
Chapter 34: Here Lies The Abyss Pt.1

The journey to Adamant Fortress in the Western Approach was a long trek, covering countless miles while they had the light of day and lazily resting and nursing sore feet by night. The healers' tents always had a sizable line as they were busy tending to blisters and aching joints. Having grown up in a saddle, Evelyn was happy to spend the day atop Nelson rather than in a carriage. She liked being a visable presence mingling occasionally with her soldiers to alleviate some tension as they marched to battle. As she had done back in Haven with the patrols and even before that in Ostwick, she enjoyed speaking with people hoping to find common ground. Before it had been about easing the fear of mages, but now it was finding answers about the things in the world that were changing; The Maker, the anchor, Corypheus, the Mage Rebellion, it was all on the table. Her favorite thing about chatting with her troops was when they'd ask if she remembered them since last they spoke. When she did and she asked after something they previously discussed, they beamed at their comrades having been made to feel special by the Herald of Andraste. Her mother had imparted the importance of having a good memory and remembering people to always come off as polite and caring while using the collected knowledge to her advantage. However, Evelyn used it now genuinely to get to know her people and their aspirations within the Inquisition; It was how she was able to appoint an assistant for Quartermaster Morris so quickly before leaving Skyhold. Ever since she and Cullen agreed to delegate more responsibilities to their people, she had been on the hunt for promising recruits to promote.


Aside from that, there was very little for her to do except approve orders from the Commander occasionally, though she typically deferred to his judgment. All other business, unless considered vital, was put on hold until after the mission. Having put their drama aside, she and Cullen settled into a false friendship. Despite acting normal, Evelyn always found herself letting out a deep exhale when he left, relieved they had acted their way through another poorly scripted public scene. It was a hard thing to describe because she enjoyed being able to chat and joke as they used to, but it was empty of the accompanying emotions. Yet, she couldn't distract him from the mission, knowing that he had the whole weight of their success riding on his abilities as Commander. She did not doubt that he had painstakingly thought of everything, but she hoped when he gave her the go-ahead she was up to the task.


Knowing they could not delay the mission any longer, fully recovered or not, she was going into a fortress with possessed mages, demons, and a giant rift. Her hand ached at the thought of sealing it, even if she had yet to lay eyes on it herself. The further they traveled into the desert, the more the dry air was affecting her injured lung causing her to cough more than she would've liked to. In the evenings, Ilara had her inhale steam to help her sleep after one night of keeping Cassandra awake between her hacking and snoring. The more her best friend fussed over her, the more of an invalid she felt like, eroding away her own morale. Never in her life had she been so injured, so often that she began joking to the others asking when she could go on leave. Despite everything, inside Adamant she would have the support of her army and companions, not to mention the addition of the Champion and Warden Stroud.


The veteran Orlesian Warden was seemingly a gentleman with a soft but stern demeanor. With the trouble facing his fellow Wardens, he was quiet and thoughtful, busing himself in the evenings with corresponding with his contacts to try and figure out the extent of Corypheus' corruption. How he and Hawke had tolerated each other for this long working side by side to hunt Corypheus was beyond her. For the more she was in the Champion's presence, the more miraculous their companionship was. The thing binding them, not unlike herself and Cullen, was duty - that dualistically purposed word that was both a solemn oath and excuse. Garret was a rascal, mischievous yet respectable in his judgment when it mattered. When he had first joined them after settling into Skyhold, Cullen had said he was reliable but didn't offer much else. She thought at first it may have been because he didn't know him well, but after hearing numerous stories from the Champion when they were deployed in the Western Approach involving the former Knight-Commander of Kirkwall, she began to suspect there was a more turbulent side to their acquaintance.


For one, Hawke had hidden the fact that he was a mage. How he did that from Cullen, who no doubt was a skilled Templar, baffled her. Having hunted apostates herself, she noted a number of the signs of his unorthodox upbringing in his daily habits. Regardless of his status as their ally, she had a hard time completely trusting such a person, and the more she watched Garret's interactions with the Commander, the more she was convinced he felt the same. However, the Champion seemed to always be near her along their journey, wishing to speak with her about all topics, happy to debate her views on reforming the Circles. While he favored the freedom of mages, even he knew the system well enough to know the majority of the populace would not accept it. It would only end in more violence against mages, especially against ones without protection or the emergence of radical groups. While the topic was a distraction she was passionate about speaking of, engaging her in some deep conversations about the future of Circles, sometimes she wished she had some quiet.


His constant companionship warded away Cassandra, who seemed happy to stay with Cullen and Owayne, making her somewhat jealous of her tentmate as she consumed the attention of two of her favorite men. Henley and Ilara were busy with their duties, managing their charges, but thankfully Sorin was content to linger near her. Her fellow Knight-Enchanter was still acting as a quiet sentinel, on the lookout for trouble. Between Hawke and Cullen, she wasn't sure who grated on his patience more. She was fairly certain he did like the Commander, he was just unsympathetic to his side of the conflict. Having had no time alone to speak, from how well she knew her friend's body language, she'd say he was weary of the Champion's motives - as was she. While Garret could be entertaining, both Ostwick mages were aware of the looks he gave her. Evelyn, too brazen at times, only fueled his encroaching advances by not backing down as he clearly enjoyed a chase. She shouldn't have expected any less from a man who was the lover of a Riavini pirate for a few years, and the notorious Isabella at that.


Upon joining with their forward troops - who had been sent ahead with the slow-moving siege equipment before her battle with Aeron delayed the operation - they arrived to find them battered and exhausted, having been woefully outnumbered by the enemy force for some time. Ser Hawthorne had once again made himself invaluable, having been summoned from Griffon Wing Keep nearby to assist the expeditionary force in repelling the Warden's attacks and maintaining the siege position. To survive the weeks of random encounters, it took every man they had to defend the camp. In the middle of the desert, there was absolutely no cover to be had. Building defenses out of their supply of wood, Hawthorne was careful not to spread the men too thin, using every advantage possible. The Wardens were not their only concern, however, as the men needed water and to conserve their supplies. Close to camp they found a dry riverbed and digging within it, found a supply of ground water. Once word was sent to the Commander that they had established wells, he diverted the Trevelyan cavalry that was headed to Skyhold to reinforce the camp. Making haste, the horsemen's presence all but stopped attacks on the camp, having the griffin-less Wardens at a complete disadvantage. With steady supplies being delivered thanks to Emperor Gaspard, they were able to last almost a month on their own until the bulk of the army arrived.


Now, with Adamant Fortress surrounded and the siege equipment in place, the Inquisitor gave the command to begin the siege. As the first volley was fired at the main gate, it set off a chain reaction from the other two camps who had their designated targets aimed at finding a way inside. It would take several days, but eventually, she'd have her way in to seal the large rift they had opened.


"The coordinated effort between the trebuchets will weaken the walls and bring down the gate in time. Based on research of past battles and schematics of the ancient fortress, we've aimed our attacks at its weak points where I believe the walls had been compromised." The Commander addressed his senior officers along with the Spymaster and Inquisitor in the Command Tent, "The main gate is our primary target, once it is weak enough to send the Battering Ram in, the trebuchets can then be adjusted to attack the walls, hence their off-centered placement. I'd rather not waste the time or men to move the bloody things to the other camps when they can hit the other targets from their current location." As she listened, she couldn't help but gaze at him proudly, which did not go unnoticed by the man himself when he did a double-take at her as he fielded questions. He had put everything into this operation for it to succeed, and she'd be damned if she failed him. He was inspiring in his own right, reassuring his soldiers that he had thought of every scenario and obstacle that could present itself. The confidence in his tone and his plan was felt by those present who would in turn pass it down the ranks. "Inquisitor, would you like to add anything?"


She looked up at him and then at the men and women gathered around the table, "I do believe you have thought of everything, Commander. I am confident in our ability to triumph and Maker willing, convince what Wardens we can to surrender." Henley was standing beside her and threw her a doubtful look.


"Yes," Cullen rubbed a gloved hand over his stubble, "should they surrender, you are to have some of your men escort them to this area here." He pointed to one of the large inner courtyards that had ample protection and security. "And for the love of Andraste, make sure none of them are mages." Though he didn't mean for his words to sound so harsh, it was a clear enough warning. "We do not anticipate the mages will be of sound judgment or mind, having been the ones binding the demons through blood magic."


He looked up to her grimly, not wanting to say what was needed, so she did, beating even Rylen to address it. It was better if the order came from her anyway, "As of now, until we have more information, all Warden mages are considered maleifcar and should receive no quarter. For the sake of your soldiers, do not hesitate. Is that understood?" The Inquisitor looked to each one of them for affirmation. When satisfied, she looked back over to the Commander who was visibly relieved at not having to cover the protocol for the Warden mages. She knew all too well it could've resulted in some form of post-traumatic hallucination taking him back to Kirkwall.


After calling for last-minute questions and dismissing everyone, she went to leave to relay the information to her companions. "Inquisitor," she froze, just turning her shoulder enough to see his face, "thank you." For one rare moment, the sincerity of the simple act burned through their conflict. Having sworn to never betray the trust of the things she knew of his past, like triggers, he was always safe from the darkness so long as she was near. Evelyn's eyes softened, giving a warm nod before once again continuing on her way.


The area of camp where her tent was located was safely nestled in the center of the main force's spot in front of Adamant's gate. Quartered around her were Leliana, Cullen, and all her companions. A few yards away were the healers and surgeon's tents for the wounded, then the Command Tent. As she sat beside the fire, Evelyn caught sight of Cullen's tent whom he shared with Rylen, shaking her head knowing that he'd never actually be in it for the duration of the mission. In having to bring more men due to the delay, everyone had to double up in tents, even the senior officers.


"There you are," a heavy Nevarran intonation called from behind, "there's a surprise waiting for you in our tent." With Ilara sleeping with the rest of the healers, she was free to bunk with Cassandra as they always did on the road.


"Oh? What kind of surprise? Something other than field rations?" Her eyes lit up thinking perhaps Josephine sent a surprise dinner on the eve of battle.


"You really do think with your stomach. No, this surprise is not editable, but far more useful." The two began walking as Evelyn's mind tried to fathom who would send her something and what it was.


Stopping just outside their tent, Cassandra held the flap open for her. Ducking into the darkened interior, she blinked a few times allowing her eyes to adjust, when a shine caught her eye. There placed on her armor stand was a beautiful set of dragon bone armor sculpted meticulously with golden-orange feathers adorning the helmet, pauldrons, vambraces, and greaves. She knew the odd green sheen of dragon bone when she saw it after the many hours spent studying the spirit blade Dagna forged for her. Running her fingers along the avian-looking embellishments in awe, she wondered at the cost of something so magnificent until her fingers landed on something that had been tucked into it. Sticking out was a note, with the Trevelyan seal:


My darling Evie,


I know you're already fretting over the cost of this armor, but there is no price I wouldn't pay to keep you from harm. May it serve you well my little firebird. Maker watch over you and the Inquisition.


Modest in temper, bold in deed.


Your loving father,

Bann Drexford Trevelyan


She couldn't hold back the tears that pooled in her eyes as she clutched the parchment to her heart. His genuine words and love were so sorely needed in this moment, a sob escaped. Her hand covered her mouth as her back hid most of the emotional display, while she heard the shuffle and shifting of her bunkmate and one other behind her. Owayne had joined them, coiling his arm around the Seeker's waist. Clearing her throat a few times and wiping her eyes, she turned back only offering the brief explanation of, 'it's from father,' for her lapse of composure.


Her brother smiled brightly, "It took some doing, but he had it sent to Skyhold before we left. We had to pack it and keep it secret. Thankfully, Cass can put the fear of the Maker in just about anyone to stay quiet." They smiled at each other smugly having succeeded in their ploy.


"Now I'm really in trouble when the two of you are plotting together." Her joking then transitioned into a heartfelt sincerity, "Seriously though, thank you both for this, I…" She paused, always careful of who she revealed her weakness to. Cassandra had become as close as Ilara was to her despite the lack of years of knowing each other. She attributed it to having forged their relationship through adversity on the road and sharing close quarters. "…I really needed something like this." Evelyn hugged both in turn, before adding, "Let's continue to keep this a secret. It'll be quite a shock for everyone when I step out in it."


They chuckled slyly before leaving her to fondle her gift.


Sitting about the fire on the eve of battle as blazing missiles from the trebuchets hounded the gate and walls, Evelyn's friends quietly occupied themselves knowing what morning would bring. By tomorrow, they'd have their way inside the fortress and face a remorseless army of demons made by the sacrificing the innocent. It'd be a grizzly fight, for even without their summoned monstrosities the Wardens were great warriors. She had chosen her team and assigned her other companions elsewhere. With her would be Blackwall, Cassandra, Varric, and Dorian with the addition of Hawke and Stroud. Ilara, Vivienne, and Solas were to be stationed with the healers, not wanting to send all their mages into a fort full of maleificar. Evelyn and Dorian had extensive experience with blood magic and were the only exceptions to the rule. Sorin was able to resist possession as well, but he was to stay back in case his abilities were needed outside the walls. Owayne, under the command of Henley, was assigned to climb the ladders helping the men gain a foothold on the walls. Sera, Bull, and The Chargers were assigned to breach the Eastern Wall when it fell. And Cole was doing whatever it was he did, helping where Compassion was needed.


Everyone was engaged in small conversations about their private section of the camp, including herself who was occupied with Sorin, Varric, and Hawke. The two residents of Kirkwall and the Knight-Enchanters were swapping amusing stories of their exploits in the Free Marches, but Evelyn's mind was drifting in and out of the conversation. Occasionally, her eyes wandered over to where Cassandra and her brother were standing. He was charmingly annoying her, though the Seeker laughed at whatever he was saying after giving him a punch or a playful shove. The two of them openly enjoying each other's company brought a smile to her face, it only made her heart heavy thinking and wishing she could have the same.


"You alright there, Blaze?" She turned back towards the dwarf, who was appraising her with an astute eye.


"Why do you call her 'Blaze,' Varric? Aside from the obvious?" Hawke asked, eyeing her with a curiosity.


"Haven't you seen her mad?" She could see the Champion thinking back to their time spent in the Western Approach. "Everything is set ablaze from her eyes to blood and especially her wings. Hence, 'Blaze.' Not only that, it also refers to her temper." She shot him a hot look, "Whoa, I did not say it was a bad thing! I think every leader needs a healthy attitude if they want to get things done."


Just then, Cullen strode past with Rylen as they discussed the latest reports on the stability of the fortress. Evelyn eyed them, wondering if they would summon her, but Hawke reached over thumbing the scar on her chin then poked the one at her nose making her laugh slightly, "And how'd you get these?" The Commander's eyes fell harshly on her, cutting her laughter short.


"Oh, that's a bit of a tale, and same for the one on my nose," Sorin laughed listening to her vague explanation of the stories. "If you'd excuse me, I better check in with the Commander." Standing from their huddle, she walked over to the two men reviewing the parchment, "What's the latest?"


Rylen saluted, "Your Worship, the scouts have reported that there are far more demons than we anticipated, while the number of Wardens lessens' by the hour."


A chill ran down her spine, "More blood magic." He nodded grimly with an 'aye.' Her gaze turned dark looking over at the timeworn fortress, "How soon can we begin the assault?"


Standing tall, the fire in her eyes was alight meeting the Commander's molten orbs, "Tomorrow night at best." Her eyes widened and by his annoyed sigh, he knew the argument fighting to get out of her head, "These things take time, and as it is we are manning the trebuchets all day and night with three crews alternating shifts. The battering ram has been built and will be outfitted with the penthouse tomorrow morning in anticipation of an evening assault." With every word her hope of saving as many Wardens as was possible was diminishing. "Rylen and I are headed out to check on a few things." As he finished, their horses were being guided over to them. "I'll find you when I return once I have further information--"


"Commander! Inquisitor!" A young scout out of breath came sprinting towards them. She bent over gasping while supporting herself on her knees, "There's… something you must see. Sister Nightingale awaits your… presence immediately." A large black raven landed on her back squawking and turning, flapping wildly.


Already mounted on his large warhorse, he extended a hand down to her, "Rylen will see to the other tasks, we should go see Leliana right away." Pulling her up with ease, she situated herself behind him, placing her hands on her hips. "You can, and probably should, hold on to me."


She scoffed at him, "Cullen, I could ride standing on one leg while assaulting the fortress with fireballs." Realizing how obstinate she sounded, she placed her hands on his sides as he spurred his black Ferelden Forder forward. His mantle tickled her face with his scent, as she tried to keep eyes on Leliana's raven as it guided them to its mistress. Leading them away from camp and down into a canyon beside the fortress, they spotted the dark-cloaked figure in the distance.


With her agents spread about watching out for the safety of their superiors, the two dismounted looking around them. Stopping dead in her tracks, Evelyn couldn't believe her eyes, "Maker, are those…" her words were cut off by the grotesque sight before them. The sunken earth had been turned into a mass grave. Bodies upon bodies were haphazardly dropped from above filling the canyon beside the wall. Obscured by some of the only vegetation for miles, the area was a natural defense for Adamant, which is why they hadn't seen this until now. Covering her nose they walked over to Leliana who didn't seem bothered by the stench or view.


"It seems they are not just sacrificing Wardens any longer," she nodded over to a plainly dressed elven woman. "By her clothes, she looks to be a servant of some kind, and that man there, clearly a mason. See the mortar plastered on his hands? They're desperate, sacrificing anyone they can or can't afford to feed."


"You think they were ill-prepared pending our arrival a month ago?" Cullen questioned.


"Erimond seemed like the type of man who didn't bother himself with the details of how he was going to supply a fortress in the middle of the desert, merely that he was following master's orders in creating his demon army. Regardless, we've clearly unnerved him as he's sacrificing anyone expendable enough. Let's just hope he isn't planning something bigger for us with that massive rift." The three exchanged concerned glances before looking back at the senseless waste of life. All these people died and lost their souls to demons for Corypheus. Erimond would pay with blood for his atrocities, and she would hear him scream in agony before ending his pathetic existence.


It was then a fresh body was thrown from the ramparts. The three quickly stepped behind a boulder, watching the flailing limbs tumble down the pale stone, its blood streaking down the wall helping to grow the existing red stain. After the long drop, it landed with a soft squishy sound accompanied by the snapping of bone. Wet gore shot into the air spreading it about to the others who gained another coat of blood and guts. The sight sent the Phoenix into a rage, as her fists clenched, knowing that this poor person was just trying to serve and was betrayed by their betters. She suddenly wished her wings could take her up these walls so she could strangle Erimond with his…


"Evelyn," the Commander lowered his tone, "your magic is overwhelming." Letting go of a sharp exhale, she shook herself from her violent thoughts. Even Leliana seemed to have been affected, looking dizzy as she staggered a step back.


The Spymaster glared resolutely at her with steel in her eyes, "You'll get your chance at them, Inquisitor, soon enough." Taking a knee before the abyss before them, Cullen began to pray for the departed. "Your prayers are wasted, Commander. Their souls belong to the Void now." Leliana's face contorted in a dark disgust at the gore.


"The bodies should be burned," flexing her hand, the Inquisitor conjured a flame but was halted by the redhead, who closed her hand into a fist.


"No, they will see. We will come back with a Chantry Mother and make sure the proper respects are at least paid to their earthy bodies." They both took a shaky breath, as Cullen once again stood looking out over the hundreds of bodies tossed from the fortress. "Let us leave this place and not speak of it until this is over. If word spreads of just how many innocent people have been murdered, I fear to think what fate may befall the Wardens. It may also give us some political leverage in Ferelden if we help keep news of this from spreading. The Wardens of Ferelden are having enough trouble as it is rebuilding their numbers since the Blight."


"You said yourself you share favors with the queen. Will this be shared with her?" Evelyn tilted her head partly to the side. She didn't mind her advisors trading secrets when they felt it was justified. Trusting them inexplicably to always place the Inquisition first, she never had to question their loyalties.


She leaned towards her slyly, "No, I would be remiss if I didn't keep something up my sleeve to use. I would expect nothing less from Elissa either." When a passing guard from above tried to peer down into the darkness at them, they knew they had lingered too long and quietly made their way back to the horses and then to camp.


Cullen dropped her back at their camp before riding off to catch up with Rylen who hadn't returned yet. With him distracted, there was one last task she needed to complete before the battle tomorrow. Peering into the darkness beyond their cluster of tents, she could see dark silhouettes against the sand embracing, no doubt exchanging favors of luck or protection before they'd be called to battle lines. Digging for her hand-embroidered handkerchief that she'd been carrying around all day waiting for an opportunity, she knew now was her chance.


Sneaking into the tent from the back to avoid her companions' sharp eyes, she folded and placed the delicate linen on his pillow. There would be no mistaking who it was from with the clever Trevelyan coat of arms and the initials 'EAT' on it. Evelyn couldn't help but chuckle to herself at the sight of her monogram, knowing that Cullen had probably never thought about the word which her initials spelled - how fitting they had several jokes about her eating habits as it were. To be safe, she folded it so the embellishment was on the inside of the first fold when he opened it and the color of the cloth matched that of the pillow. Maker forbid an attendant happened in and saw it, or someone meeting with him, but she couldn't place it anywhere else without a high chance that it'd go undiscovered. By delivering it to him secretly, he could choose without having to confront her or tell her if he accepted it. She could understand his decision either way, and part of her hoped he wouldn't say a word about it so she could believe in ignorant bliss that her token was tucked away somewhere under his armor tomorrow.


Not wanting to linger, she pressed a kiss to the fabric and whispered a protective prayer to the Maker and his Bride before departing and circling back around to her friends. As she rejoined them, her heart was fluttering thinking about what he would think about it when he returned. When he eventually did arrive back from the other camp, she quickly said her goodnights and retreated into the confines of her tent, not wanting to hear or see any form of reaction from him, knowing that despite thinking that she didn't care if she was rejected, that it would indeed crush her spirit.

The next few parts all take place during the siege of Adamant in the game so the chapter titles aren't that creative. What the chapter title may lack, I hopefully make up for in the content!

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