing a large brown coat and holding a tissue in her hand, she was standing alongisde a trio of suitcases and Filch had just brought out a fourth and placed it at the tearful woman's feet. Umbridge walked out, she walked towards Trelawney, looking very pleased with herself.

"Six… sixteen years I have lived and taught here," Trewalany said through tears in a shaking voice. "Hogwarts is my home, you can't do this!" She cried. Harry, who had gladly transferred out of her class before starting the year, could not help but feel sorry for the woman. Looking around he saw that even a few Slytherin's, along with students who didn't mind expressing their opinions about Trewlany, feel uncomfortable with the public humiliation.

"Actually I can," Umbridge said not looking bothered in the slightest, McGonagall came over and pulled Trewlany into a comforting hug just as the woman burst into tears. "something you would like to say dear?" Umbridge said when she saw McGonagall looking at her.

"Oh there are several things that I would like to say." McGonagall said as she glared at her. Umbridge was about to respond when several students moved out of the way to allow Dumbledore to walk through.

"Professor McGonagall," Dumbledore said as he walked up to them. "would you please escort Sybil back inside?"

"Come with me." McGonagall whispered to Trewlany before walking her back inside the castle.

"Dumbledore," Umbridge said. "may I remind you that under the terms of educational decree number twenty-three, as enacted by the Minister…"

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers," Dumbledore cut her off. "you do not however have the right to banish them from the grounds." He said, Umbridge looked irritated for the briefest of moments before she smiled.

"For now." She said in a voice that was a mixture of confident and smug.

Dumbledore looked like he was about to say something but chose not to, he turned around, his eyes caught Harry's for the briefest of moments but he quickly looked away and continued walking. Harry looked thoughtful for a second before he started walking away along with Daphne and Tracy when the students began dispersing.

"Wow, Umbridge is a piece of work." Tracy commented.

"I used to be in Trewlany's class before this year, she kept predicting my death every single lesson, even I felt a little sorry for her." Harry admitted.

"Honestly," Daphne huffed. "could she be any less subtle? I mean, 'for now'? She just all but admitted that she will chancge the rules to suit her whenever she wants."

"Hey, idiots will idiot, you just got to not idiot with them." Harry replied.

"Potter, what the hell does that mean?"

"Come on Daphne, even an idiot would get it." Harry smirked.

"I hate you."

"Why do you keep hanging out with me then?"

"Pity friendship."

"You love me really Daph."

"I hate you and Astoria and I will hex you both if you keep caling me that."

"No you won't!" The trio heard Astoria call and looked down the hall to see her wave before she walked off.

"One, two…" Daphne said as she closed her eyes and continued counting to twenty in her head.

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