
XIII · The Unmeasurable Crystal Breaker

Mass release: 8/25


With her now quiet thanks to Saoirse's spell, the divination spells professor, Ruby Rosewood, a purple witch, who is the one to make use of the crystal balls to measure one's magic every year ever since 28 years ago, was able to finally come closer to Emerald, who made sure to keep her familiars' fangs far from her. "I'm Ruby. Seems like we're both gems."

Is she cool? Should I be wary?

["She'sssssss a good one!"] Jade hissed.

["Gold. Let me jusssssssst have a lil tassssssste!"] Peridot tried.

Peridot, damn it, you can't eat gold. For the thousandth time, that typa shit ain't eatable. It's a mineral that's not supposed to be consumed.

["Let me jussssst get a tassssste. Then I'll know,"] he groaned.

It will give you a horrible bellyache!

["I wanna eat it, witchling. We wanna eat it,"] Peridot insisted.

["There issssss a place insssssssside the gold mountain where we can eat gold,"] Jade told her. ["It'sssssss magical gold, Em. You have to take usssssss there. We wanna eat gold!"]

What? That's just a legend, Jade. She gasped.

["A sssssstar-death witchling issssss a legend!"] Jade countered.

A believable legend! Emerald retorted. No one can eat gold, Jade.

["Take usssssss there and we'll know if it'ssssss true or not!"]

I don't even know where this place is, Peridot. It could not exist at all, then I would be lost and die in this hell. She growled.

["It'ssssss not like you won't be exploring the tunnelssssss for your own gain, becausssssse of the promisssse you made your mom! We will be on the way. Come on, you're our witch, we're your familiarssssss. At leasssssst try. We really wanna eat gold!"] Jade tried more civilly.

Selene and Nyx help me. Fine. I promise to try. To try, not to make it come true, because that probably ain't true, since again, no one can eat gold. But fine, I'll try searching about this… eatable gold or whatever.

["Ahhh, you're the best!"] The mates beamed, she rolled her eyes.

"…Emerald? Emerald, dear. Focus on me," Ruby called her.

She blinked and turned her head to the professor, who had gotten exponentially close, so much that she subconsciously took a step back. At least I'm not the only weird here with a gem as my name. Best gem though. Hers is cool too, I like rubies, but obsidian and emerald are better.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Ruby reassured her, hands up, in a way one would do when approaching a wounded animal. "I need you to tell your familiars to stay calm and not bite me, okay? Are you focused on me now?"

Emerald nodded, still unable to speak. I'm getting back on her!

"Good, now tell your familiars. You can speak with them through your mind, did you know that?" She nodded again, cocking an eyebrow at the question she considered rather dumb. "Now speak to them, please."

Don't bite her. As soon as we are done here, we'll be able to leave and get to the single room, since I will be winning this, yeah? She glared at both serpents, now on her left and right forearms.

["Hm,"] they nodded annoyed.

Emerald turned to Ruby, nodding in confirmation.

With relief, Ruby took her maroon wand that looks like a fancier thorny branch, and made a line of nine crystal spheres the size of kid's head to appear between them, and Emerald couldn't hold the gasp of awe, which was audible because the spell only blocks her tongue from moving and her lips from opening.

"Cool, right? Everyone is already used to it, since we do this with everyone every year, but since it's the first time you see it, you must be surprised," Emerald nodded softly, amazed. "So, we'll need to take your restraining bracelets and anklets for this, can you help with that?"

Nodding again, she turned around, pushed the bottle she was still holding to Dior's hand, and bend down to take off the anklets, after a minute she stood again, almost smelling everyone's anxiety with her staying that unbound after her and the two green witches made it clear how dangerous she is, but ignoring that, she faced her wrist, but then she froze before she could take the bracelets off.

What do I do? The runes left marks on my wrists, the bracelets are covering it, if I take off… won't it be troublesome? She swallowed, feeling suddenly anxious again, which caused her bottled up magic to leak around her because of her emotions. What do I do?

"Uh, Emerald?" Ruby gulped. "Is something wrong, dear?"

"Let me help," Dior came to her, understanding exactly why she's suddenly anxious, and silently, she used a quick spell of visual deceit to avoid anyone around from seeing the marks on her wrists. Slowly, eyes on Emerald's covered ones, she took the bracelets off, "You are okay!"

Her eyes went to her wrists and when she didn't see the marks, she realized Dior must have done something about it, and let out a sigh of relief. As she relaxed, her leaking magic went back to her, and as she handed both bracelets and anklets to Dior, she turned to Ruby again, nodding.

"Feel better?" Ruby asked softly and she nodded again. "Good. Let me explain how this works," then she pointed to the nine crystal spheres and Emerald's eyes followed her hand. "These are measuring crystals, they are the only stones able to measure the magic of a witchling, no matter the amount. When activated with one of the elemental magic types, if you close your eyes, focus on your heartbeat, and raise your dominant hand, one or more of the crystals will come to you, attracted to your power. Then you will touch the crystal that came to you, and it'll show us the amount of magic you have through it's color, white is little, black is too much, then there's the colorful colors in between from white to black."

What do I do? She raised both her hands to Ruby, making a writing sign with both. I'm dominant in both.

"Yes, I mean the hand you're dominant writing!" She blinked.

Emerald bounced her head negatively, then spoke in English sign language, since she can't speak with her voice: I am dominant in both my hands, Ruby. There's no left or right, it's left and right to me.

But Ruby frowned confused, "I… don't speak sign language."

"She said she's dominant in both hand, no in-between," Simon said, breaking the silence he was in ever since she exploded on him. And though she didn't spare him a look, Emerald clenched her jaw and nodded.

The bastard can speak sign language? Ugh. She sighed.

"Ah," Ruby chuckled softly, "Simon ain't looking that unique now is he?" She purred and Emerald gulped, her annoyance growing at how they keep comparing her to him, when to her, she's a freak, and he ain't. "In that case, you will raise both of them, okay?" A nod. "Good. Let's see how dark those crystals will become," she purred. "I'll pour wind magic in it, so, now you close your eyes behind those eyeglasses and focused on your heartbeat!"

Here we go, let's blow them away. Grinning mischievously, she closed her eyes, quieted her breathing, and focusing on her heartbeat.

Tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum.

"Keep your eyes closed and focus," Ruby said in a shocked gasp.

In response, she just kept breathing, eyes closed.

Tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum.

Tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum, tu-dum-

The last thing she heard was the sound of shattering crystals as her eyes rolled back and everything went black as she lost consciousness, while everyone gasped in dismay.


"What the hell? What the," she reached for her throat, realizing her voice was back, taking a big breath through her mouth, then licking and biting her bottom lip. "That maniac in training, I can't believe she actually shut me for bloody points like-" but her voice vanish on her own as she blinked and took in her surroundings, tensing up as she saw her father on his feet, looking worried behind Dior. "Ugh, back to hell, am I?!"

"Did you do that on purpose?" Dior asked, on her knees in front of her, looking exasperated.

Emerald raised her eyebrows, "Did what on purpose?"

"Break the crystals," she snapped.

"Did it cut your throat?"

"What? Of course, not!" Dior gasped.

"Then no, I did not do it on purpose," Emerald mocked.

Dior clenched her jaw, "Hah, I see you're back in your senses." She stood up again, brushing her knees from whatever imaginary dust she saw in it. "What the hell did you do? How did you faint?"

Slowly, Emerald sat up, realizing Jade and Peridot were under her, avoiding her from having hit her head, "Thanks, guys. What happened?" She asked them, ignoring Dior, who blushed annoyed. "I blacked out. I was breathing and… and hearing my heartbeat, then something broke and it all got dark." I felt… a pull in my soul and some shit. "Are you okay?"

["The crysssssstalsssss are unable to meassssure your power, witchling. Not jussssst because you're too ssssstrong,"] Jade hissed.

["But becaussssssse they were made by a ssssssstar witch and a death wizard together. Crafted. Unnatural, but not ssssstrong enough to meassssure the power of sssssssomeone like you!"] Peridot finished.

"Hah," she chuckled anxiously, so anxious everyone noticed.

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