

Wang was pacing his office when his phone rang. He paused and stared at the table, where the phone vibrated innocently, expecting the worst.

Who was it? Nico? Or worse, Justin? Did they know? We're they coming from him?

He licked his lips, hesitated, then walked to the table.

When he saw the name of the caller, he didn't know whether to feel relieved or apprehensive.

Maria Hyatt.

"Hello?" He picked the call.

"Wang, Wang, Wang." Maria drawled, her voice full of humor.

Wang took a moment to sigh in silent relief. For her to be joking, it meant things were not as bad as he feared.

"How bad is it?" He asked, going straight to the point.

"For you?" Maria laughed. "Pretty bad."

"Fuck." Wang whispered.

"I know how you must be feeling." She continued. "You created the perfect plan and went through all these efforts to drag down your competitor only to find out that he is a phoenix."

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