
V · The Mommy Serial Killer

"I didn't mean it."

"Emerald. Don't call me Em anymore," she cut her. "And no. I am not the forgiving type," she hissed. "Blame it on yourself for being disloyal, green witch," the words sounded like a curse on her tongue. "My familiars were right about you, I guess that is on me."

Saoirse swallowed, frustrated, "I didn't do it to hurt you, Em."

"Emerald," she corrected. "It doesn't matter, you hurt me. Period." Clenching her jaw, she took a deep breath. "Don't even think that I'll be anywhere close to you in Alexandrini, Saoirse, because that ain't happening at all. I want you as far from me as fucking possible."

"Em… Emerald," she cried.

"No, don't even try if you don't want me to outburst again, I do not want to hurt anyone today, and I'm angry," she snapped and turned to Dior. "I got the memo of the uniforms, but I still can't figure who's who."

Sigh, "Mixed fall into the house they are the strongest at. Simon is in the Lion House, he's 2.22m tall, white, tattooed, black wavy hair, with mismatched golden right eye and red left eye, big troublemaker, top 1 even between the seniors, nasty arrogant boy, most consider him the prettiest around," Dior rolled her eyes. "You will easily spot him. If not by all that, by his height. We shared the pupil shape of our bonds, he has feline golden eyes, just like you have serpentine jewel-like emerald eyes. But don't let his pretty looks fool, that one is a monster, he's the one you will be in the most danger near, so, stay the fuck away."

Because he's my dad's pupil. Noted. "He'll want me dead if he gets word of who I am, right?"

"Girl," Saoirse scoffed, "he'll want you dead regardless. He loathes me and mom and all greens. He blames his mom's death on us."

"And is that blame reasonable?" Her narrowed eyes went to Dior.

She grinned like a devil, "Abso-fucking-lutely yes. I killed her."

A horrible shiver went down her spine. Gwyneth Koletti is dead? But… she was alive when I left, I'm sure she was. It was hard but she did her best to hide her horror, "When did you kill her?"

Dior's psychotic grin widened, "Almost 10 years ago."

And to Emerald dismay, Saoirse shared her mom's menacing grin, "That bitch had been with your father when he attacked our coven and my dad, so, mom waited until she got a sickness and attacked her, then killed her in front of him. It was near winter break, he was 11."

Nyx be damned, what kind of monster did I befriend? Emerald but a poker face on, hiding how absolutely disgusted she was. And they think I'mma be part of their madness? Serpents can't be tamed. "Did you kill anyone else from my dad's group?"

"Oh yeah," Dior winked, believing to be in the same page as her. "All of their mommies," she chanted. "Ana Marisol Castellanos, Meghan Keaveney Mawr, A'isha Shilmani Kayserling, Chloe Atkins Dixon, and the French bitch Rébecca D'Arras Parmentier. Only Simon saw it though out of the kids. Speaking of that, what exactly happened to your mommy, little changeling?"

This woman is absolutely insane. Nyx help me, she'll be sending me there to be a target by all of those kids, the strongest kids. I'm screwed. But I'm not gonna be screwed alone. "Do not cross the line, Dior," she hissed absolutely feral and both Dior and her daughter flinched. "My mother has nothing to do with you, she was busy pregnant of me when this stupid war happened, and she was half-white. My dad is one thing, but do not dare to speak of my mother to me. And if ever hear a word about you ever having had the intention of killing my mommy, I promise you won't like what I'm going to do to you or Saoirse."

Instinctively, she raised her hands up in peace, giggling anxiously, "Nothing against your mom, Emerald. No need to get nasty on me."

"Nasty? You have no idea how I am when I'm nasty, Dior."

"And I don't want to either," the witch said. "I mean no harm."

"Oh, but I do!" Emerald snapped. "Wanna compare body counts?"

Even Saoirse froze to that, "You didn't mean to kill them."

"I wouldn't say that," she mocked. I only regret one time, the first time, the time that destroyed my life, the reason why dad wants me dead. I can't blame him, I would want me dead too. It was an accident, but doesn't change the aftermath, we can't turn back time to avoid it from happening. And when I killed her, a part of me died too, giving place for something much, much darker. Unclenching her fists, she passed her hands over her hair. "I got Simon, what about the other five?"

"Kallias' in the Fox House, he's 2.18m tall, the second tallest after Simon, they are almost always around each other, cousins and best friends, Kallias turned 20 back in the past Buck Moon," July 13th, "tanned skinned, black straight hair, right arm tattooed, red eyes. Simon's sidekick. Also in Simon's grade, a year above yours, since you're from the first half and both of them are from the second half," Dior spoke, tense.

And she kept going, "Davian looks… like us," she clenched her jaw so hard her veins popped on her forehead, "2.15m tall, white with freckles, ginger hair, but with light grey nearing white eyes, and tattoos on both sides of his ribs. His house," she straight up hissed, "is the Snake House, because his strongest magic is the green one and not the white, that bastard, always stealing my daughter's top spot."

"Not this time, mom," Saoirse grinned viciously in a way Emerald never saw before, and it turned her entire innocent look grotesque to her.

"Not this time," Dior exclaimed with a vicious smug, but just as quick as it came, the smug died. "He is from your grade, as he turned 19 in the past Cold Moon," December 7th, "being a moon older than Saoirse since her birth's in the Wolf Moon," January 17th. "Now, Rowan. He's easy. 2.11m tall, he's also from your grade, having turned 19 in the past Beaver Moon," November 8th, "he's blonde, white, with turquoise eyes, tattooed left leg, from the Whale House, as his blue magic is stronger than his red."

"Simon black-haired in Lion, Kallias tanned in Fox, Davian ginger in Snake, Rowan blonde in Whale. Giants. Got it. What about the girls?"

"You are shorter than all witches because you're a changeling," the older witch had to add. "You father is 2.07m and your mom was 1.87m. But you're what? 1.58m?"

Emerald gasped, "Excuse me? I'm 1.77m tall. I'm tall enough to be model from Victoria's Secret."

"You know Victoria's Secret?" Saoirse gasped.

She rolled her eyes, "I hid in New York for a year before running to Turkey, of course, I do. Moral of the story, I am anything but short. And you better stop calling me that if you don't want me to loose my shit."

"To witchling standards?" Dior mocked. "You are very short."

"My height doesn't matter," she hissed. "Tell me about the girls!"

"Briana is in Raven House, she's from the same day as me," Saoirse told her, "she turned 19 back in the past Wolf Moon, so she's also in our grade. 1.93m, white with many moles, light blonde hair, hot pink eyes, long legs, slender and skinny, bigger ass, small tits and waist, thicker legs, and a tattoo on her upper back. Then there's Thalia, she's black but with a lighter skin, like a lighter shade of brown but still black instead of tanned, with thicker lips, big black eyes, long curly dark brown hair, she has a baby face and dimples, medium tits and a thicker ass and legs, 1.90m, with a tattoo under her tits, and from the Bear House, turned 19 in the past Strawberry Moon," June 14th, "and is also from our grade."

Well, she certainly is detailing the girls more. I never asked, could she be into girls? "And the blue haired girl Florence?" Emerald added.

"She's from the Scorpion House," Saoirse said, "as purple blood runs thicker in her rather than the golden. Turned 19 back in the past Flower Moon," May 16th, "also from your grade. With midnight blue long straight hair, pale fair skin, she has Korean features, East-Asian, 1.95m, slim and slender, smaller ass, small tits, tiny waist, wider hips, wider shoulders, with a piercing on her nose, a tattoo on her back, on her left ankle, on her left arm, and on her right thigh."

"Florence is the troublemaker of the girls," Dior scowled. "She's gotten worse ever since I killed her mom, four years ago. Her stupid blue hair speaks for itself," she mocked amused.

"Attention-seeker whore," Saoirse hissed. "I can't stand her."

I can't believe I was friends with her. Nyx give me enlightenment. How could she talk about a fellow woman like that? They have no respect for the witches feminine code. My mom was ten thousand times better than both of them together. It disgusts me. "Are you a psychopath, Dior?"

"I prefer creative," she grinned like a maniac.

Well, that's a yes. If not a psychopath, a sociopath for sure. "Hah, creative my ass. You're straight up sick in the head," she mocked. "I don't care though, you do you, be as crazy as you want as long as it doesn't get me included in your madness. So, anything else, or can you take this damn cuffs from my ankles and let me go to my cottage to pack, get my familiars, and come here so we can start this stupid magic training? We only have 4 days, you said, no? I think I know enough to recognize those so-called mean dangerous kids."

"Do you promise not to runaway?" Saoirse narrowed her blue eyes.

Hah, I regret have coming to fucking Australia. I regret more than I can fucking explain. "I'm doing this exactly because I'm tired of running, Saoirse. I'm tired of solely surviving. I want to remember how it feels to be able to allow myself to live." And because her mother would definitely call for my father if I refused this shit, while she has me cuffed. Plus that weird-ass toxic cocoon through which she forced me unconscious, that bitch.

"It's beneficial for her, she's a smart changeling girl," Dior purred.

"Keep calling me changeling, and I'll teach you what I learned in all of my years running from my father, Dior," she hissed. "Let me be clear with you. I don't like you, I don't like your ways, I don't like you at all, and right now, I don't like your daughter either. You better keep that in mind, I will never be your little puppet. I don't care about your conflicts with my father, when I deal with him, I will deal about my conflicts. I care about myself above anyone else."

"I don't care about your conflicts either. We're in the same page!"

Oh, I highly doubt that. "I hope so," she lied and they ate it up. With a snap of her fingers, the handcuffs disappeared and Emerald let out the anxious gasp she was holding. "Finally," she bend down to caress her ankles where there was now a soft mark. "Why am I still marked?" She gasped, noticing the same happened on her wrists, faintly, but still.

"The Scandinavian runes leave a trace behind. But don't worry, the magical restraining bracelets and anklets will cover it," Dior brushed aside.

"How did you even have those runes in hand?" Emerald frowned.

"I have been after them since Saoirse told me you were a powerful changeling, and that normal cuffs wouldn't hold you back if you lost your mind and had an outburst with us!" Dior stood up.

"Hah, why am I even surprise?" She hissed, side-glaring her ex-friend who had the decency of flinching. "If you are this kind of friend to all of your so-called friends, I pity them as much as I'm pitying myself for falling for your shit right now," Emerald stood up from the bed. "At least you know how to make a tasty potion," she mumbled, before grabbing her bag and heading out the house, already knowing her way, since she's been there many times with Saoirse when she was around in summer and winter. "I feel sick as fuck," she cursed under her breath, "but let's do this."

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