
Chapter 53: The Replacment

As they were locked in a telepathic conversation, observing each other's reaction as his mind processed the significance of this, slowly the tension abated. Cullen slowly came to the realization that since arriving in the Emprise du Lion, he had been consumed by his desire for revenge on Samson. "You think the red lyrium is attracted to me because of my want for vengeance?" She nodded. "But you want it as well, and look what it's doing to you."She leaned slightly closer, lowering her voice as if the crimson menace could hear them, "I've been here for weeks, and it hasn't gotten worse until you showed up. Whatever it's after, it has to do with you. Maybe it knows I'll get in its way so it's trying to weaken me."His eyes wandered to her strong features, "But what would it want..." And then it hit him. For a moment, he felt as if he was studying a chess board, watching the players move its pieces around. When it seemed it was his turn, he found his Queen had a direct line across the board to the opponent's Knight standing between him and the King: Samson. His eyes widened and Evelyn's matched his, "Maker, it wants me to replace Samson! Think about it, it's coaxing me into wanting to take lyrium by giving me a taste of it again. What if it is weakening you because it knows I'll do anything to help you? It takes away my withdrawal symptoms and gives me purpose in caring for you. It knows we will kill Samson; we have him trapped up in his bloody fort! With no one to lead Corypheus' army, it's already looking for a replacement. I suppose in my state I'm an easy target."He watched as the Inquisitor's face morphed into a snarl. "That manipulative little shit! We can't let it do this, it will not have you!""E!" The couple turned their heads to Sorin now standing to try and block some of the attention they were garnering from the soldiers walking past. "People are listening."Evelyn quickly sat back leaning up on her hands. Even through the thick borrowed coat she was wearing, he could see she was breathing heavily with slight panic on her face. "The rules of the game have now changed with this. Whatever is waiting for us in that fort tomorrow, it will not be under the command of Samson..."Cullen pressed his face into his hand, still kneeling a few feet from her, "Samson I could have countered, anticipated his moves, but this... how do you even fight this?" Time was dwindling until their attack tonight and even more so now for the assault on the Keep having no idea what they were up against."So," Sorin's voice interjected into the conversation, "if red lyrium is in control of everything corrupted by it, does that mean it's controlling Corypheus? Is our enemy really the essence in red lyrium?" Holding their breaths at the thought, the many revelations were rapidly becoming overwhelming."Void take me, this is becoming one giant fucking shit show." Ever eloquent with her swearing, he couldn't help but mumble a curse of his own. Watching the weight of things come crashing down on her, he asked the other two mages to close the sides of the tent for some privacy. He knew that these matters fell heavily on her despite the aid of the Inquisition's members, she alone carried the anchor. Evelyn was already crumbling inward on herself, hugging her legs, all but ready to fall over in a fetal position.In the darkness of the tent, out of the harsh glare of the sun's reflection on the snow, Cullen tried to place a loving arm around her, but she pushed him away. "Don't, I'll hurt you," she grumbled, though he knew her frustration was not directed at him. "I don't want to burn you." Her eyes flickered up to him guiltfully and he knew she spoke of the scarring on his shoulder from Kinloch.Seeing the private conversation to come and wanting nothing to do with it, Sorin asked Miriam to wait outside with him, which she did enthusiastically. He could hear the Knight-Enchanter speaking to her about how the Inquisitor and her Commander were "close friends." Whether she bought it or not, he didn't care. The red lyrium essence had it right; Cullen most certainly would do anything to help Evelyn. What it didn't account for was their combined intelligence. Perhaps others would've dismissed it as a coincidence that these things were happening, but not them. They had seen too much to know there was no such thing."Your mana has calmed, you're no danger to me. I do know what I'm talking about, having been a Templar for over a decade. It's just... a lot for me to handle again."Staring over at him with a pout, she rested her head on her arms over her knees. She changed the subject, seemingly unwilling to push his boundaries, "You still have that lucky coin?""I do.""Good. I'll have your back, but just in case... make sure you have it tomorrow." Eve's eyes drifted away and he knew that she was mentally preparing herself for whatever the essence could throw at them - at him. Her fierce will to protect him always surprised him, having never had someone who would do so with every fiber of their being, though he knew the sensation well, reciprocating such feelings for her.His voice was low but forceful, "It cannot win so long as we are together. Whatever it has planned, we'll overcome it." The shift in the light in her eyes told him he believed her, and it was enough to silence his doubts as well.Helping her stand, he parted the tent flaps for the two mages waiting patiently out in the cold. The Senior Enchanter was the first to break the awkward silence, "Um, I'm not quite understanding of everything you said before, but, um, how do you feel, Inquisitor?""Nearly normal.""Amazing! Commander, you did it! Again, I'm not sure how, but it worked!" Miriam's eyes flickered about to the three of them who gave constipated looks back at her. "Am I missing something important here?" Her sweet innocent voice was quiet as her pale eyes widened.Wiping a gloved hand down his face, he knew he had to tell her. "I haven't taken lyrium for about a year. I shouldn't have been able to do that."Standing paralyzed in a bit of shock, the petite mage's mouth opened, "Oh, sweet Maker."Sorin strode over to the healer, leveling a stern look at her, "We would appreciate discretion in this matter, Miriam. The Commander's business is no one's but his own."The Orlesian nodded her head enthusiastically, "On my oath as a healer! Not a word, Sorin." He stared hard at her for a few more seconds, but it was interrupted by her nervous hiccups. "If it's not too-- 'hic' bold to say, I would recommend that you two-- 'hic' bunk together tonight in case the Inquisitor's mana surges again." Cullen felt the warm flush on his face, and it increased when he glanced at Evelyn biting back a smirk. "I know it's not ideal--'hic'""It absolutely is not, I heard the Commander snores."His jaw all but hit the ground, turning to her, "I snore?! Me?! You... you..." He realized the trap she had just put him in, as she stood there baiting him with an innocent look. She was most definitely feeling back to her normal self. Anything he'd say would reveal that he had an intimate knowledge of her sleeping habits. Even Sorin had a slow smile starting on his face, amused by her antics. "Lucky for you then, Inquisitor, I'll be seeing to the mine infiltration all night. I can make a point to stop in and check on you periodically.""Thank you, Commander! I could use the rest in case my healing skills are needed-- 'hic' following the missions."Evelyn took the healer's hands in hers briefly viewing the burns adorning her hands and wrists. "Take care of yourself too, Miri. Sorin, go with her and see to it she gets settled in.""But--" Came the rebuttal from her long-time friend."Do it. I will find someone to help me move some things into Cullen's tent." Accompanying the Inquisitor on this task, they bumped into Warden Blackwall and elicited his help. While they went to her tent, he cleared a space for her to rest for what remained of the day. So it didn't seem odd, he tied open the flaps and conducted business out of his personal quarters. Those delivering reports and messages from his officers were politely told why the Inquisitor was staying with him. There would be rumors regardless - there were enough already - but at least if they weren't hiding her in there, it would be less suspicious.Before he left, Cullen made up his mind to deliver the Ambassador's letter. Josephine's note was burning a hole in his pocket, wanting to deliver it and be done with it to focus on tonight's mission."Warden Blackwall, a moment!" He called at the man's back, having waited until he was a short distance from the tent. Though he wasn't trying to keep it from Evelyn, it wasn't his secret to share. Turning, Cullen wasted no time rummaging through his pocket to find it. Lowering his voice, he imparted, "From the Lady Ambassador." The bearded man stared at it as if he had just given him the cure for the Calling. With his secret quest complete, he turned to leave but was stopped."Um, thank you... I, ah, appreciate it. Did she... say anything?""I would rather not get involved--""Right, yes, I'm sorry."At seeing the man's morale deflate clearly smitten with Josephine, and she having done him a favor in helping with his proposal to Evelyn's father, Cullen sighed having ensnared himself regretably in someone else's affairs. He added, "She was concerned for your safety." At the news, his steel blue eyes lit up, nodding in thanks before leaving for his tent, no doubt, to read his letter.Later that evening while sitting in his tent, some forwarded mail of his own reached him, and in it was the reply from Bann Drexford Trevelyan. His heartbeat hastened holding the folded parchment in his hands. Sitting at the small desk in his tent in his untied gambeson and breeches, despite the frigid cold of the night set in, his skin was moist with sweat suddenly. Should he open it now or wait? Maybe he should do so in the presence of the Ambassador to elicit her help again? Could he wait until they were back at Skyhold to reply?"Commander, open up!" Scrambling to hide the correspondence, knowing how her eagle eyes took in everything, he slid it between some of these other reports for the time being. Evelyn had left for a bit to check in with her brother and other companions before the quarry mission commenced. With her arms full of extra blankets, he opened the flap letting the Inquisitor inside. Looking at him with a grimace and a red nose from the cold, she asked, "How's my aura? Am I too hot?"He chuckled, thinking if he wanted to reply seriously or not, "Getting there, but I can handle it until I need to go. I am relieved you didn't bring your friends though, for your mana is more than enough for me." Relief washed over her, and he was pleased to see her face had regained much of its normal color. Shaking his head with a small smile, he stretched a hand out to her. Hesitant after what happened earlier that day, she gazed back and forth a few times between him and his eyes, slowly moving to grasp it. When they met and he gently closed his fingers around her small hand, he ignored the prickling heat on his skin just to reconnect with her. He whispered sweetly, "I missed you.""I missed you more." He loved the way how such simple words could lift the tension from her face.Holding each other in a longing gaze, footfalls outside of the tent made them let go abruptly. A soldier called for him with an update and was permitted entry. Upon parting the tent flaps, his casual relay turned into a formal one as he eyed the Inquisitor. "Ser, the Knight-Captain is readying to begin final checks. He wanted me to inform you of such.""I'll be there presently," nodding to the young man who saluted once to him, then again to Evelyn."I suppose I'll wait here and keep the blankets warm," she said a bit disappointed. "You know, it figures the one time we have an excuse to share a tent that I can hardly touch you." Shimmying out of his old coat in favor of the heavy wool blankets she was about to pile over herself, he got an eyeful of her divine womanly figure. He realized how long it had been since he had touched the silky expanse of her skin."Come here," he called softly, holding out his hand again. Pulling her by it closer to him, he placed it on his heart. Cullen was startled slightly by the feeling of her mana over his beating heart, concentrating on his ardent love rather than fear. Like the sun, she was always the radiant light in the dark. "Do you trust me? I didn't get to ask it of you before the last time I Silenced you."The rich light brown hue of her eyes engaged him, "You know I do, wholeheartedly. It's just odd, seeing you use your old abilities like you're my Sentinel." He knew exactly what she meant. He had never been one himself, but he imagined fondly what being Evelyn's Sentinel would've been like during her Knight-Enchanter training back in the Circle. With care, he released his power feeling the air around them cool and quiet. Her eyes blinked a bit heavily a few times, and she let out a slow breath. It seemed not only did such usage greatly help her, but him as well, feeling less sensitive than before."Get some rest while I'm gone." His hand caressed her cold cheek and scar, feeling the intensity of her mana subside. Needing to hurry, he quickly began armoring up once more with her assistance, shivering the whole time."What about you? I'm sure you've been running yourself ragged all day, not resting once.""The bleeding of the red lyrium has me in an anxious and energized state. I couldn't sleep if I tried." After putting himself back together and seeing her sad Mabari face, he cupped it in his thick leather gloves, "I'll come back to check on your mana, but please, get some sleep before the mission tomorrow." He could tell she was already tired, probably having not been able to sleep due to her fluctuating magic.Coaxing her to lay down and covering her up in the layers of blankets she brought, her eyes fixated on him as if she read his thoughts. "And... you are alright with feeling the effects of lyrium again?"Cullen's hands stilled without their usual shakiness, and he swallowed hard, "I'm... just glad it is not hindering me from performing my duties, and that I can help you. Though I will be happy to go without feeling it again regardless of the consequences."She nodded, adorably nuzzling her head into her pillow, "You and I are a bloody mess. If it's not one thing, it's another."He laughed at their expense as well, "As you once said, no one else would want to put up with us." Kissing her goodnight, he resisted the urge to stay as her eyes twinkled up at him, "Sleep, Trevelyan. We have a fort to take in the morning, and I need you at your best.""Yes, Rutherford," she yawned back finally able to drift off without the threat of her magic. "I look forward to battle beside you tomorrow, my love." As her eyes closed, he smiled, struck oddly by her words. He felt like it should've worried him more, but instead, he too was comforted that she'd be with him. So often he had sent her into battle without him, but this time he'd be able to lead from the front.Battle. Revenge. His love beside him. What more could a warrior want?***Unsure when she fell asleep or for how long, Evelyn awoke in the dark of what she assumed was the early morning. Eager to know how the operation was going, she bundled up and hurried up the snowy path to the Command Tent. Runners were rushing to and fro from the northern gate and back, but oddly the Commander was alone standing staring off toward Suledin Keep. As she quietly approached, watching her footing on the frozen steps, she peered up at him again there was a man hovering closely behind his shoulder.Evelyn did not recognize him, but at the sight, she instinctively stopped as every hair on her body rose. Something was not right. Unblinking, she studied them opening her senses. Her raptor eyes picked up every movement as the man-made motions as if conversing with Cullen. Yet it seemed to be a one-sided one, as the Commander seemed paralyzed in place. The whole scene screamed danger and the Phoenix immediately took flight, fade-stepping to rip him away from Cullen. Reaching out with her ethereal hand, time seemed to slow as the mysterious man turned flashing a sinister grin before disappearing in his own cloud of smoke.When she materialized behind the golden-haired Ferelden, he scolded her, "Now is not the time for your pranks! I'm glad you're feeling better but--"She didn't bother listening to him, cutting him off, "There was a man standing here behind you. What was he saying to you?" Her tone was urgent and the soft torch light revealed to him the serious nature of her question."What? What man? I wasn't speaking to anyone.""What were you just thinking then?" He shook his head unsure of where this was going. "I can feel something is off in the air here. Whatever I saw may not have been human." Cullen's hard amber eyes locked on hers, "You were staring up at the Keep, what were you thinking about?""I... I was thinking about revenge. That had I been in Samson's place, I wouldn't have been so foolish as to get cornered or waste the lives of my brothers and sisters of The Order in pointless attacks. That I was superior." His words stirred a chill in her colder than the night. The notion of superiority was inherently in the essence of the red lyrium. Her first encounter with it back in Haven made her feel the same. He shook his head running a hand through his hair briskly. "I should've been thinking about the quarry mission, why was I..."Evelyn's dangerous look halted his words, "A being that can influence thought sounds like a demon to me. And... oh, Maker!""What?!" His eyes were alert and trained on her every reactive movement.She threw her hands up and they landed in her hair remembering what Michel had relayed to her when they first met. "Michel has been hunting a demon here who is helping the red lyrium flourish. What if... that was him? Working with the red essence to ensnare you with such thoughts. This can't all be a coincidence." She watched his fists clench at his sides and his eyes shut tight at the demon's invasive violation. She knew what it would do to him. Evelyn immediately reached out and grabbed his shoulders, but it was impossible to make contact with him through his armor and layers, "I'm here, Cullen! Look at me!" He forced his eyes open, and her hands moved to his face but he dodged away from them. His back was to him with a gloved and over his face, lost again in the darkness. "I'm real, and I'm here. Don't go down that road; don't shut me out!"Frustrated that she could not soothe him with her touch, she could only pray – and curse – that her pleas found her way through the chaos erupting in his mind. Reduced to a spectator's role, she gripped the map table with such force, knowing without its support she'd fall to her knees in tears at his pain. After another stressful minute watching him fight internally for control, the faraway glaze of his eyes blinked back to the present. "Thank the Maker! Breathe, my love, I'm here," she sniffled back her emotions.With a heavy breath that puffed out a hot stream of air, he slowly calmed. Cullen was so practiced in hiding it, that he hardly showed signs of an attack. Anyone passing by was more likely to believe she was the hysterical one. Approaching the opposite side of the table, she watched him flex and relax his fist. "I'm alright. I'm alright..."One more visual inspection revealed he was in control to her relief. A low simmering rage came to replace her anguish, though her eyes were still moist, "Ishmael will not have you, of that I can promise you. I'm a Knight-Enchanter; no demon can hide from me.""We'll fight him together," the leonine resolve on his face was worn like another piece of his armor. Cullen was strong, he had been dealing with his trauma well before she came into his life, much like her.She nodded firmly back, her senses now all on high alert for any strange energies. "Let's just worry about the quarry mission first. How fares the men?"His golden eyes reflected the light with their normal luster, re-focusing on the task at hand. "All is going according to plan. All the major fighting is done, so the sappers are headed in to lay the charges. It'll take them several hours to do so, but we are still on track to begin the assault at daybreak. You should arm and prepare yourself for battle, Inquisitor.""I'll have it brought to me here.""You're staying?""Yes, Commander, unless you'd like another visit from Ishmael, I'm not leaving your side. Consider me your Sentinel." The irony of her words was not lost on him.Evelyn couldn't help the small smile that grew on her lips. Demon hunting was her calling and she relished the hunt. The stakes were higher this time, however, with Cullen stuck in the middle of the war for his soul. She knew she should be more concerned, but deep in the fire of her core, there was an unshakable confidence that was beaten into her since her days as an Apprentice mage. This demonic creature had made it personal; Ishmael knew she'd see it and what it was doing to her love. No demon had bested her yet, and now she had caught the scent of this particularly devious one if her memory served her right from Michel's assessment.Staring into the waning darkness, her raptor eyes burned orange searching out over the horizon for a glimpse of her prey. "I'm coming," she whispered, "and when I find you, I'll show you what a real demon is."
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