
The Legion of Ouroboris

820.M30, The Great Crusade, Segmentum Obscurus, Helican Sector

The Emperor stood alongside his most trusted Custodians, Constantine Valdor and Ra Endymion, reviewing the latest auspex scans of the Helican Sector. His brow furrowed as the data revealed a disturbing pattern - entire settlements were being consumed, vanishing from the maps as a relentless tide of xenos swept across the region.

"This is most troubling," the Emperor rumbled, his eyes narrowing. "The reports speak of a swarm, devouring everything in its path. We must act quickly to contain this threat before it spreads further."

Valdor stepped forward, his golden armor gleaming. "My lord, I propose we mobilize the Titan Legions and the forces of the Mechanicus to engage this enemy directly. Their firepower and resilience will be crucial in exterminating this xenos scourge."

Ra Endymion nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we should deploy the full might of your Custodian Guard, my liege. These foes must be met with overwhelming force to ensure their eradication."

The Emperor considered their counsel, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "A wise plan, my trusted ones. However, I sense that even our combined might may not be enough to sever this Gordian knot in a timely manner."

The Emperor contemplated the reports from Valdor and Ra, his brow furrowed in thought. While the Custodians and Titan Legions would undoubtedly prevail, he was reluctant to expend their lives in a protracted campaign that could last as long as twelve days.

As the Emperor gazed out at the star charts, a familiar visage emerged in his mind's eye - the proud and powerful form of his 11th son, Franklin Valorian. The Primarch of the Liberty Eagles, with his uncanny tactical acumen and the overwhelming firepower of his Legion, could be the key to swiftly exterminating the xenos scourge.

"Franklin..." the Emperor murmured, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yes, your skills and the might of the Liberty Eagles will be most valuable in this endeavor."

Turning to his Custodians, the Emperor spoke with renewed purpose. "Valdor, Ra, prepare to mobilize the Titan Legions and Mechanicus forces. But first, summon Franklin Valorian and his Legion. I believe their unique capabilities will be the key to swiftly eradicating this xenos scourge."

Valdor and Ra bowed deeply, their faces schooled into expressions of reverence and obedience. "It will be done, my lord," they intoned in unison, before departing to carry out the Emperor's commands.


The void erupted in a blaze of light as Battlefleet Liberty emerged from the Warp, its vast armada of battleships and escorts casting long shadows across the void. At the heart of this mighty force stood the colossal form of the "Sweet Liberty," its towering bulk dwarfing most except the Emperor's own flagship, the Bucephalus.

Franklin Valorian, Primarch of the Liberty Eagles, stood on the bridge, his gaze fixed upon the distant flagship. A broad grin spread across his face as he beheld the familiar silhouette.

"There he is, the old man himself," Franklin chuckled, clapping his First Captain, Denzel Washington, on the shoulder. "Time to show him how the Liberty Eagles get the job done."

Denzel returned the Primarch's smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "As you say, my lord. Shall we make haste to the Bucephalus?"

Franklin nodded, his expression filled with a mixture of reverence and affection. "Indeed, my friend, It's been awhile since we've crossed paths."

With that, Franklin led a small entourage aboard a sleek Thunderhawk, the craft racing across the void towards the Bucephalus. As the vessel approached the Emperor's flagship, Franklin felt a familiar presence in his mind – the unmistakable psychic signature of his father.

"Ah, there you are, my son," the Emperor's voice echoed in Franklin's thoughts, tinged with a rare warmth. "I've been expecting you."

The Thunderhawk touched down upon the Bucephalus' hangar deck, and Franklin emerged, his towering frame casting a long shadow over the Custodians standing guard. Striding forward, he moved with a confident gait, his eyes locked on the two imposing figures waiting for him – Constantine Valdor and Ra Endymion.

"Valdor! Ra!" Franklin boomed, his voice rich with affection. "It's been far too long since I've seen your scowling faces."

To the Primarch's surprise, the Custodians remained stoic, their expressions unreadable. "Primarch Valorian," Valdor acknowledged, his tone formal and clipped.

Franklin chuckled at the stoic demeanors of the Golden Banana boys, he spotted the familiar form of the Emperor, standing tall and resplendent in his golden armor.

"Father!" Franklin exclaimed, sweeping the Emperor into a massive bear hug. "By the Throne, it's good to see you!"

The Emperor chuckled, returning the embrace with a firm pat on Franklin's back. "And it is good to see you as well, my son. Your arrival is most timely."

The Emperor gently disengaged from Franklin's bear hug, his expression turning serious as he gazed into the distance. "Franklin, I must draw your attention to a matter of grave importance."

Franklin followed the Emperor's line of sight, his brow furrowing as he caught glimpses of dark shapes in the void. "What is it, Father? Those winged creatures descending from the skies - they don't seem like any xenos I've encountered before."

The Emperor nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Indeed, my son. These are no ordinary xenos. They are a species unlike any we have faced in the Great Crusade thus far - a predatory horde, consuming everything in their path."

"Tyranids," the Emperor replied, his voice tinged with a rare note of gravity. "A predatory species, devouring all in their path. They come from outside the Galaxy, drawn to consume more Biomass...all life."

Franklin let out a low whistle, his gaze fixed upon the alien swarm. "Tyranids, eh? Fitting name, I suppose. But what are they doing here? Surely they're not foolish enough to challenge the might of the Imperium."

The Emperor's expression grew pensive, his eyes narrowing as he peered into the future. "I have seen the Tyranids in their full, grotesque glory, my son. They are a force of nature, unrelenting and all-consuming. In the millennias to come, they will threaten the very existence of humanity this is but a Splinter Fleet"

Franklin's eyes widened, but a confident grin soon spread across his face. "Well, then it's a good thing the Liberty Eagles are here to put them in their place. We don't fear numbers, Father. In fact, we thrive on them."

Turning, the Emperor gestured towards the distant horizons, where the flickering lights of distant worlds could be seen. "I have identified twelve key planets that must be secured, lest the Tyranid swarm consume them. Valdor and Ra will lead our forces to clear the half on the right flank. I would have you and your Liberty Eagles take the left."

As Franklin Valorian's Thunderhawk departed, the Emperor's gaze followed the receding silhouette, a faint smile playing on his lips. His son's infectious confidence and unwavering determination never failed to stir a sense of pride within him, a rare emotion for the ancient being.

Yet, the weight of what he had glimpsed in the future continued to burden the Emperor's mind. The Tyranids, this "Great Devourer" as they would come to be known, were a threat the Imperium had never faced before – a ravenous, ever-adapting horde that would sweep across the galaxy, consuming all in its path.

The Emperor's eyes narrowed as he recalled the visions, the grotesque images of the Tyranid bio-forms and their seemingly limitless numbers. It was a sobering sight, a testament to the sheer scale and devastation this menace would one day unleash upon humanity and its allies.

But the Emperor was not one to be cowed by such a challenge. His gaze hardened with resolute determination, his mind racing with strategies and contingencies. For all the Tyranids' formidable abilities, they were still a purely physical threat, bound by the constraints of the material realm.

"Unlike Chaos," the Emperor murmured to himself, his thoughts darkening. It was Chaos, with its insidious tendrils reaching into the past, present, and future, that truly threatened to unravel the Imperium's foundations. The Tyranids, for all their might, were but a minor threat compared to the greater disease that festered in the Warp.

The Emperor's eyes drifted to the distant Warp Rift, the subtle currents of the Immaterium swirling and churning. It was here, in this realm of raw, unbound power, that the true threats to humanity's survival lay – the Ruinous Powers, the malevolent entities that sought to corrupt and destroy all that the Imperium had built.

And it was here that the Emperor's greatest hope lay – the Webway Project, the key to humanity's salvation. If he could secure the Webway, the Imperium would be shielded from the ravages of the Warp, and the Tyranids would find their strength diminished, their numbers no longer an overwhelming advantage.

With the Webway secure and the Inertialess drives completed, the Emperor knew that the Great Devourer would pose little threat to a unified Imperium of Man. The task would be daunting, to be sure, but the Emperor was convinced that his sons, his Primarchs, would rise to the challenge.

His gaze drifted once more to the Thunderhawk's retreating form, and his thoughts turned to Franklin Valorian, the Primarch of the Liberty Eagles. Of all his sons, Franklin had always held a special place in the Emperor's heart – a reflection, perhaps, of the Primarch's own unwavering spirit and steadfast loyalty.

The Emperor had seen the many potential futures that could befall the Imperium, and in most, the 11th Primarch, along with the 2nd, had been lost to the corrupting influence of Chaos. But when the Emperor had first discovered Franklin, the very fabric of those visions had shifted, the future becoming less certain, more malleable.

The Emperor turned to Ra, his expression grave. "Endymion, summon a remembrancer. I have a task for them."

Ra bowed, his face betraying no emotion. "At once, my lord." He swiftly departed, leaving the Emperor and Valdor alone in the hangar.

The Emperor's gaze followed Ra's retreating form, his mind racing with the weight of his visions. Turning to Valdor, he spoke in a measured tone. "Constantine, these 'Tyranids,'are a far graver threat than they appear. But I would have the remembrancer record them as a minor xenos species, one that the Imperium has swiftly crushed under our heel."

Valdor's brow furrowed ever so slightly, a rare display of emotion from the stoic Custodian. "My lord, forgive me, but are you certain that is wise? From your words, these Tyranids seem to pose a greater danger than you let on."

The Emperor nodded, his expression pensive. "Indeed, Valdor. But I have my reasons for downplaying the threat. For now, it is crucial that the Imperium's focus remains on the eradication of Xenos and the unification of humanity.

Valdor nodded, his understanding evident in his measured tone. "I see, my lord. And the remembrancer?"

"Ah, yes." The Emperor's lips quirked into a faint smile. "I would have them record the Tyranids as a minor xenos threat named 'The Legion of Ouroboris', one that Franklin and his Liberty Eagles have swiftly crushed. I do not wish to draw unnecessary attention to the true scale of this menace – not yet, at least."

Valdor's expression remained stoic, but the Emperor could sense the Custodian's unspoken questions. "I trust your judgment, my lord," Valdor said, bowing deeply. "The remembrancer shall record as you have instructed."


Aboard the colossal battleship, "Sweet Liberty," Franklin Valorian gathered his closest advisors, the Continental High Command of the Liberty Eagles. Their faces were etched with a mixture of determination and concern as they reviewed the latest intelligence on the Tyranid threat.

"Alright, my friends, let's have it," Franklin boomed, his voice carrying a confident, almost jovial tone. "Sovereign, give us the rundown on these xenos we're about to exterminate."

The ship's Central A.I, Sovereign, began showing Holograms and data "My lord, the data we've gathered paints a concerning picture. These 'Tyranids' are unlike any foe we've encountered before."

"The initial scans of the Tyranid forces indicate a highly adaptable and interconnected hive-mind structure. Their ships, or rather, living bio-constructs, are capable of rapidly consuming and assimilating biomass, using it to spawn new and varied organisms."

Franklin's brow furrowed as he studied the holographic display, his mind already racing with strategies. "Go on, Sovereign. What else can you tell us about these Tyranids?"

"The Tyranids appear to possess a sophisticated Synapse network, allowing them to coordinate their forces with a high degree of efficiency," Sovereign continued. "Additionally, we have detected a disturbance in the Warp that seems to interfere with the use of psychic powers in the affected regions."

Vladimir Mendelev, the Chief Librarian, stepped forward, his expression grim. "Uncontrollable psychic backlash and headaches – no doubt the work of this 'Synapse' network you speak of. Our Techno-Seers will be severely hampered in their efforts to support us."

Franklin felt a familiar presence stir within his mind – the ancient and powerful consciousness of Khaine, the shard of the God of War contained within the Deathsword

"Primarch," the voice echoed, its tone laced with a barely contained fury. "I can feel the shadow in the Warp, a constant hum, like the chittering of a billion insects."

Franklin's brow furrowed as he listened to the ancient entity's words, his grip tightening on the hilt of the mighty blade at his side.

"This 'Synapse' network of the Tyranids," Khaine continued, "it infects the Warp, disrupting the flow of psychic power. If you wish to unleash the full might of your Librarians, this shadow must be purged."

Franklin nodded subtly, his mind racing with the implications. "And how, exactly, do you propose we accomplish that, old friend?"

A low, rumbling chuckle echoed in his mind. "With violence, of course. These Tyranids have angered me, Primarch. I thirst for their xenos blood."

Franklin's lips curled into a wry smile. "Well, then, I suppose we'll have to oblige you. The Liberty Eagles are more than ready to deliver."

Franklin informed his High Command of the Shadow in the Warp.

Vladimir Mendelev's eyes widened, his expression grim. "That would explain the psychic backlash and interference we've been experiencing. If this 'shadow in the Warp' is not dealt with, our Techno-Seers will be effectively crippled."

Franklin nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Then we'll have to rely on more... conventional methods. Sovereign, give me a real-time assessment of the Tyranid assault on the first of the designated worlds."

The hololith shifted, displaying a planet in the throes of a Tyranid invasion. Spores rained from the sky, altering the environment and terraforming the world to suit the xenos' needs. Massive bio-constructs stormed the surface, swarming over the hapless defenders.

Franklin watched the scene unfold, his expression betraying a hint of amusement. "Well, now, that's quite the impressive display. But I daresay, they've picked the wrong Primarch to tangle with."

Turning to his assembled commanders, Franklin's gaze swept across the room, his voice filled with confidence. "Alright, you magnificent bastards, here's what we're going to do. Sovereign, I want you to coordinate with Vladimir and his Techno-Seers to develop a counter-terraforming strategy, using our nano-tech to consume and replace those spore-borne microorganisms."

The Chief Librarian nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It will be done, my lord. The Techno-Seers are already formulating a plan."

Franklin grinned, clasping his hands together. "Alright, then. Let's show these Tyranids just what the Liberty Eagles are made of. If only they had the common sense to invade a millennium from now – then they might have stood a chance."

The room erupted in laughter, the confidence and camaraderie palpable.


"Operation Bug Spray," Franklin had cheekily named it, though there was nothing remotely playful about his methods. The Tyranid fleet had been detected a few astronomical units away, and their presence was unmistakable—an all-consuming, ever-hungry tide of bio-ships, swarming and ready to devour anything in their path. But for Franklin, they were just oversized bugs that needed extermination.

"Primarch," came the cool, modulated voice of Sovereign, the A.I. in charge of Sweet Liberty's systems. "I have visual confirmation of the Tyranid fleet. They are approximately six astronomical units from our current position."

Franklin glanced at the holographic display that Sovereign had pulled up, showing the writhing mass of the Tyranid bio-ships. He grinned widely, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Sovereign," he said, his voice dripping with nonchalance, "do you see the enemy?"

"Yes, Primarch," the A.I. responded, "their fleet is directly ahead."

Franklin's smirk deepened. "Well, Sovereign, I don't want to."

There was a brief pause as Sovereign processed the command, its advanced logic circuits no doubt grappling with the peculiarity of the statement. But this was Franklin Valorian, and by now, the A.I. was accustomed to his whims.

"Understood, Primarch," Sovereign replied. In the next moment, the entirety of Sweet Liberty came to life. The ship's weapon ports, previously dormant, now hummed with lethal intent.

The Tyranid fleet, teeming with organic ships that pulsated with life, was met with a terrifying barrage. Smart Missiles screamed through the void, weaving through the mass of bio-ships with pinpoint accuracy. Nova Cannons flared to life, their blasts tearing through the organic matter as if it were paper. Grav Weapons distorted space itself, crushing the Tyranid vessels into singularities of nothingness.

Disintegration Cannons fired beams of pure energy that vaporized anything unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.

The Tyranids, in a desperate attempt to survive the onslaught, deployed their organic shields—massive, living barriers designed to absorb incoming fire. But against the combined fury of the Sweet Liberty's arsenal, the shields were about as useful as a paper umbrella in a hurricane.

Franklin watched as the numbers on the holographic display began to dwindle at an alarming rate. One moment, the Tyranid fleet was a dense cloud of writhing organisms; the next, it was a rapidly thinning mist. His smirk widened into a full-blown grin.

Within seconds, the once formidable Tyranid fleet was reduced to a fraction of its former size. Three-quarters of the bio-ships had been obliterated, leaving nothing but drifting debris and a few straggling vessels that were quickly mopped up by the follow-up salvos.

"Sovereign, status report," Franklin said, his tone casual, as if he'd just completed a routine task.

"Three-quarters of the Tyranid fleet has been destroyed, Primarch. Remaining forces are in full retreat. Operation Bug Spray is... a resounding success."

Franklin chuckled, a deep, satisfied sound. "Well, I'd say that went better than expected. Sovereign, make a note: next time, we'll need less spray and more bug."

Franklin Valorian had started Operation Bug Spray with a bang—literally.

A/N: If y'all wanna know, it was on the 4th Codex I think.

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