
[66] Pharma Karma

I arrive at the abandoned warehouse where Miruko and I sparred earlier, my footsteps echoing in the cavernous space. The smell of rust and old concrete fills my nostrils as I spot Miruko in the center of the room, already deep into her workout routine.

She's a blur of motion, executing a series of lightning-fast kicks and punches against an invisible opponent. Her white hair whips around her face as she spins, her muscular form glistening with sweat. I can't help but admire her raw power and precision.

Miruko notices me and pauses, a grin spreading across her face. "About time you showed up, kid. Ready to sweat?"

I nod, dropping my bag and moving to join her. "Always."

We start with a warm-up, our movements syncing as we go through a series of stretches and light exercises. I can feel my muscles loosening, preparing for the intensity to come.

"Alright," Miruko says, cracking her knuckles. "Let's take this outside. Time for some parkour."

We head out into the streets of Ginza, the early morning bustle already picking up. Miruko leads the way, effortlessly vaulting over a low wall and sprinting down an alley. I follow close behind, my improved familiarity with the area evident in my movements.

We leap from rooftop to rooftop, our feet barely touching the ground before we're airborne again. I navigate the urban landscape with growing confidence, my body instinctively finding the most efficient path.

As we pause on a ledge to catch our breath, I notice Miruko watching me with an approving look. "Not bad, kid. You're picking this up faster than I expected."

I wipe the sweat from my brow, feeling a surge of pride at her words. "Thanks. The area's becoming more familiar now."

Miruko nods, her gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary. I push the observation aside, focusing on our surroundings instead.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I ask, curious about our next move.

Miruko's expression turns serious. "We're meeting with the police later. Got some intel about a potential raid we need to discuss."

My interest piques at this information. "A raid? Sounds intense."

"Could be," Miruko agrees. "But for now, let's focus on your training. Your upper body's coming along nicely, but those legs of yours need some extra attention."

We spend the next hour working on leg-focused exercises. Squats, lunges, and jump training leave my muscles burning, but I push through the discomfort. Miruko's right there with me, demonstrating proper form and offering encouragement.

As we cool down, I catch Miruko's eyes on me again. There's something in her gaze that I can't quite decipher – admiration? Interest? I shake my head, trying to clear the thought. Two women are more than enough to juggle. Still, I can't deny that a closer relationship with Miruko wouldn't hurt. Her beauty is different from Nejire's or Momo's, but no less enticing.

I quickly shut down that train of thought. Even if I wanted to pursue something with Miruko – which I don't, I remind myself firmly – I doubt my enhanced healing could keep up with her... enthusiasm. The fading mark on my neck from Nejire is proof enough of that.

We head back to the warehouse, our bodies pleasantly sore from the workout. As we gather our things, Miruko's phone buzzes. She checks it, her expression turning serious.

"That's our cue," she says, pocketing the device. "Time to meet with the police. You ready for this?"

I nod. "As ready as I'll ever be."

I stand in the bustling police station, hands tucked into the pockets of my hero suit. The chaos around me fades into background noise as I scan the room, taking in every detail. Officers rush past, phones ring incessantly, and the air hums with urgent conversations.

My eyes land on a bulletin board plastered with wanted posters and case files. One name stands out: Hero Killer Stain. I step closer, studying the information laid out before me.

The board is a grim testament to Stain's brutality. Photos of heroes he's attacked are pinned haphazardly, their faces a mix of familiar and unknown. Some are marked as deceased, others as critically injured. I commit each name to memory, noting the patterns in his attacks.

As I absorb the information, I realize there's data here that even Ai hadn't uncovered. Stain's movements, his preferred hunting grounds, the specific types of heroes he targets – it's all laid out in meticulous detail.

A harried officer rushes past me, nearly dropping a stack of files. As he stumbles, I catch a glimpse of a folder labeled "Shie Hassaikai." Eight Precepts of Death…

"Oi, Midoriya! Stop daydreaming. We've got a meeting to get to."

I turn to see her striding towards me, her usual confident grin in place. We make our way through the station, eventually arriving at a small conference room where Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi waits for us.

The detective's eyes light up with interest as we enter. "Ah, the famous Izuku Midoriya. I've heard a lot about you."

I offer a polite nod. "It's an honor to meet you, Detective Tsukauchi."

Tsukauchi gestures for us to sit. "Let's get down to business, shall we? We've received a tip about an exchange happening tonight in Ginza. It involves one of those new quirk-enhancing drugs we've been tracking."

Miruko leans forward, her ears twitching slightly. "What's the plan?"

"Eraserhead will be taking point on this one," Tsukauchi explains. "You'll be working with him, Miruko. The meeting point is a building a few blocks from the exchange site. Be there at 8 PM sharp."

I listen intently, my mind already racing through potential scenarios. "Will I be participating in this operation, Detective?"

Tsukauchi regards me for a moment. "That's up to Miruko. You're still an intern, after all."

Miruko grins, clapping me on the shoulder. "The kid's coming. He's got good instincts, and this'll be valuable experience."

Tsukauchi nods, seemingly satisfied. "Very well. Here's what we know about the exchange..."

The detective lays out the details of the operation, and I listen carefully, committing every word to memory. As the meeting wraps up, I find myself itching to get out there and put this information to use.

"Any questions?" Tsukauchi asks, looking between Miruko and me.

I shake my head. "No, sir. Everything's clear."

Miruko stretches, her muscles rippling under her hero costume. "Nah, we're good. Just point us in the right direction and watch us work."

Tsukauchi chuckles. "I have no doubt you'll get the job done. Good luck out there."

As we leave the station, Miruko turns to me. "Alright, kid. We've got a few hours before the operation. What do you say we grab some food and go over the plan?"

I nod, my mind already working on strategies. "Sounds good. I noticed a ramen shop nearby that looked promising."

Miruko grins. "Lead the way, future number one."

We make our way to the ramen shop, the streets of Ginza bustling around us. As we walk, I can't help but think about the Shie Hassaikai file I glimpsed earlier. Something about it nags at me, but I push the thought aside for now. Tonight's operation takes priority.

The ramen shop is small but cozy, with only a few other patrons inside. We take seats at the counter, and I watch as Miruko orders for both of us without hesitation.

"Trust me, kid. You'll love this," she says with a wink.

As we wait for our food, Miruko leans in close. "So, what's your take on tonight's operation?"

I consider for a moment before responding. "It's risky. We don't know much about these quirk-enhancing drugs or their effects. We'll need to be prepared for anything."

Miruko nods approvingly. "Good instincts. What else?"

"The location concerns me," I continue. "Ginza's crowded, even at night. We'll need to be careful about collateral damage and civilian safety."

"Exactly," Miruko agrees. "That's why Eraserhead's taking point. His quirk will be crucial in minimizing risks."

Our ramen arrives, steaming and fragrant. We eat in companionable silence for a few minutes before Miruko speaks again.

"You've got potential, kid. I've seen a lot of heroes come and go, but you're different. You've got that spark."

I pause, chopsticks halfway to my mouth. "Thank you. That means a lot coming from you."

Miruko waves her hand dismissively. "Don't let it go to your head. You've still got a long way to go."

I nod, returning to my meal. "I know. But I'm determined to keep improving."

We finish our ramen and head back out into the streets. The sun is starting to set, casting long shadows across the city.

"We've got some time before the meetup," Miruko says. "Let's do a quick patrol of the area. Get a feel for the terrain."

I follow her lead as we make our way through Ginza's winding streets. My eyes scan every alley, every rooftop, mapping out potential escape routes and vantage points.

As we walk, Miruko quizzes me on various hero protocols and strategies. I answer each question confidently, drawing on my years of study and recent experiences.

"Not bad, kid," Miruko says after a particularly tricky question. "You've really done your homework."

I shrug, trying to hide my pride at her compliment. "I've always believed that knowledge is power. Especially in our line of work."

Miruko nods thoughtfully. "True enough. But don't forget, sometimes you've got to trust your gut too. All the knowledge in the world won't help if you can't act in the moment."

Her words remind me of All Might's teachings. I should probably call and check in on him as a dutiful sucessor after this mission. 

As we near the meetup point, I can feel the tension in the air. This is it – my first real undercover operation. I take a deep breath, centering myself.

Miruko must sense my nervousness because she stops suddenly, turning to face me. "Listen, kid. I know this is a big deal for you. But remember, you've earned your place here. Trust your instincts, follow my lead, and we'll get through this just fine."

I meet her gaze, seeing the fierce determination in her eyes. "I won't let you down, Miruko."

She grins, punching my shoulder lightly. "I know you won't. Now let's go catch some bad guys."

We approach the designated building, a nondescript office complex that's mostly dark at this hour. As we enter, I spot Eraserhead waiting for us in the lobby.

"You're late," he says, his voice as dry as ever.

Miruko checks her watch. "We're right on time, Eraser. Don't get your capture weapon in a twist."

I bite back a smile at their banter, focusing instead on the task at hand. "What's our first move, sir?"

Eraserhead regards me for a moment before answering. "We set up surveillance. The exchange is happening two blocks from here. We need eyes on all possible entry and exit points."

I nod, already running through potential vantage points in my mind. "I can take the roof. My enhanced strength will let me move quickly if needed."

Miruko grins. "Look at you, taking initiative. I like it."

Eraserhead nods his approval. "Fine. Miruko, you take the street level. I'll monitor from here and coordinate our movements."

I leap from rooftop to rooftop, my feet barely touching the tiles before I'm airborne again. The cool night air whips past my face as I make my way towards the exchange location. I pause on the edge of a building, crouching low to survey the area.

My eyes narrow as I take in the scene below. The streets are quieter now, but there's still enough foot traffic to make our job tricky. I glance down at my costume, frowning at the stark white of my cape.

"Not exactly stealthy," I mutter, fingering the material. It's great for daytime patrols and making a statement, but for night ops? Not so much.

I shrug off the cape, folding it carefully and tucking it into a hidden compartment in my suit. The dark green of my bodysuit blends much better with the shadows. Mental note: design a night version of the cape. Can't believe I overlooked that.

I tap my earpiece. "Miruko, Eraserhead, I'm in position. No sign of the targets yet."

"Copy that," Eraserhead's voice crackles in my ear. "Keep your eyes peeled. They should be here soon."

I settle into a more comfortable position, my eyes scanning the streets below. My mind wanders to the intel we received. Quirk-enhancing drugs. The implications are... unsettling. If villains get their hands on this stuff...

A movement catches my eye. Two figures in dark clothing, moving with purpose towards an alley. Could be our targets, or just late-night workers heading home. I lean forward, straining to get a better look.

"Possible visual on targets," I whisper into the comm. "Moving towards the alley on 5th and Main."

"I see them," Miruko's voice comes through, tense with anticipation. "Good eye, kid."

I allow myself a small smile at her praise before refocusing on the task at hand. The figures disappear into the alley, and I resist the urge to follow immediately. Patience, Izuku. Wait for the signal.

Minutes tick by, feeling like hours. My muscles ache from holding still for so long, but I ignore the discomfort. This is what being a hero is about – not just flashy fights, but the quiet moments of vigilance.

"Movement at the south entrance," Eraserhead's voice breaks the silence. "Three more individuals entering the alley. Looks like our buyers have arrived."

My heart rate picks up. This is it.

"Midoriya, move in for a closer look," Eraserhead orders. "But do not engage unless absolutely necessary. We need to confirm the exchange before we move."

"Understood," I reply, already on the move.

I scale down the side of the building, using my enhanced strength to cling to the tiniest handholds. As I near the ground, I pause, listening intently. Voices drift from the alley, too low to make out words but tense with an undercurrent of urgency.

I edge closer, pressing myself against the wall. The conversation becomes clearer.

"You got the stuff?" a gruff voice asks.

"Depends. You got the cash?" another voice responds, smoother but no less dangerous.

I peek around the corner. Five figures stand in a loose circle, two of their faces hidden by hoods. One holds a briefcase, while another clutches a small package.

"Confirmed visual on the exchange," I whisper into my comm. "Five suspects total. Briefcase and package in play."

"Roger that," Eraserhead responds. "Stand by for my signal."

I tense, ready to spring into action. My mind races through potential scenarios, mapping out the best way to subdue the suspects with minimal collateral damage.

The briefcase changes hands. The package is passed over. This is it.

"Now!" Eraserhead's voice barks in my ear.

I spring into action, leaping from my hiding spot. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A late-night pharmaceutical exchange? I hope you kept the receipt."

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