
Chapter 61: Destiny Calls

Warning: Sexual Content

"Maker's breath!" Cullen slammed his fist on the table, standing abruptly having read Evelyn's hastily scrawled note. The heavy wooden chair groaned against the Great Hall's floor catching everyone's attention at the head table. 


All but throwing it at Leliana, she caught it, skimming it before she too jumped up leveling him with a lethal gaze, "This can't be." Rounding the table to join him while passing the note to the third advisor, they stood close together conversing, "We've been infiltrated." He saw her mind working, checking through all her security measures. This was as much her failure as his, putting the Inquisitor's life at risk. 


"I'm going to intercept them with more men, ones I know are not Qun agents." As he spoke, he checked the items on himself, hoping he could leave right away. 


The Left Hand nodded with a snarl, "Detain the other soldiers for questioning. I have cracks to find and seal. Permanently." Turning on her heel, she whirled through the room like a dark shadow, causing their dining guests to quiet as she passed, as if speaking would incur her wrath. 


Turning to leave, Drexford halted him, "I'd like to come too. One more sword arm for you, Commander." The Ambassador seemed to have filled the table in on the situation that had them scrambling to leave. 


Cullen looked intensely at him weighing the consequences in his head, yet time was of the utmost importance. "So long as you can follow orders. This is not the proper time for a reunion. We need to reach them and get them back behind the safety of Skyhold's walls." He nodded resolutely and was not in the least offended by his stern tone. Continuing, the Trevelyan patriarch matched his strides out to the stables, "We leave immediately." 


Alerting and collecting soldiers as he went, the small retinue mounted up and sped out of Skyhold into the cold inky, night. He approximated that they were a few hours away at a hard ride. With the road supposedly secured he didn't expect any surprises until they reached the Inquisitor. 


The dark woods flew by in his peripherals as his mind chastised himself for not meeting her himself after her report from the Storm Coast first came in. The Bann's arrival had distracted him and he didn't take the threat too seriously having not been made against her. He wondered how mad she would be, secretly hoping around every bend in the road to see her glowing warmth in the distance. 


When at last dots of flame were seen ahead of them on the road, he was glad to be met by the advance guard of the Inquisitor halting travelers. "Commander Cullen, ser!" The men hailed him and the others as they slowed. "The Inquisitor ordered a brief stop for the wounded." 


Acknowledging them before galloping the rest of the way to their spot beside the road, he found the Seeker, Owayne, Sorin, and Evelyn standing guard on some of their own soldiers while Solas tended to Bull's back. Enough bloodied bandages to make a gauzy ball gown littered the ground having come from their new Tal-Vashoth comrade. Seeing him approach in the light of the flame she conjured in her hand, the Inquisotor's expression softened to one of relief. 


Holding her eyes through his helmet as if in a trance, over his shoulder he ordered his men to detain the other soldiers who Dane had sent. With his horse's reins in hand, he walked over to her, flipping up his visor, "Inquisitor, apologies. I should've come personally after receiving your report." The deep concern on his face couldn't be helped, as his gaze swept over her for injuries. 


Evelyn's smile was brilliant in the moonlight gazing back at him, "You're here now, for which we are grateful. Since I've written to you, we haven't encountered trouble... but that doesn't mean there isn't any still to be had." He agreed with a nod, happy to see for once she was taking a threat seriously. Under the cover of darkness and hidden by his Ferelden Forder, she reached for his hand wishing to simply connect with him physically. Her warm fingers tingled in his from her magic as they intertwined. As much as he was appraising her condition, she was his, "Are you well? And the mutts?" She looked about expecting them to be on their master's heels. 


"I am and my two war hounds are resting with Loren. I was at dinner when I received your message, and apparently, Josephine has a new rule about dogs in the Great Hall. I hope they aren't tearing up Skyhold looking for me…" 


She stifled a laugh trying to keep their conversation quiet, "Well, we better get moving before they miss you too much. I know the feeling." Evelyn winked and it took everything in him not to sweep her up in his arms. "I don't like being exposed out on the road if there are more assassins either, even though… wait, father?!" Cautiously approaching them from the side, the Bann's smile matched that of his daughter upon seeing her. 


As she leaped into his arms, spinning her – which was an impressive feat alone for a man his age with a woman her size – he hugged her tightly. "I promised the Commander no reunion until you're safe back at Skyhold. We'll continue there, alright my little firebird?" She nodded, holding back tears of joy, and called Owayne over. Her brother was alarmed at first by her croaky voice until he saw why, embracing his father with less gusto but the same level of warmth and love. 


Giving them a moment, Cullen set to organizing everyone for the remainder of the trip. As soon as Solas patched Bull up, they began again and reached Skyhold without further incident. If there was another agent of the Qun among them, his leonine glare as he kept careful watch made them think otherwise. On the ramparts, he glimpsed Sister Nightingale stalking in the shadows like a cat making sure the prisoners made it to the dungeon immediately for questioning. Spycraft had become her identity and having let infiltrators in, feeling as though she had failed. Even more so, she was feeling unbridled rage at having been taken for a fool. 


Once through the gate, the peaceful night was shattered by the sounds of Scout and Calenhad tripping over each other to get to him. Holding up a hand the two Mabaris skidded to a halt before him, "Now, is that any way to behave?" The two whined, their tongues out to the side and short tails swaying to a stop. "No, it isn't. Get back up there, help Loren up, because I'm sure you plowed her over on your way out, and show more discipline next time." His scolding was met with droopy ears but they needed to have better conduct while in Skyhold. 


"Is that any way to treat your children?" Evelyn came to stand at his side smirking at her own jest. Keeping her voice low, she tried to look as casual as possible with everyone bustling around them, "I'm going to get my father settled, then I'll come find you." 


"Take your time. I need to make sure Sister Nightingale doesn't do anything rash. I believe she is taking her mistake harder than necessary. Besides, you know I don't sleep." 


"Not without me tonight you don't." 




The puffy whites and grays of the winter clouds sped by her window in a stiff dawn wind. The fresh crisp sheets were a nice change to her cold and wet... everything from the past week at the Storm Coast. So was the company of the warm naked man sprawled against her backside. 


Cullen's stubbly cheek scrapped against her shoulder blade as he murmured in a rough voice, "Good morning." The feel of his lips and breath had her smiling. 


Evelyn hummed with a slight stretch of her limbs, inhaling his oaky scent on the bedding. Curving her back like a cat into him, his morning wood slotted into her backside making them both moan pleasantly. She had been exhausted after last night's events of the attack and then seeing her father that the moment she fell into bed with him she was out. Spinning in his arms she was met with that unfairly handsome face and messy golden hair of his. The blankets twisted around them like a great serpent as she pulled him in for a kiss, aiming playfully for his scar. 


Hearing them awake, Scout and Calenhad jumped up accosting them with slobbery tongues before their master ordered them off. "Sorry," he huffed, the early gravel in his voice rumbling in his chest, "they are still learning." He rolled up and had them go wait downstairs in his office. 


Evelyn flopped onto her back with a groan at his absence, but nothing could spoil her mood, "Nothing like being trampled by husky war hounds first thing in the morning." Turning back after using the pulley for the dogs, he gave her a spectacular view of his front that sent a hot wave through her. Raising an eyebrow, Evelyn's eyes floated down between the sculpted V of his hips. He absently palmed his heavy hardened shaft. Throwing the blankets off her to stand up, the chill of the morning was forgotten as searing desire pulsed through her. "Andraste preserve me, you make me never want to leave the bedroom." 


Closing the distance, her arms draped around his broad shoulders, feeling every hard plane of his chest and stomach. His chest rumbled with that deep resonating chuckle, craning his head down for her, "I'll be a wanted man if I allow you to do that." Playfully he nipped her lips, making her smile, stumbling back toward the bed. The wood from both the old floor and bed creaked under their combined weight. Pulling him down, she guided him to a seated position up against the headboard. 


Climbing into his lap, she pushed her breasts up into his face, his mouth instantly pulling a pert nipple into it. It had been so long since she had felt any part of him that her slow movements were rapidly becoming desperate. Her hands took over pumping his fully erect cock, occasionally rubbing it on her pulsating clit to wet him. 


"The Inquisition will have your head after you kill me with pleasure, but at least I die a happy woman." His hands roved up her body and pinched her now sensitive nipples causing her to loudly cry out, "Cullen!" 


"Shh, you'll wake the whole barracks, or Maker-forbid your father," he rasped out smugly. 


Cupping his stubbly face in her hands she pulled at his bottom unscarred lip, "Stop being so fucking witty, I'm the witty one in this relationship." 


Done teasing him, Evelyn sank down onto his girth until he bottomed out. For a long moment, she sat sheathed to the hilt with him throbbing against the fluttering of her inner walls. Their foreheads came to rest and their eyes closed savoring the peace of their deep connection. Within it, nothing could penetrate the bond they created between their very souls that transcended the mortal plane of existence. 


"I missed you, Eve." Cullen's voice was soft with a strain of the desperation she had felt a minute ago. 


"And I you, my love." Their pace was slow and steady wanting to reconnect after not being able to touch each other for so long. Evelyn's fingers kneaded into his firm shoulder muscles eliciting moans from him that drove her mad. With their spiritual selves reunited, she now craved the physical manifestation of their love. 


Grinding and gyrating in his lap, her body worked to pleasure him in the ways she wanted to since he came to her rescue in the Emprise du Lion. She watched his head fall back against the wall, making her smile as the pressure mounted. His hands held her hips adding his strength as he bucked hard into her. Driving up into that sweet spot with force, his abs flexed tightly as he utterly penetrated her. The tension that had been building for a month suddenly burst, blinding and deafening the world around her. Falling into him, their lips connected as if magnetized, yet her orgasm was so strong – especially after feeling him come inside her – she arched back writhing. She must've screamed so loud for the first noise to reach her ears after the ringing was the howling of the Mabaris below. 


Coming down from the high like a limp ragdoll, her highly amused partner was smiling and chuckling at her with a heavy lust-ridden gaze. Knowing he was laughing at the chorus of off-key howls, she couldn't help but blush and join him as he laid her down beside him. "That may be a problem. People will want to know who the Commander is taking to his bed. There will be Orlesians weeping in the streets when they hear." She dramatically threw her arm over her forehead and he simply gave her a pointed look. 


"They're dogs, they bark at everything. You should probably thank them, you were quite loud." 


"War hounds," she corrected. Evelyn scooted closer to him uncaring for the mess between her legs having missed it, "Smother me with a pillow next time then, I can't help what you do to me." 


At the praise, his eyes darkened, "Train with me this morning." Her eyes softened with unanswered questions, at the topic change. "Any excuse just to be close to you today. I need it – I need you." As they lay there, he pulled her close against him, burning his face on the crook of her neck.


Her heart skipped a beat, "I don't need excuses, I'm the Inquisitor. If my father wished to talk then he can do it with both of us. As much as I missed him, you are my heart and I cannot be without you." 


"I don't wish to keep you from your father, I just..." He rubbed the back of his neck not wanting to seem selfish for wanting her attention. Silencing his doubts with a deep kiss, she patted his cheek as if to say 'I know.' 


Sliding out of bed to ready for the training grounds, Evelyn had to reassure him multiple times that wanting to spend time with her was not selfish. Between training, the War Room meeting, and then spending time with her family they would be with each other most of the day anyway. However, she did want to slip away for a bit to hear what her father thought of Cullen since he had been at Skyhold for a few days already. He had mentioned the Commander playing the gracious host, but he didn't say much else. 


Donning a gambeson and his practice gear, he stood by the ladder running a hand through his hair, "Ready, Trevelyan?" 


She smirked, "To kick your arse? Yes, I am, Rutherford." Passing him and sliding down the ladder she called up, "There is no shame in losing to me in front of my father." She had mentioned to him what her schedule was like today and knew the Bann couldn't resist a good sparring match. After not seeing her for years, no doubt he'd be interested in seeing what kind of warrior his daughter turned out to be. 


Joining her at the bottom with his trusty mutts excitedly wanting to go out, his brassy voice sounded amused, "You need close-quarters combat practice. When you and I fought in Ishmael's twisted dream you used my weaknesses against me, but the Red Templars and Venatori will not be so predictable." 


She hummed pleasantly, "I like the sound of that, though I can't promise I'll be able to control where my hands go." 


"Eve," he scolded. She was about to tell him to save the lecture, but his will and commanding voice overpowered hers, "I would take this seriously if I were you. Don't get all huffy with me when I start throwing you in the dirt. I know how you get when you lose." 


The pyromancer scoffed, "So that's how it's gonna be?" 


With a firm slap on her ass followed by a swift kiss, Cullen headed towards the door, "Yes, it is, my dear." Unable to hide her smile, she bit her lip and headed out the door after him, set on proving him wrong. 




After cleaning up from training with Cullen, Evelyn briskly made her way to the War Room for their daily meeting. Having bitterly wiped the dirt from her body from being pushed about by the brawny Ferelden – though he said she improved greatly – she reminded herself of the many embarrassing stories she could tell to get back at him in front of her father. Looking forward to getting down to business and back to her family, she had her list of updates needed at the ready. 


Opening the door energetically, she was met by two of the three advisors. Evelyn shrugged, "Where's the Commander?" 


Before she reached the table, the door swung open hard behind her followed by their missing member and his faithful companions. "Apologies," he eyed Calenhad with a scolding glare, "we had an accident on our way here." 


The Ambassador winced, "Oh, Commander, please tell me he didn't... not again...


"Do what?" Evelyn asked innocently. 


"Whose dress am I paying for this time?" Josephine lifted her quill ready to scratch the name onto her parchment. 


Cullen's eyes dropped to the floor with a grimace as he took his place. He pointed at the Inquisitor as his face flushed, "Er, your mother's." 


Evelyn burst out laughing to the point of tears. When she was finished, she called the big gray furball over. After no doubt receiving a tongue lashing from Cullen, Calenhad's tail was tucked partly between his legs unsure of what she was going to make of it. "Good boy! I don't blame you, the perfume she wears stinks! Maybe she'll finally get the hint." The Mabari fully wagged his tail, for once happy by her attention. 


Cullen's brow furrowed together, "You shouldn't praise him for that... not that he'll listen anyway." 


"Commander, this is precisely the reason I do not want them in the Great Hall during meals." Josephine gave him a pointed look, "Perhaps I can find you someone who can properly train them--" 


"You can't be serious! I train our bloody troops, I can train a few Mabaris!" That was enough for Cullen to forget his mortification, replacing it with undignified anger. 


The Antivan's tone was playfully strict seeing she hit a nerve, "Then do it before I start making you personally apologize to the nobles. I know how much you would love that." 


"Alright, enough," Evelyn cut in, holding a hand up, "no need to fret over my mother's dress. I'll see to appeasing her, though I'm sure my father had a good laugh about it and told her to forget it already." The Commander gave her an awkward nod at knowing her father all too well. "Speaking of, I only have a few more days with him, so I'd appreciate it if we got to the matter at hand. Calpurnia is our next target, where are we with her?" 


Leliana placed her hands behind her back as she spoke, "We've had word from Emperor Gaspard that she and the Elder One have crossed into the Arbor Wilds. I sent my people to follow them and it seems she's desperately searching elven ruins. Whatever she is looking for, she hasn't found it yet and the Wilds are proving to be treacherous for them. The jungle is too dense for red lyrium to grow as in the Emprise du Lion and having destroyed Samson's mining and smuggling operation, they are weakening." 


"So we have some time, but not much. What kind of resistance are we looking at?" 


The redhead shifted to eye the Commander, "The entirety of Corypheus' army." Cullen wiped a hand down his face, shaking his head and leaning over the map of Orlais. 


She gave him a moment as he studied the large blot of painted green on the timeworn table, "What is it, Commander?" 


He sighed heavily straightening, "It's a jungle. The logistics alone will take considerable time. I'll need the most recent maps of the areas; a small expeditionary force to cut a path and establish a camp; immense supplies; a naturalist to advise us on dangers and useful resources; siege equipment; and then there is readying the soldiers to march—" 


The Inquisitor held up a hand, halting him, "What do you need from us to get our army there? We are a team; we cannot waste the opportunity of having the entirety of the Elder One's force in one place." All agreed readily, "Right, so first we call in favors, every one, Ambassador. You tell them I am personally calling everyone to fall in with the Inquisition. This could be our chance to end it. To kill Corypheus." 


"I will write to the Emperor, let him know our army and our allies will be entering Orlais and that we expect him to uphold his vow to aid us this time. Ferelden, Vigil's Keep, Therinfal Redoubt, and the rest of our allies will be summoned." Evelyn could see the wheels in Josephine's head turning as to how she was going to assure Emperor Gaspard that none of them would cause trouble. "Negotiating with him may take as long as our army's preparations." 


The Inquisitor shook her head, "No, draw up an oath to be sworn to the Herald of Andraste, that upon damnation to the Void will they wage war and overstay their welcome in Orlais." Evelyn's bold statement garnered varied looks from her advisors. "What? There is little time for petty squabbles as every hour Calpurnia gets closer to what she seeks! They are willing to throw their whole army at finding whatever it is, it must be something incredibly powerful." 


"Or," Leliana's steely eyes shifted between them all, "he's found another way to enter the Fade." A cold shiver crept up her spine at the thought, as the air in the room seemed to thin.


Spinning on a heel, the Inquisitor opened one of the doors and asked the guard to find Solas and bring him to them immediately. Pacing impatiently before the door, when it creaked open she stopped abruptly, "Inquisitor? What may I do for you?" 


She motioned for him to follow her over to the table with the others, "Corypheus is in the Arbor Wilds scouring elven ruins. Knowing that his end goal is to enter the Black City within the Fade, do you know of any elven artifacts that could do such a thing aside from the anchor?" 


He blinked with immediate recollection, "Eluvians." 


"Of course," the Spymaster's face was quiet chagrin toward herself, "I should've remembered. Morrigan was always going on about those things when I traveled with the Hero of Ferelden. They are like doorways through time and space, leading to... somewhere." 


"They lead to what some call The Crossroads," the apostate added, his voice sounding academic, "a place where all Eluvians connect. The best way I can describe it to you is that it is a place beyond the Veil but just outside of the Fade." 


"So… it's an anomaly that he could use to enter the Fade?" Solas nodded in confirmation. An alarm sounded within Evelyn. "What are the chances of him finding an intact Eluvian?" Her mark sputtered green light as she looked at Solas wide-eyed. 


His gray eyes shot down to it before meeting her gaze again, "Impossible to say, but it should be incredibly difficult." Thanking him for his input, Evelyn dismissed the apostate, using the brief reprieve to think.

She stared hard at her Commander, the two having a telepathic conversation through their eyes. "Cullen, what is the soonest we can leave? Even if we take a fragment of the troops just to cause enough of a distraction to delay their search, how long would you need?"

He began to pace back and forth from his side of the war table, ruffling his golden hair endearingly as he thought. His scarred lip muttering calculations to himself, and he occasionally shuffled through some papers. The women looked at each other, but Evelyn could tell they too were working out how long it would take for their tasks, though they were second to that of Commander's timeline.

"Three days," the stern crease of his brow prevented her from asking otherwise. "Three days to deploy the scouts and expeditionary force and move our available supplies towards the Arbor Wilds. This will be a test for our officers, for I'll have them ready their men and leave as soon as they are ready."

Sister Nightingale quickly added, "My people can be ready and help harass Calpurnia's camps and I'll get you any recent reports and news from the area."

"And I'll send out ravens immediately to our allies," the Ambassador scratched notes on their timeline down in her meticulous meeting notes. "I will persuade Emperor Gaspard to send aid immediately as our forces and allies are en route."

The Inquisitor placed her glowing palm on the war table feeling a rush of adrenaline. This could be it. "I will go with the expeditionary force," Evelyn firmly announced, "my team and I, that is. All of them, even Cole if I can find him." The Commander wanted to protest but her stare held its resolve making him think otherwise. "This could be it. I want everyone sufficiently prepared. Commander, Spymaster, I expect you to join me in the Wilds as soon as you're able. Lady Ambassador, you have command of Skyhold."

The four looked between themselves knowing they had come a long way since the explosion at the Conclave. From a condemned heretical movement to Thedas' only hope, the Inquisition was built by their guidance. Leliana had spun an intricate web of spies and agents all across the continent and beyond, ready to act upon her word and always listening. Josephine's expertise in navigating the troubled waters of Thedas' politics and ability to "friend-raise" – as she called it – helped support their endeavors. Now, she was calling in favors from kings and queens. And Cullen's recruitment, training, and command of the army was second to none. She was sure he would have books written of his martial prowess and management of soldiers that would become regular curriculum for officers and soldiers alike.

As for herself – The Phoenix of Ostwick, The Herald of Andraste, The Inquisitor – she didn't stop to think about her legacy. Why the Maker decided she was worthy of the task of defeating Corypheus was beyond her ability to understand, yet she felt made for it; molded for it. Whatever her role was in this saga, it was nearing the end. 

Her gaze floated up to Cullen – the future – who was staring back at her. There was no horror she wouldn't face down to get a chance at such happiness after living a lifetime under guard in the Circle of Ostwick, being told she would never live a normal life. After two decades of being a magical abnormality, she was ready for boring… well, as boring a mage and a former Templar could be living out their days.

With a resolute nod, the Inquisitor repeated the call of destiny, "We have three days."

Next chapter