

Aerion looked into an ornate mirror in the Alfheim palace, a large white castle with red marble roofs and stained glass windows that from afar looked out of a fairytale.

All it took was three more battles for the Siccan forces to be completely eliminated.

It turns out that a general brought his unconscious body to the Siccan war camp so when Aerion 'awoke' he had destroyed the whole camp and accidentally made a big dent in the Siccan war effort.

Aerion rubbed his eyes and studied his burning yellow eyes with curiosity. His platinum hair fell just beyond his high cheekbones, his dark eyebrows twitched as he reflected on the war so far.

It had been a brutal war putting it simply.

Thor, Loki and his Father seemed to pay no mind to the brutality but Aerion had to admit he enjoyed it. Not the brutality but just the simplicity of it, the strongest won.

Aerion remembered the last battle, he was in the frontlines in command of over a thousand men. The rush he got as they willingly followed him into a small battle to prevent the main army from getting flanked was breathtaking.

He made sure to not only kill the enemy but protect his Asgardian and Light Elf allies.

And for his war efforts he was to be rewarded by the Queen of Alfheim herself. 

He looked down at the fine cloth gracing his form with satisfaction and as the finely sewed black tunic with a dark dragon leather belt holding up his black trousers.

A long red cape similar to Thor's however a darker red and wrapped around his shoulders.

He left his large room and into the white hallways taking note of the magnificent paintings and tapestries neatly lining the walls.

Quickly he found his way to the feasting hall, said hall did not compare to Asgards due to the far smaller size and far less trophies of war lining the walls.

Not to say Alfheims hall was small, it could still host a few hundred men comfortably and its white and red marble walls and roof was beautiful, just not comparable to Asgard. 

He made his way to the main table containing his father comfortably sat on the throne of Alfheim his spear Gungnir sat comfortably leaning against the white & red throne that seemed burrowed into the ground. 

The queen sat to Odin's left while Thor sat to his right and Loki next to him. Aerion slid into his seat to Loki's right and started to eat some kind of meat he had never had before with intensity. 

Alfheims food was pretty good. 

Loki turned to his youngest brother with a wince growing on his face from the lack of manners "Have you found all of your aspects yet Brother" Loki asked while trying to ignore the shining lack of grace. 

Aerion turned to his brother with confusion shining in his yellow eyes. "What? Aspects?" He asked with wide eyed confusion.

Loki blinked once, twice and then sighed "Just like Thor" he said despairingly "what are you a God of?" He asked bluntly as he paid his full attention to the platinum haired youth. 

Aerion blinked "Fire" he said simply, he's pretty sure Loki should have known that by now?

"Yes…...and?" Loki asked.

"And?" Said Aerion in confusion.

Loki sighed again "Thor should have never taken you to that training yard" he said to himself "Well you will have multiple aspects you're a God of." He started to explain. "I am the God of Lies first and foremost but I am also a god of mischief, magic and deception" he explained to the teenager who nodded in realisation. 

"Oh, well how do I find that out?" He asked his elder brother who looked down at his food.

"Well I found out from self reflection and a lot of patience, but you can do as Thor did and just ask Father when we're back in Asgard" Loki said as he went back to eating. 

Aerion blinked and then was about to ask more about having different aspects but the Queen Aeslae stood with a crystal goblet.

"I with great pleasure announce the strengthening of our friendship with Asgard for helping us fight away the Siccan invaders." The woman said to which the crowd responded with loud whistles.

"So we as a species have all given our thanks, awards and gifts to the Royal Family of Asgard after the war of 100 days" the mood became sombre at the mention of a war that happened over 29 years ago. 

"But, there is one family member who we have not yet thanked nor rewarded" the mood lifted quickly and whistles started once more "If you will stand My Prince?" The Queen asked the young platinum haired teenager. 

Aerion stood from his chair and stopped beside the queen "I noticed you have been blessed with the gift of fire" she said as she presented a silver ring with a ruby that shined in the light of the feast hall.

A hush fell over the wide eyed elves watching intently.

"This ring was handed down to us from the dragons themselves" the Queen said as she slowly handed the ring over to the God. 

Aerion took it from her gently as slowly he placed the ring onto his finger. 

As soon as the ring was placed onto his right pointer finger the air around him shimmered with sudden heat, the Queen quickly took two steps to the right to avoid being scalded.

Aerions pupils for but a moment grew slitted as the magic in the ring embraced him, his cape fluttering from an invisible wind as the world seemed to take a breath. 

The divine powers seemed to still then the heat dissipated into the air as Aerions eyes returned to normal. 


"You put on quite the show at Alfheim" Odin said to his son in Asgards gardens, the plants were ethereal and always caught his eye.

"Yes" Aerion repeated as his eyes lingered on a Stagvich, a plant the size of an elephant that regularly catches deer in the forests of Vilhelm, a small village west of the palace. 

Aerion distractedly scratched the back of his head with his ring catching Odin's singular eye, he felt awkward. Like what he was about to ask was the epitome of laziness.

"Fa-" his words were cut off by his Fathers own.

"You want to ask me about your aspects" he said as his clear blue eyes met the burning yellow of Aerion. 

Aerion nodded hesitantly as his hand scratched at the back of his head. 

Odin softly chuckled "Of course, just like Thor" he said softly before turning back to his youngest son. "Come follow me" he said as he walked off, a white cape made of the finest materials in the universe trailing in the Kings wake. 

Aerion followed feeling excited to learn what he was a God over. He was about to ask a question but felt it better until after he learned his aspects. 

He followed the man over to a large ash white tree, it's leaves a vivid contrasting green that created quite the striking image in his mind. 

"Kneel before the tree" Odin said calmly and gestured to a spot between the roots. 

He kneeled against the rough white bark and felt the magic running through it, his mind raced as it recognised the familiar feeling.

"Is this-" his voice almost quivered as he felt the magic scratch at his soul.

"Yes, this is a part of Yggdrasil" Odin said calmly "Every planet in the nine realms has anchors dug into its very soil." 

A sudden image formed in his head of a blazing fire the size of a mountain. 

He blinked and it was gone and then another formed in its place, the image of dozens of his spears implanted into scorched earth.

Then another image formed as that one disappeared, a red snake stared at him from its place in a burning tree. 

Then again another image formed of a battle, thousands of soldiers running at each other with Aerion on the front lines, atop of a dark horse with dark armour and a blood red cape.

He dropped to all fours panting heavily as the images assaulted his mind. 

Odin studied his youngest with interest filling his face "What did you see?" He asked. 

Aerion panted and repeated his visions to Odin who nodded gravely. Aerion looked at his father in confusion at his sudden change of expression.

"Father? What worries you so?" Aerion asked the King of Asgard.

Odin hummed and seemed to think before turning to his son and meeting his sky blue eye with his sons burning yellow. "Loki is suited to be a perfect councillor to the King, he can with ease gain information and ease worries with his silver tongue." Odin explained.

"Thor is almost perfect to be the next King, he is a God of Thunder and Strength, a God of fertility and Trees. He has all the power in the world with the ability to build anew"

"You however are a God of Fire, Snakes, Spears and Battle. I fear you are perfectly suited to one thing my son"


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