
[61] Gentle Persuasion

I step out of the steaming shower, water dripping from my hair onto the tiled floor. The hot water did wonders for my sore muscles after the workout Miruko put me through today. I towel off and slip into a pair of white sweatpants and a black compression shirt. Damn, I look good. All that training is definitely paying off.

As I leave the locker room, I nearly collide with Miruko. She's traded her hero costume for a black crop top that shows off her toned abs and a pair of tight blue jeans.

"Whoa there, green bean," she says, steadying me with a hand on my shoulder. Her eyes flick over my body appreciatively. "Damn, kid. You clean up nice."

I shrug, not really fazed by the compliment. When you've got two gorgeous girlfriends, you get used to a little attention. "Thanks. You're not looking too bad yourself, Rumi."

Miruko blinks, a bit surprised by my casual use of her name. A faint blush colors her cheeks before she waves it off. "Yeah, yeah. Flattery will get you nowhere, kid." She clears her throat. "Anyway, you figure out what you want for dinner yet?"

"Actually, I was wondering where I'll be staying for the next two weeks. Got any ideas?"

Miruko nods. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Ryukyu and I rented out a penthouse for the month. Figured it'd be easier to keep an eye on you interns that way."

My brain short-circuits for a second. A penthouse? With Miruko, Momo, and Nejire? This internship just got a whole lot more interesting.

"Lead the way," I say with a grin.

We head down to the garage where Miruko's convertible is parked. As we cruise through the streets of Ginza, I can't help but notice the stares we're getting. Miruko's a local celebrity, and I guess my face has been all over the news since the Sports Festival.

We pull up to a swanky-looking restaurant and head inside. Immediately, heads turn and whispers erupt.

"Is that Miruko?"

"Wait, isn't that the kid who won the U.A. Sports Festival?"

Before I know it, we're surrounded by eager fans, all clamoring for autographs and selfies. Miruko looks a bit overwhelmed, but I take it in stride. This is all part of the job, after all.

I smile and pose for photos, making sure to thank each fan for their support. One girl, probably around my age, looks at me with starry eyes.

"Do you have a hero name yet?" she asks breathlessly.

I nod. "Viridian. The Evergreen Hero."

The girl practically swoons. "That's so cool!"

Miruko watches me with a mix of amusement and respect. As the crowd finally disperses, she leans in close.

"Not bad, green bean. You're a natural at this whole celebrity thing."

I shrug. "It's all about making a connection. People want to feel like they know you, like you're their friend."

Miruko nods thoughtfully. "You've got a good head for this business, kid. Just don't let it go to your head."

We enjoy a delicious meal, though Miruko has to keep reminding me not to talk with my mouth full. Old habits die hard, I guess.

As we're leaving, Miruko mentions casually, "Oh, by the way. We'll be sparring every morning. Got to keep those skills sharp."

I grin. "Bring it on."

The penthouse is even more impressive than I imagined. Floor-to-ceiling windows, sleek modern furniture, a fully-stocked kitchen. But what really catches my eye are the two figures curled up on the massive couch, engrossed in some drama on the huge TV.

"Momo? Nejire?"

They both look up, faces splitting into wide smiles when they see me.

"Izuku!" Nejire bounds over, tackling me in a hug. "How was your first day? Did you catch any villains? Did Miruko show you any cool moves?"

I laugh, spinning her around. "It was great. Lots of patrolling, got to see Ginza up close. How about you two?"

Momo joins us, slipping her hand into mine. "Ryukyu had us doing rescue drills most of the day. It was intense, but I learned a lot."

I nod, looking between the two of them. This is the first time we've all been together since... well, since we started this whole thing. I know Momo's still a bit unsure about the arrangement, and Nejire can come on a little strong sometimes.

But to my surprise, they seem to be getting along great. They're chatting and laughing like old friends as we settle onto the couch.

"What are you watching?" I ask, nodding at the TV.

"Oh, it's this new drama about a group of heroes in training," Nejire explains. "It's super cheesy, but we can't stop watching."

Momo nods. "The plot is a bit predictable, but the characters are compelling. Want to join us?"

"Sure, why not?"

I settle in between them, Momo on my left and Nejire on my right. It's a bit surreal, cuddling with both my girlfriends like this. But it also feels... right, somehow.

As we watch, I can't help but analyze their dynamics. Nejire is as bubbly and affectionate as ever, constantly reaching over to play with my hair or trace patterns on my arm. Momo is more reserved, but she leans into me, resting her head on my shoulder.

They seem comfortable with each other, trading jokes and observations about the show. At one point, Nejire even reaches across me to steal some of Momo's popcorn, and Momo just laughs and swats her hand away playfully.

It's a relief, seeing them like this. I know our situation is unconventional, to say the least. But if we can make it work, if we can all be happy together... it'll be worth it.

As the credits roll on the episode, Miruko strolls in, fresh from the shower. She takes one look at the three of us cuddled on the couch and raises an eyebrow.

"Well, isn't this cozy," she drawls, a smirk playing on her lips.

I feel Momo tense slightly beside me, but Nejire just giggles. "Jealous, Miruko-san? There's always room for one more!"

Miruko snorts. "In your dreams, blue. I don't do group cuddles."

She flops into an armchair, propping her feet up on the coffee table. "So, what's the plan for tonight? We hitting the town or what?"

Momo yawns, stretching like a cat. "I think I'm going to call it an early night. Ryukyu really put us through the wringer today."

Nejire pouts. "Aw, lame! I was hoping we could all go dancing or something."

I chuckle, ruffling her hair. "How about a rain check on the dancing? I'm pretty beat too."

Nejire sighs dramatically, but there's a playful glint in her eye. "Fine, fine. But you owe me a dance, mister!"

She hops up, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before bouncing off to her room. Momo follows suit, giving my hand a gentle squeeze as she stands.

"Goodnight, Izuku," she murmurs.

"Night, Momo."

And then it's just me and Miruko. She eyes me over the rim of her beer bottle.

"You've got your hands full with those two, don't you?" she observes.

I shrug. "They're both amazing. I'm lucky to have them in my life."

Miruko takes a swig of her beer. "Hey, no judgment here. As long as you're all on the same page, who cares what anyone else thinks?"

We chat for a bit longer, Miruko giving me a rundown of what to expect in the coming weeks. Patrols, training, maybe even a raid or two if we get lucky. But for now, it was time to head to bed.

I lay still in bed, ears straining to catch any sound of movement. The penthouse had fallen silent, save for the soft breathing of my fellow interns. Perfect. Time to get to work.

Slipping out of bed, I quickly changed into dark clothes, pulling on a hoodie and securing a white wig over my distinctive green hair. A facemask completed the disguise. I checked my reflection in the mirror, satisfied that I was unrecognizable.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Ai's number.

"Twilight," I said, using my codename. "Got any updates on our people of interest?"

Ai's voice came through, crisp and professional. "As a matter of fact, I do. Gentle Criminal is currently livestreaming from an abandoned warehouse in the Shinjuku district. I've sent the coordinates to your phone."

"Nice work. What else did you dig up on him?"

"Gentle's real name is Danjuro Tobita. He actually tried to become a hero, but failed the entrance exam four times. After a series of mishaps and a criminal record, he turned to villainy for attention."

I processed this information. "Interesting. Sounds like he could be persuaded to switch sides with the right incentive."

"Oh, and there's one more thing," Ai added. "He's working with a partner called La Brava. She's a skilled hacker."

"Even better," I mused. "La Brava's skills could be exactly what we need to get some leverage on the HPSC."

Ai chuckled. "You know, I'm starting to feel less like a personal assistant and more like a partner in crime."

"Careful," I teased. "Keep that up and I might have to give you a raise."

"I'll send you an invoice," she shot back.

Ending the call, I slipped out of the penthouse and into the night. The streets of Tokyo were never truly quiet, but at this hour, the usual bustle had died down to a low hum. I made my way to Shinjuku, keeping to the shadows.

The abandoned warehouse loomed before me, a faint glow from inside betraying Gentle's location. I circled the building, looking for the best point of entry. A rusted fire escape caught my eye. Perfect.

Scaling the metal ladder, I peered through a grimy window. Gentle was in full performance mode, gesticulating wildly for his audience of... three viewers. Ouch. La Brava sat hunched over a laptop, monitoring the stream.

Time to make my entrance. I focused, channeling my bioelectricity into a concentrated burst. The warehouse's ancient wiring never stood a chance. Sparks flew from outlets and the livestream equipment sputtered and died.

"What in the world?" Gentle's voice rang out in the darkness.

I slipped inside, my eyes quickly adjusting to the gloom. "Gentle Criminal," I called out. "I'd like a word."

"Who goes there?" Gentle demanded, striking a dramatic pose. "Have you come to challenge the great Gentle Criminal?"

"Not exactly," I replied, stepping into a shaft of moonlight. "I have a proposition for you."

La Brava's fingers flew across her keyboard. "Gentle, I can't find any information on this guy. It's like he doesn't exist."

"Intriguing," Gentle mused, stroking his mustache. "And what shall we call our mysterious visitor?"

"Twilight will do for now."

Gentle's eyes narrowed. "Very well, Twilight. But before we discuss any propositions, I must test your mettle! En garde!"

He lunged forward, his Elasticity quirk activating. The air in front of me solidified, becoming as springy as a trampoline. I smirked beneath my mask. This could be fun.

Gentle bounced off his elastic air, launching himself at me with surprising speed. I sidestepped, relying on my enhanced reflexes to stay just out of reach. He was good, I had to give him that. But I was better.

"Impressive footwork!" Gentle called out as he rebounded off another elastic barrier. "But can you handle this?"

He created a series of elastic platforms in the air, using them to ricochet around the warehouse at dizzying speeds. It was all I could do to keep track of him.

Time to up the ante. I focused, activating my kinetic energy absorption. As Gentle's next attack connected, I felt the impact dissipate throughout my body. Using the stored energy, I launched myself into a backflip, landing on one of his elastic platforms.

"What?" Gentle gasped. "How did you-"

I didn't give him time to finish. Bouncing from platform to platform, I matched his aerial acrobatics. We danced through the air, trading blows and near-misses. I had to admit, it was exhilarating.

But all good things must come to an end. As Gentle prepared for another attack, I channeled my absorbed energy into my fist. The moment he came within range, I unleashed a devastating punch, enhanced by the kinetic energy I'd stored up.

Gentle went flying, crashing into a pile of crates. La Brava cried out in alarm, but I held up a hand to stop her from interfering.

"That's enough," I said. "I think we've established that I'm not here to cause trouble."

Gentle extricated himself from the wreckage, adjusting his cravat with as much dignity as he could muster. "Indeed," he wheezed. "You've proven yourself a worthy opponent, Twilight. Now, what is this proposition you spoke of?"

I helped him to his feet. "How would you like a chance to be a real hero?"

Gentle's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I said. I'm putting together a team, Gentle. A team that's going to change the hero system for the better. And I want you and La Brava to be part of it."

La Brava looked skeptical. "Why should we trust you?"

I turned to her. "Because I'm offering you both a clean slate. A chance to use your skills for something bigger than YouTube views. La Brava, your hacking abilities could be instrumental in exposing corruption within the hero industry."

Gentle and La Brava exchanged glances. I could see the wheels turning in their heads.

"And what exactly would we be doing?" Gentle asked cautiously.

I smiled beneath my mask. "For now, I need information. As a starting point, get me some information revolving around the Hero Killer and his history from the HPSC ."

La Brava's eyes lit up at the challenge. "That's... not going to be easy. Their systems are top-notch."

"I have faith in your abilities," I said. "And or course, you'll be paid handsomely for it."

Gentle stroked his mustache thoughtfully. "It is tempting. But what's in it for you, Twilight? Why go to all this trouble?"

I paused, considering my words carefully. "Let's just say I have a vested interest in this person in particular."

Gentle nodded slowly. "Sounds easy enough, Twilight. But I must know - will there be tea?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "All the tea you can drink, Gentle."

"Then count us in!" he declared dramatically. "La Brava and I shall lend our considerable talents to your crusade!"

La Brava rolled her eyes, but I could see a small smile tugging at her lips. "I suppose someone has to keep you out of trouble," she muttered.

I extended my hand. "Welcome aboard, then. I'll be in touch with your first assignment soon. For now, keep a low profile and don't do anything to draw attention to yourselves."

As I turned to leave, Gentle called out, "Twilight! Might we know the name of our mysterious benefactor?"

I paused at the window, considering. Then I shook my head. "Not yet. But soon, I promise. You'll know everything when the time is right."

With that, I slipped back into the night, my mind already racing with plans. Gentle and La Brava would be valuable allies, but they were just the beginning. I had a long way to go before I could reshape the hero world.

But for now, I had to get back to the penthouse before anyone noticed I was gone. After all, I had training with Miruko in the morning, and something told me she wouldn't accept "secret midnight recruiting" as an excuse for being tired.


Guess who got in a car accident! 

I should be fine, but my focus was really on figuring out how much its gonna cost me to fix my car and not really on uploading the chapter yesterday. 

400 PS = Extra Chapter

Also, this chapter was kind of a leap of faith, trying to lay the groundwork of what Izuku will be doing in the future... hopefully it hits. 

Next chapter