
Production of Scales

The cool winds blew through a workshop situated in Bidar. The day was bright, and the city was bustling with activity.

The metallic sounds of hammers echoed through the workshop as the smoke billowed through the chimneys. The heat was palpable as the workers poured melted metal into molds to create different goods for the merchants. 

It was an ironsmith workshop known for their expertise in the field. It was led by a master blacksmith named Hemant. He was in his late forties with a long and thick beard. His muscles were built as he worked countless hours hammering iron. 

He worked for the wealthy merchant named Mithun. The man had built his wealth during the civil war and helped Hemant a lot when he was struggling to even run his workshop. Hemant had gotten better at smithing and was fulfilling orders from Mithun periodically. 

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