
she`s my

 the time evan told me about the man ,he try to touch my Dale ,my anger is on high am losing myself , knock on the door bring me back from my though ,come in he ,its him ,he open the door and come ,its really pleasure mr.dawson you call me here ,sit adkins say and place some documents in front of mr.brown what is this sir ,these are the documents that you are transferring you all share you are holding in williams group by hearing this brown face turn pale mr.dawson please don`t do this sir , this you have think before putting your hand on my women ,YOUR WOMEN ,MR.dawson i would never do that i even don`t know who is mrs,adkins dawson i never meet her ,DALE she `s my women, how this can be possbile Mr.dawson i know her from last three years and she is unworthy women by hearing this adkins held him from his neck and put his face on his table take a pen and held it just one inch far from his face say one word more and you will lose your life , sorry sorry mr.dawson please leave me i will never dear to go to close her , evan he call him , with one second evan enter in the office ,throw him out ,yes sir he take the mr.brown with him , after five mins he come in again announce the news that dawson groups will not do any work with browns ,yes sir . its been a week am working with new people its hard they all have a lot demands but save mr. williams company this project is to important , the shooting team still didn`t find their models ,why its so hard to find models , any am just gonna check on them if they need any thing then i need to go market taylor need some cloths martials , as i enter the studio they are shooting something pregnant women looking so good with that belly , adkins how many children are we going to have ,two he answer me ,no i want five , you know how difficult it is to give birth to a child , you are speaking like you are one whos going to give birth ,i know you are one but i can`t see you in pain , do you think i will look ugly when i will be pregnant with that huge belly ,i will look like pig , you are going to be the most beautiful women even when you gonna be pregnant with our child , tears escape from my eyes , this memories still hunts me in my dreams which never going to be true, laim call my name , you looking so happy what happen ,have you win any lotrey ,something like , what have you forget that its my birthday today ,of course not here your gift ,wow shitms show tickets how did you get this ,that don`t matter ,you didn`t tell me what lotrey you got , that mr.dwason he is in this company today and he to wish me when i give him this chocolate , i look at her she`s so happy just he wish her ,where is my ,here ,i took the chocolate , and look at it ,laim its with nuts ,yes ,he eat it ,of course ,where is he .

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