
UPDATE: Please, Read.

I know I've been missing. I had a terrible month, on and off sickness, and lack of will to write altogether.

I think with everything that had happened before, the hurricanes, my constant debuff of being sick, and other stuff, I was reaching the point of burnout. Not because I was writing too much, that has never been the problem... I like writing, but I was reaching the point of no return because outside factors were pressing down on me, more and more.

At the beginning of this month I got sick. Nothing bad, mind you, but I was sick, and despite this thing not being as bad as anything else I had suffered, medically speaking, it just... drained me.

I didn't want to write, read, watch tv, anything other than just be on the bed, wondering why my ceiling is white if the walls are blue, it felt like I was stappling my balls every time I tried to do anything productive or fun for that matter.

It was a weird sensation. I mean, I know what it feels wanting to do nothing, as in, just chilling and playing, normally that's what my wanting to do nothing means: Having Fun.

This was the first time I ever... truly wanted to do nothing. I just wanted to sleep and that's it. Hell I even lost my appetite, if it wasn't for my wife lovingly shoving food at my face, I probably would've just... eaten when extremely necessary.

Eventually, this feeling vanished. And once again, I started writing. Initially, I tried to return to Naruto, but damn, I would find myself in the loop I like to call, the writer's hell, which is rewriting the same chapter, over... and over... and over again, and never feeling it's right.

My wife recommended I tried working on other stuff, to allow the creative muscle I was using for the Naruto project to rest for a bit, and so I did. First I started with DBZ idea, because... well, I love DBZ, and while the show has almost no story to work with, meaning is very linear, I just loved it.

I won't lie and say: OMG, as soon as I started writing something different my brain was like, hell yeah baby, wooooo!

On the contrary, I was like: What do I do?

I had ideas, but I just couldn't implement them, every time I tried to write I would end up with version of Takeshi in the world of DBZ with the first chapter lacking that... first chapter charm, instead feeling like you were reading the story from the middle.

But at least, I was writing, and it wasn't as bad as when I was writing with Naruto.

I continued experimenting with random ideas, anything that came to mind. From Harry Potter to Supernatural, and with each creative struggle, it became easier and easier to write. I guess the best way to describe it was that... I didn't feel like I was swimming against the current anymore.

So, once I felt I had recovered my mojo, I came back to Naruto, today, on XMAS, and well, I wrote a chapter without feeling anything bad.

I learned a few things during this... journey I took.

One, I need to find a way to deal with my stress, putting in on the back and pretending it doesn't affect me just hurts me more.

Two, I need to balance myself better. I was already under a ton of stress and my dumb ass thought the best thing to do was post 2 to 3 chapters a day on Webnovel, because that's what I needed, a bigger workload.

Three, I need to do more than one thing. Even if that second thing isn't something I will post or share. Giving all your mind to a single project, overtime, turns something you once loved into something you want to burn with a flamethrower.

Originally I had intended to return to my updates on the 25th, but decided to just enjoy the holidays with the family, seeing they won't stay for New Year's. So, I moved my intended date to today.

Love you all.

Next chapter