
Chapter 40: Forging A Path Forward Pt.1

Evelyn awoke the next morning to the soft mumbles of two people conversing. With her eyes unable to open as her exhaustion lingered, she grabbed at the firm mass shifting about beside her. A large calloused hand came to rest over her one ear to further block out the sounds of the talking. Though the gesture had been done out of courtesy, she plucked the hand from her, picking up her head to meet the gazes of Cullen and Rylen.

"Inquisitor," both men said as one. She might have been embarrassed if it had been anyone else aside from Rylen, but since Haven the two of them had a friendly repour. He had to know something was going on between her and the Commander, for she had a hard time believing he didn't since he and Cullen were best friends. His lack of surprise seeing them sharing their cots would support that theory.She laughed, "I don't go by that title until after I get some coffee. And you," her shifty eyes went to Cullen, "don't call me that in bed." He blushed a vibrant shade of red while she and Rylen chuckled. Standing with a stretch and yawn, the bright sunlight of the desert morning filtered in through the tent flaps. With a gentle finger, she peeked outside and up at the blue sky. The white wispy clouds were dragged into lines as if painted there by a brush. Seeing it instead of the dark, swirling skies of the Fade lifted her spirits considerably. With a sigh, she looked back at them, "We have a lot to discuss today, don't we?"Cullen nodded, but Rylen began setting his cot back up, "Discuss away. I'll be here, Your Worship-- I mean Evie." He flopped down on the bed sending dust flying into the air. Swatting at it in an attempt to save herself from a coughing fit, she and the Commander exited the tent.Blinded by the light, they bumped right into someone walking by. Cullen grabbed her waist instinctively to balance her as she was knocked back. "This looks cozy." Hawke slyly said as he slunk past them. "Your ties are undone, Commander." Cullen's eyes and hand shot down to his pants which were in fact in neat order, giving Hawke the satisfaction of a good laugh at his expense.Cullen's brow drew down and he took a step forward when Evelyn stopped him with a hand. "Don't. He and I had a chat in the Fade." His heated gaze still didn't meet hers, watching until the Champion disappeared into his tent. With camp deserted for the moment, she moved a hand up and down his chest, enjoying the feel of his soft shirt. The thought of clothing made her want to go change again after sleeping all night into late morning in the same clothes, but she didn't want to intrude on her brother and Cassandra's solitude."I look forward to hearing about that, though I'm sorry you're the one who had to do it.""There's not much to tell. I simply told him it was never happening." He raised an eyebrow at her brief summary as they walked to their mess tent. He was right to be suspicious for the truth was harsher than she let on. Having had a pleasant evening, she refused to taint it with talk of the Champion. After making themselves a plate they began eating and conversing about how well they slept, sharing a private smile knowing why. When Evelyn realized they had forgotten to grab coffee she stood offering to get them some. She left his black, knowing he didn't care for cream or sugar, but added it to hers along with whatever liquor had been left out. After three days of living through literal hell, she needed an extra kick. "You want a splash?" She shook the bottle at him as the dark amber liquid sloshed about in waves. Looking at her with concern, he shook his head in answer just before Owayne and Cassandra joined them. At seeing the libation, her brother's eyes lit up and he snatched the bottle from her. Evelyn looked at him incredulously as he downed several gulps, "I at least put mine in the coffee."With a satisfied 'ah,' he nodded his head, "That sounds lovely too." He made himself a cup, "Cass?" He repeated the same proposal to the Seeker as she had just used on Cullen. She too refrained from spiking her drink, making Evelyn laugh internally; Owayne was courting the female version of Cullen. No wonder she and Cassandra got along so famously. After rejoining them at the table, she couldn't help but ask her older sibling why he was partaking in drinking so early. "Do you have any idea what you two," pointing to the two females with his knife giving it a flip before taking it to the food on his plate, "put me through?!" She and the Seeker narrowed their eyes at each other before leveling them back on Owayne as he shoveled food into his mouth.With a deadpan gaze over to Cullen whom she was seated next to, she cast a force-push spell at him that was just strong enough to hit him off the bench. Cassandra didn't flinch and continued eating as the rogue's feet came to rest in an upward position.The Commander huffed, "Couldn't you have just burnt his pants off? Seems like a waste of food."The Phoenix answered with a gagging sound, "Seriously? I don't need to see what kind of smalls he's wearing these days."From the ground came a retort, "That's a privilege reserved for Cassandra."With a disgusted grunt, the Seeker shot to her feet and out of the mess tent. As he righted himself, Evelyn just shook her head at him, "When are you going to learn she doesn't like to be embarrassed like that?"At the chastisement, Owayne took a quick sip of his liquor with a shot of coffee, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Shows how much you know." He placed his cup down with purpose before striding excitedly out after her.She looked at Cullen, "What on Andraste's sacred ashes just happened?"The Commander finished his current bite, before answering, "I think I just won a lot of coin, that's what.""Are you referring to that bet Varric has going?"He nodded, partly chuckling, "Everyone bet against your brother except for a few--" Just then Sera and Bull threw open the tent flaps, both looking over to the left with two shit-eating grins.Sera giggled heartily, "Hey General Uptight, did you see--""I did," he said smugly, sitting back and dotting his mouth with his linen."Did you bet, boss?" He and Sera still had not taken their eyes off whatever the two lovebirds were up to, though by the way Bull said 'nice' she knew she didn't want to know."No, I abstained from this particular bet. Either way, someone was going to be angry with me." If she was being honest, the real reason why she didn't wager her coin on either side was because she had no idea who'd prevail. Owayne has the annoying ability to wear anyone down in time, but Cassandra is an unmovable force whose convictions are stronger than any that she has seen."Weren't you helping your brother though? I distinctly remember you telling him she liked poetry." Cullen raised his eyebrows at her as if waiting for a confession."Sure, I did, but that was before there was a bet even going! You'd think I'd bet on my simpleton of a sibling with the help I gave him if I was to. So, stop," she smacked his arm, "giving me that look Commander, and you're welcome for helping you win your earnings." It was her turn to give the smug smirk but she retracted it once their present company came fully in to grab some grub.The short stocky shadow of Varric was seen against the canvas before he and Hawke entered. "Here are my winners!" The dwarf held his hand out in reception, "You'll get your payout back at Skyhold. And just what will you be doing with yours Daisy?" Sera giggled that laugh that meant nothing good."Everyone hide your smalls," Bull commented under his breath.Hawke chuckled lowly, "I'd pay to see her run the Commander's up the flagpole this time." Striding over to the others, he asked, "What do you think, is he a brief or a tighties man?" After the lanky elf gagged while the others laughed, Garret turned his head over his shoulder to Evelyn, "Maybe the Inquisitor knows?"Feeling Cullen grip the table with some force making it tilt, she squeezed his leg under the table to halt him. Keeping her expression neutral she replied, "Your guess is as good as mine. I heard you comment on his pant ties already this morning. I had no idea you took such an interest, perhaps Josephine can add you to the Commander's suitor queue behind all the Orleanians."He gave her a look, and she knew he wanted to reply with a lewd comment about them, but at the risk of sounding uncouth, he said with a shrug, "Blondes aren't my type." When he sat across from her and stared, she knew this private battle was far from over.Having finished, she stood, "I believe we have a meeting to attend, Commander." No one paid them any mind as they exited and once in the privacy of the Command Tent, she crossed her arms at him giving him a look. He massaged the back of his neck as she began, "You need to ignore him. He wants you to react." Her expression turned sad, "Ryker used to do the same thing to me.""Is that what you did? Ignore him?" His scowl softened speaking of the subject.She snorted a laugh, "No, but I should've. It never ended well for me." At the prolonged silence, she added, "There will be no reason for him to stay at Skyhold if he wants to pursue Corypheus, we'll be rid of him soon. If Josie was here, she'd say she doesn't need word spread how the Commander of the Inquisition bludgeoned the Champion of Kirkwall with his fists, deserving or not.""Yes, but if he is going to insult your honor, I fear I won't be able to let it pass next time."With a loving sigh at his chivalrous nature, she walked over placing a hand on his cheek, "That's sweet, and however much I would enjoy it...""I know, I know. I don't want a lecture," he grumbled. "Maybe his pants can be burnt off in front of the soldiers," a small smirk pulled on his scared lip.She smiled brightly, "I may know a mage who could help with that." She leaned in closer meeting his lips briefly before listening to the approach of Leliana and Cassandra, the latter being teased. She whined at having to part from him but reminded herself that there would be time enough later."... I'm not disagreeing with you, I do indeed think Lord Trevelyan was looking rather flushed." As the Spymaster finished, she slid into the tent like a cat. "It was a good thing you were nearby," Leliana had that twinkle of mischief in her eye.The Inquisitor crossed her arms matching the redhead's amused look, "Am I going to have to have a talk with my brother about his behavior?""Oh no, Inquisitor," Leliana's lilt was emphasized teasingly, "I believe it is Seeker Pentaghast here who is at fault this time from what I saw.""Stop spying on people!" Cassandra's outburst was met with soft laughs, "You know what I mean!"Leliana quirked a slender eyebrow up crossing her arms to match the Inquisitor, "Correct me, but I believe that's my job?"Diffusing the situation before allowing it to escalate into the realm of personal affairs, Cullen, the sole male on the council, tried to focus on the women. "Let us tend to business before you tease Seeker Pentaghast, and do it preferably once I leave.""Thank you, Commander." Cassandra said pointily to the two women and walked over to the improvised 'War Table.' Following her lead, Evelyn let the matter drop, especially when Cullen had an opportunity to get back at her for her comment when she had caught them in their tent together.Wanting to keep the meeting small due to the sensitive and controversial news they learned in the Fade, it would be just her senior advisors in attendance this morning. After they briefed her on the three days they were missing, including the aftermath of the battle, Evelyn and Cassandra told them about the more pressing topic - their time in the Fade. They spoke of how a spirit imitating the Divine guided them through the labyrinth of Nightmare's domain. The monstrous demon had sought to separate them so its minions could pick them off one by one and at times they succeeded. The demon conjured visions of her greatest fears along the way, but unlike night terrors, these hallucinations had substance to them. Mentally the Fade had taken its toll on the whole party and they all struggled to keep each other focused and on task.The Spymaster crossed her arms, "How is it the Elder One can control or command demons?" It had been the spirit that had told them of Corypheus' connection to Nightmare and the others."We asked the benevolent spirit, but even it did not know," Cassandra replied. "The Inquisitor and I believe the entity we encountered was a Spirit of Faith. Not only did it impersonate Divine Justinia, but it was sensitive to our state of mind and gave us hope when things seemed dire." In a rare moment of weakness, she shared a telling look with the Nevarran. Neither woman wanted to recount what had happened to them, most of it not being of any consequence to the other advisors, so they agreed back in the Fade to leave it out of the official report. "As we escaped back through the rift, it had sacrificed itself so we all could make it." The Seeker had been slightly more weary of the spirit as it retained Divine Justinia's image, yet it had given them no reason not to trust it as it led them to the blood ritual rift at Adamant. In fact, they would've never recovered Cassandra from the demons without its' help.A few hours into their journey through the Fade, the raven-haired warrior had been taken. Evelyn had turned around amid a skirmish with Despair demons to see a dark cloud overtake her as she tried to claw away from the shades on her stomach. When the spirit had finally located her and pointed them in her direction, Evelyn sprinted off like a mad woman to save her friend, following the sound of her voice reciting prayers of protection. Spotting her at last, she dove into the clearing uncaring of the shadows lurking about. With the Phoenix wings splayed out in warning, the light from them seemed to ward the darkness away until the others arrived. As they dispatched the shades, Evelyn held Cassandra's face speaking softly to her, occasionally flicking her hand out to cast an immolation spell. The Seeker's eyes were wide staring off into the swirling sky. When she finally came to, she was emotionally drained, just wanting to sit with her head in her lap for a minute before regrettably, they needed to move on whether she was recovered or not.Sometime afterward, Evelyn was snatched by Terror for the better part of what she believed was a day. Her night terrors have always lacked a few senses, like smell and touch, but not these visions; they were real until she summoned the courage to burn everything. It was how her companions found her, having set everything in her immediate vicinity on fire. When it recreated the Ostwick Circle, she burnt it, then again when she found herself in Sampson's tent in the Hinterlands. Only when she found herself in the grasp of Corypheus, did she almost ignite her core mana unable to take the false reality Nightmare wove for her. It showed her the fate of Thedas if she failed, and while she received a taste of it thanks to Magister Alexius in Redcliffe, that version paled in comparison to this...The few times they stopped to rest the women sat back-to-back shivering at the thought of being taken again. The men fared no better, but they were all determined to put on a brave face. In time, Varric and Dorian's sarcasm became strained and more argumentative towards their predicament. Blackwall appeared to have completely shut down, unable to say much. The Warden looked years older as his face sagged and his eyes looked as if he was reliving a lifetime of horrors. When asked, he'd bark out that it was none of their business before once again becoming mute. Stroud and Hawke constantly fought, especially after learning that the Wardens had a hand in the death of the Divine. Evelyn could tell the guilt of his brethren's betrayal weighed heavy on him before the start of the siege, but now it did even more so. When they weren't arguing they were on opposite sides of their defensive formation quietly stewing. When Garret wasn't fighting with the Orlesian Warden, he was coming up with creative ways to slander the Inquisitor.Becoming critical of her every decision, making sure to work in her Circle politics and apparent weakness for Templars, she truly felt like leaving him in the Fade. Varric didn't help when he mentioned the story of how she and Henley had once been an item and paired with the fact that Garret caught her making eyes at the Commander, it provided him with ample ammunition. Her companions were used to the rumors of Evelyn's personal life, as at one point or another there had been ones about her involvement with all of them, so his comments weren't taken seriously by anyone but she and Cassandra who knew the truth. For the most part, she ignored him, but as they neared the rift and had just been saved from her demon kidnapping, his commentary had pushed her to her limit.Evelyn recalled as they waited for the spirit to break through one of Nightmare's barriers blocking their path, she grabbed Hawke by the collar dragging him away to have words. "What is your fucking issue? Is your ego so fragile that you can't fathom why a woman would find you repulsing?""No, no, you are the disgusting one, for the more I learn about you, the more I see you for the mindless tool that you are. The holy hypocrites should give you a medal for regurgitating their propaganda. But then again, I suppose thinking for yourself was never your strong suit, was it? It's pathetic, really, to be so brainwashed by the Chantry and their order of polished helmets. Speaking of which, you seem to have done a lot of polishing yourself," he spited."Mindless? Brainwashed!? It's always been mages like you who conveniently ignore the sins of their own kind. Do you forget who started this whole war and gave the Elder One the platform on which to build his army? Had I spent more time in Kirkwall I would've hunted your arse down and given you to Meredith.""Oh, spare me your righteous indignation. It was your beloved Templars who abused their power, forcing innocent mages into drastic measures. Your blind allegiance to the Chantry's bullshit is laughable. Maybe if you spent less time polishing helms and more time sharpening your wit, you would see Rutherford for the mage-hater he is." He chuckled with disdain. "And as for hunting me down, you overestimate your abilities. Besides, Meredith knew I was a mage from the day I became the Champion, but she was too busy fucking her pet Knight-Captain to care. She poured the lyrium down his throat while he shoved something else down hers".Fire surged through her veins as she kept an eye on the spirit's progress. Gritting her teeth, she turned back to him, "You Maker-forsaken piece of..." She exhaled, slow and steady, trying to calm herself a bit. "It's antics and attitudes like yours that poison the relationship between people of Thedas and mages. Yes, we need some real changes, and it's messed up that we're being treated like bloody prisoners, but you have to understand that people are afraid of history repeating itself, especially with the Tevinter Imperium still kicking. Trust isn't just given, it has to be earned! But of course, you'd only ever see it as the Templar's fault. The Chantry, the Order, and the mages, they're all responsible for this situation. The world isn't just black and white. You must have seen that, when you took a stand against Anders."The Champion snorted, "Anders was fucking possessed! I'm all for mages being free, but I can't let innocent blood spill. I took down Anders, but Meredith, she got what was coming too.""And it was Cullen who stood with you. I don't think a man who hates mages would have done that." They glared at each other when the sound of the barrier breaking was heard."Stop defending that Ferelden farm bumpkin. Between you and the other women infatuated with him, I'm not sure what there is to fawn over. He's as ingenuine as they come, believing his service was for the greater good. No doubt, he uses his time with the Order to his advantage. Maker, it makes me fucking sick to see him so revered. And you've encouraged his delusions, for all his high-ranking officers are Templars! He's building himself a perverted version of his former order to play soldier with."Grabbing him by the breastplate again, she leaned in to make her point clear, "Let me make one thing clear to you..." For the briefest moment, she fought the urge to just walk away, but this needed to end here. "There is no one more deserving of praise than him after everything he has overcome, the half of which you don't even know! To think you know him, the real Cullen, as I do is absurd! And yes, I'll admit, he and I are romantically involved, so I take the things you say a bit more personally." He rolled his eyes and nodded at the omission. "Keep going on like this about us, and I assure you, there will be a price which I will exact personally. I take threats to those I love gravely seriously.""You're touched in the head. Thanks for saving me from your brand of crazy.""That's Inquisitor to you," she growled in passing as she went to join the others, "don't fucking forget it, Champion." Garret had no power outside of Kirkwall, for it was only his reputation, greatly helped by Varric's novel, that lent him any influence. He was not of noble blood, nor did he seek to elevate himself. She would not be bullied by a man who saw the world through a limited perspective, let alone one who had never lived in a Circle. His assumptions about Cullen only proved that, as he was no different from any whiney mage who rather make themselves the victim over being part of the solution. The Inquisitor had neither the time nor patience for such people.Returning to the present trying to calm her racing heartbeat from remembering the infuriating confrontation with Hawke, she listened to Cassandra lead into the most critical event from their Fade excursion. The only good that came out of it was having been shown what transpired at the Temple of Sacred Ashes right before the explosion."I've regained my memories of the Conclave." Evelyn jumped in, "Nightmare was charged with keeping them from me by Corypheus, but the spirit helped steal them back before we escaped." Cullen and Leliana looked at her with great anticipation, "As usual, my knack for finding trouble was validated again when I wandered off from the main halls at the Temple of Sacred Ashes after hearing strange noises. They brought me before a set of doors where I listened to the Divine pleading with who we now know is Corypheus and his Warden mages. It seems he had already corrupted a number of them even before all this. I truly don't know what they were planning to do, but they held her suspended in the air and the Elder One placed the orb beside her head. It was then I crashed through the doors startling them all. With the distraction, Most Holy knocked the orb away and I... picked it up, gaining the anchor. Then the orb's magic exploded creating the Breach. Afterward, I woke up in the Fade, and with me was Divine Justinia. She and I were lost in the Fade, very much like how we just were. The three days that followed the explosion, were spent trying to get to the rift at the Temple. I didn't know it then, but the demons left us alone so Nightmare could seep into my mind and steal my memories while we were too distracted. The way out was high up, and I had to all but carry the Divine to the top. We were so close, but then spider-like demons appeared and tore her from my grasp. At the time I couldn't use my magic, because the mark was trying to fight it for dominance. With only my boot dagger to wield in defense, The Divine knew it was futile. She told me to run and I did, for there was nothing I could do but escape." Leliana threw Cassandra a pained look, the same she had seen the Seeker wear when they had all viewed her memory in the Fade. "That's when I emerged from the rift at the Temple. The spirit who had helped us had watched the whole thing but had arrived too late to help us. What the soldiers saw was just Faith protecting my escape." After a profound and long contemplative silence having shared the truth, she sighed, "Josephine will need to be told and I trust her to do with that information what she will.""Even if our soldiers are told the truth, that you were not delivered to us by Andraste, I'm not sure many will believe it." The Commander's brow was crinkled as he rubbed a hand about his jaw.Blinking herself back to the present, the Spymaster recovered swiftly from the momentary lapse at hearing the truth about Most Holy's death. "Certainly. Some will be upset that we lied, despite not knowing ourselves, but I think the majority will simply not care." Her frankness caught Evelyn off guard, and she narrowed her gaze on her in question, "It matters not because of your actions. Take Andraste name out of every one of our victories and you are left with one woman fighting for the greater good - and a mage, no less. That should be what Thedas takes away from it, and that I can assure you with certainty, will be what Josephine proclaims."The Inquisitor suddenly felt self-conscious, feeling the need to correct her, "One woman with three intelligent advisors, eleven companions, and the whole of the Inquisition behind her. Everything we have ever accomplished has been due to a coordinated effort.""Yes, but you have always been our figurehead. This narrative could also appease the Chantry Mothers, especially the ones still claiming we are propping up a false prophet with a cult following." Cassandra shook her head at the absurdity of politics.Evelyn nodded, "We'll see what the Ambassador thinks and revisit it once we have her opinion. Don't forget that it was also I who caused the explosion.""Corypheus caused it," Cassandra corrected."But if I hadn't been there or picked up the orb..."The Spymaster's brow furrowed while she crossed her arms, "Then the Elder One would've entered the Fade and fulfilled his plan of ascending to godhood. If hundreds of people had to die along with The Divine to stop all of Thedas from succumbing to his plans, then so be it." Her frown turned to a pained one, "Yes, Divine Justina died, but at least now we know it was not in vain given the alternative. I believe she would have willingly sacrificed her life had she been told that in the end, it would save more lives." The Left and Right hands wore steeled expressions and nodded in agreement. Evelyn knew Leliana, despite hiding it still carried around a heap of grief and guilt over Justinia's death. Now, she had the closure she so badly wanted.In the meeting's lull, the Inquisitor's eyes roamed the map before them seeing tacked reports next to one spot in particular. With a heavy sigh, she looked to what she could only assume was their next crisis, "Tell me what you know about the situation in the Emerald Graves. You said these 'Freemen of the Dales' have been colluding with the Red Templars?" She looked to the Commander for an explanation."Yes," he began, pointing to the markers on the table, "Scout Harding and her scouts have been able to keep their presence unknown as they intercept messages between the Freemen and Sampson."She looked up from the map in shock, "Sampson himself? Is he there?" Evelyn absently comforted her well-healed thigh thanks to the salve Ilara and Master Taigen whipped up back at Haven.His eyes darkened and she couldn't stop her own expression from doing the same, "We are still unsure of his whereabouts, but he is directly corresponding with the leaders of the Freemen. It seems he's supporting their efforts in the hopes of keeping Orlais weakened as they transport red lyrium through the Graves. With Erimond's defeat and no demon army, in the last few days, we've seen a heavy increase in Red Templar activity in the area. Harding has also mapped several rifts in the area. With all this making the forest extremely dangerous and Emperor Gaspard's focus in the Exalted Plains still, this 'Fairbanks' isn't sure how long he and his resistance force will last without reinforcements.""That's not good. We'll pass the Emerald Graves on our way back to Skyhold," her shoulders slumped and she rubbed her forehead wearily, "it's only logical that myself and a team divert from the army to join with Harding." She looked to Cassandra, thinking about having to ask her companions to forgo some much-needed rest at home, "They aren't going to be happy." The Seeker nodded to her in agreement, so the Inquisitor added, "I'll ask for volunteers first, I suppose.""Then allow me to be the first," she announced with a faraway look.Evelyn sighed, "Are you sure? I think you earned a break if you wanted it. Especially after... the Fade?""That's exactly why I need to go." There were many looks darting around the space, but neither woman was about to open up about what really happened to the Seeker. Not needing to say more she nodded, feeling the same, yet she preferred talking with Cullen over pummeling Red Templars and Venatori - a thought that made her battered muscles ache more. Having had no rest for as long as she could remember, in the back of her mind she wondered how much more her body could take."Inquisitor," the Commander's grim look told her she was not going to like their next order of business, "there is still the matter of the Warden prisoners. What would you like done with them?""How many surrendered?""About two hundred Grey Wardens. Erimond was also apprehended, though Leliana could tell you more."The three of them looked to the redhead, whose countenance hardened at the mention of the Tevinter mage. "I have questioned him, but he remains loyal to his master.""How hard did you press him for information?" Evelyn had a hard time believing that she had trouble extracting anything from the coward."As hard as your absence allowed."Nodding, the Inquisitor understood, "I give you leave to use whatever methods you deem necessary, but keep in mind that I need him alive and seemingly unharmed for a public trial back at Skyhold."A frightening feline grin spread slowly on her face, "Yes, Inquisitor." The Spymaster had her mouse in a cage and was now given leave to do as she pleased with the wretched creature. Evelyn would be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to hearing the man's tormented wails after everything he had done."As for the Wardens," Evelyn paused thinking about it with a heavy sigh, "what they did could have been catastrophic, yet dismantling them could be more detrimental in many ways for the future of Thedas. For one, the king and queen of Ferelden would take issue. Then, what if a Blight suddenly appears and there are no Wardens, or we find out we need them to defeat Corypheus, since he is a darkspawn? Their numbers were dwindling even before the battle. I think we have an opportunity here to both do good and benefit from the situation if we play this right."Cullen rested his hand on the pommel of his sword, "We could offer them sanctuary at Skyhold. It would be an undertaking, but we could clear some land in the pass next to the training grounds for them to stay until they receive orders from Weisshaupt." He looked to the Spymaster, "Perhaps, Warden-Commander Cousland could be persuaded to take them in or be willing to send supplies to help us quarter them.""Or," the Seeker cut in, "we let them fend for themselves. Why is it we should have to help them when it was their action or inaction that led to this battle? They are guilty of the death of The Divine and have wielded blood magic to summon a demon army." She scoffed, looking to Evelyn, "I'm having trouble seeing why we should invite those who plotted with the enemy, unknowingly or not, into our home?""They are Grey Wardens." Evelyn knew the great weight their name carried, as she knew the same was true of Templars which had been why she perused them first to help with closing the Breach.The Nevarran took a step toward her, and it was then she forgot that even as she stood taller than average, Cassandra could make her feel small, "And how many times will they be able to get out of war crimes with that excuse?" She looked to her fellow Hand, "Leliana?"With a frustrated sigh, the former companion of the Hero of Ferelden spoke her piece, "Of course, I want those responsible brought to justice, but with the Inquisitor's memories returned to her, we know that all but Corypheus died in that explosion." Leliana's gaze lowered darkly, "He will pay in time, and the man responsible for the corruption of the Wardens is chained in a cage right now. Typically, I'm the last one to offer such mercy, but these Wardens, are not the guilty ones. Clarel is dead and so are all maleificar. The survivors are fools for falling for Erimond's lies, but they did not kill Most Holy." Letting the weight of her words settle, the Seeker's resolve seemed to waver.Evelyn shrugged, "Do I even have the authority to judge Wardens?" Everyone looked to each other for an answer. "We are in Orlais, I would assume Emperor Gaspard had authority on all matters within his borders."Cullen added, "This was a sanctioned military action, and as such, their crimes should be judged by the Emperor, and yet," he rubbed the back of his neck, craning it from side to side as he navigated the politics, "wasn't the Lady Ambassador seeking the final approval from various kingdoms about our authority over matters related to the Elder One?""But would we want help to judge them?" Leliana placed a hand on the war table, looking at her from under her cowl, "Go on asking for authority and you will find that you have none. The Inquisition is growing in power and status. Kings now see us as a threat to their authority as the Chantry did when we first emerged after the Conclave. Should they side with the winning horse while it benefits them?" Sister Nightingale held her hands out to the sides like a human scale, "or oppose it before it grows into something more dangerous that they can't control. They already know they cannot control you, Inquisitor, because of how you have shown them you are and because of your mark - our only salvation. Make no mistake that without it, holy or not, they would seek to replace you with a pawn of their own. This cannot happen. We must control what we can to our benefit."Leliana's cold steely eyes remained locked on her, despite her point being passionately made. Evelyn agreed most ardently with her for she knew The Game and its role in politics. Gazing around at each face, with the exclusion of Josephine, she knew they all put the Inquisition first and foremost; she trusted them that they were not serving an alternate agenda."She's right," the Inquisitor's fiery resolve appeared in her eyes as she looked up from under her brow, "we must protect this." She motioned around the room at them. "We are the only people we can trust, the only ones who are looking at the larger picture. The Inquisition was founded by the Left and Right Hands of the Divine upon her demise in a time of crisis. We answer to no one, but the Divine, and in Her absence, we carry out Her directive and answer to ourselves." With a fortifying deep breath, she continued, "Cassandra, I can't see how casting out two hundred Grey Wardens will do any good, guilty or not. I would like to hear what the Ambassador's thoughts are on this. For now, we offer them sanctuary until we uncover those responsible. They will come back to Skyhold with us and I'll judge them then.""Does this mean you won't be diverting to meet with Fairbanks?" Cullen asked. The Inquisitor rubbed her face wearily at being torn in too many directions and time of the essence. "May I suggest, Seeker Pentaghast lead the team to meet with Fairbanks and assess their immediate need for reinforcements? He may wish to speak with you personally, but who could deny the Right Hand of the Divine and your close companion? In the meantime, we deal with the Wardens and once that is finished, deploy soldiers to the Emerald Graves."Looking to Cassandra who nodded at her reassuringly, Evelyn readily agreed to his plan. "Would you like me to ask for volunteers or would you like to choose your team?"She made her signature disgusted grunt, "I'd rather you do it... but if you don't mind, I'd prefer Varric and Hawke not be assigned. I can only take so much of them, and after being trapped in the Fade with them they are too much."Cullen shot her a suspicious look, but she laughed it off, "Fair enough. I'll go speak with each of them and see who's up for it. Is there anything else before we get packing?" Everyone shook their heads. "Excellent. Commander, please speak with Ser Stroud and arrange for him to prepare the Wardens to leave with us tomorrow and Sister Nightingale, please keep me abreast of any information you learn from our Venatori mage. I will write to Josephine and tell her of our discussion regarding the Wardens. Dismissed."The Hands of the Divine quickly flew from the tent, both seemingly having urgent business, leaving her and the Commander alone once more. With a wan smile, she trudged over into his embrace.She began laughing to herself, catching his attention, "Something amusing, Trevelyan?""Do you remember back at Haven when I was hounding you all day about releasing those mages that surrendered at the gate? And I interrupted you and Rylen talking after you called me beautiful?"He chuckled merrily at the memory, "Yes, I do. I wanted to move my tent after each one of your visits so it'd take longer for you to find me.""And when I bumped into you that same evening at the tavern...""You had successfully ruined my day and then night it seemed." He stared off with a small smile, "Though I can't say I was put off by bumping into you, I was angry at the fact that you brought red lyrium into camp.""Your face was priceless!" She went on to mimic him, lowering her voice and creasing her brow, "Maker's breath!" Then you looked down at what little cleavage I have--""Hold on, I did not," he gave her a pointed look before his eyes darted about searching his memory."Yes, you did, it's alright though I forgive you." As she laughed she noticed a frown forming on his face, "Cullen?"He gazed up at her worriedly, "I remember all that, but... I can't remember what happened afterward."After blinking a few times, she stood and moved closer to him as he stared at the ground, "Henley had taken red lyrium and we all went after him." Evelyn's voice was low and soft as she led him through the summary of the events that night. How they found him deep in the woods with the help of their friends and Cullen having to carry him back to Adan. At the story's conclusion, he simply shook his head, with a grimace on his face still unable to remember it."It's the lyrium, it's starting," he scowled, wiping a hand down his face, "I shouldn't be surprised by this. I knew this would eventually happen." His muscles tensed, and his eyes darted about looking at everything but her.Guiding him to sit on the single stool in the tent, she knelt beside him, "You may have forgotten, but I haven't." She tapped her head, "I have it all right here for you." Keeping calm, she tried to dispel his fears.Turning his head to look at her, she saw a looming dread settling in his amber eyes, "How do I even know what else I've forgotten? Is this just the first instance or is it farther along than I know, because I can't bloody remember!""It's alright--""No, it's not! What if it was critical mission information or if meant life or death for our soldiers!" At his harsh tone, she backed away slightly, taking her hand from him. This was out of her depth, and aside from trying to comfort him, she didn't know what he needed. Maybe some space would be best, especially since they weren't completely back to normal themselves. Seeing her paralyzed, he placed his head back in his hands, "Leave me." Not looking back up, he was shutting her out purposely. With a hard swallow and silent nodding of her head, she stood and slowly left.
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