
[29] Pushing Limits

The gym was silent except for my labored breathing. Sweat dripped from my brow as I focused, trying to channel One For All and my bioelectricity simultaneously.

"Come on," I muttered, gritting my teeth.

A faint green glow enveloped my body, sparks of electricity dancing across my skin. For a moment, I thought I had it.

Then the energy fizzled out, leaving me gasping.

"Damn it," I hissed.

I closed my eyes, calling up my quirk status.


Current Adaptations:

Enhanced Strength (Lv. 5)

Accelerated Healing (Lv. 5)

Improved Stamina (Lv. 5)

Enhanced Reflexes (Lv. 5)

Heightened Senses (Lv. 4)

Heat Resistance (Lv. 3)

Mind-Body Synchronization (Lv. 3)

Cold Resistance (Lv. 2)

Kinetic Energy Absorption (Lv. 2)

Bioelectricity Manipulation (Lv. 2)

One For All Sync: 5.2%

Evolution Progress: 1%

Next Potential Adaptation: ?????

I frowned. Was level 5 the max, or just my current limit?

Curious, I decided to take a closer look at each adaptation.

Enhanced Strength (Lv. 5)

Description: Physical strength far beyond peak human levels.

Current Capabilities:

Can lift up to 2 tons with maximum effort

Punches can shatter reinforced concrete


Still far below specialized strength based quirks

Extended use causes significant muscle strain

Accelerated Healing (Lv. 5)

Description: Injuries heal at an incredible rate.

Current Capabilities:

Minor wounds heal within seconds

Broken bones mend in hours


Cannot regenerate lost limbs or organs

Severe injuries still require some recovery time

Improved Stamina (Lv. 5)

Description: Vastly enhanced endurance and energy reserves.

Current Capabilities:

Can perform moderate physical activity for a day without rest

Recover from exhaustion in minutes


Still subject to mental fatigue

Extreme, prolonged exertion can lead to temporary quirk suppression

Enhanced Reflexes (Lv. 5)

Description: Reaction time and motor control at superhuman levels.

Current Capabilities:

Can perceive and react to Transonic movements

Perform incredibly complex physical maneuvers instinctively


Still limited by physical speed and strength

Information overload can cause decision paralysis

Heightened Senses (Lv. 4)

Description: Sensory perception far beyond human norm.

Current Capabilities:

Can see clearly in darker areas

Hear whispers from a distance

Sense changes in air pressure and temperature


Vulnerable to sensory overload

Not as specialized as quirks focused on specific senses

Heat Resistance (Lv. 3)

Description: Increased tolerance to high temperatures.

Current Capabilities:

Can withstand temperatures up to 200°C for short periods

Reduced damage from heat-based attacks


Not immune to extreme heat or fire

Prolonged exposure still dangerous

Mind-Body Synchronization (Lv. 3)

Description: Enhanced neural connection between mind and body.

Current Capabilities:

Near-instantaneous physical response to mental commands

Improved control over autonomous bodily functions


Does not grant new knowledge or skills

Intense emotions can still override control

Cold Resistance (Lv. 2)

Description: Increased tolerance to low temperatures.

Current Capabilities:

Can function normally in environments up to -20°C

Reduced damage from cold-based attacks


Not immune to extreme cold

Prolonged exposure still dangerous

Kinetic Energy Absorption (Lv. 2)

Description: Ability to absorb and redirect kinetic energy.

Current Capabilities:

Can absorb impact from falls or blows

Redirect absorbed energy to enhance strikes


Limited absorption capacity

Excess energy causes physical strain

Bioelectricity Manipulation (Lv. 2)

Description: Control over body's electrical impulses and external electricity.

Current Capabilities:

Generate and discharge electrical current

Sense electrical fields


Limited range and power output

Overuse causes nervous system strain

I leaned against the wall, processing the information. The improvements were significant, but there was still room for growth.

Something caught my attention. The way Kinetic Energy Absorption and Bioelectricity Manipulation interacted... there was potential there.

If I could absorb kinetic energy and convert it to electricity, or vice versa...

Time to experiment.

I focused on my right hand, channeling One For All at 4%. Then, carefully, I tried to layer my bioelectricity over it.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, slowly, sparks began to dance between my fingers.

I grinned. Progress.

Now for the real test. I turned to a nearby punching bag, took a deep breath, and struck.

The impact sent a jolt through my arm, but instead of pain, I felt... energy. Electricity crackled around my fist, and without thinking, I redirected it into a second punch.

The bag exploded in a shower of sand and sparks.

I stared at my hand, then at the destroyed bag. "Holy shit."

Absorbing kinetic energy and converting it to electricity... the applications were staggering. Enhanced strikes, improved defense, maybe even a form of energy-based propulsion?

"This needs a name," I muttered to myself. All great heroes had special attack names, after all. "Thunder Strike? No, too generic."

My phone buzzed in my pocket, interrupting my brainstorming. I pulled it out and smiled without realizing it when I saw Nejire's name on the screen.

I answered, "Hey Nejire, what's up?"

"Izuku!" Her cheerful voice filled the line. "Where are you right now?"

"At the gym, doing some training," I replied, glancing at the destroyed punching bag. "Why?"

"Oh, perfect!" Nejire exclaimed. "I'm training with my friends Mirio and Tamaki, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?"

I paused, processing this information. Mirio... the student rumored to be closest to becoming a top pro hero. Interesting.

"That sounds great," I said, keeping my tone casual. "Where are you guys?"

"We're at Gym Gamma," Nejire replied. "You know, the one with all the cement pillars? Cementoss made it specially for us!"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "I'll be there in ten minutes. Thanks for the invite, Nejire."

Training with third-years, especially ones as talented as Mirio and Tamaki, could provide valuable insights. Not to mention the opportunity to observe their quirks up close.

I quickly gathered my things, pausing only to scribble a note about my new ability in my notebook. As I headed for Gym Gamma, a name for my new technique finally clicked.

"Raijin," I murmured, testing the words. Yes, that felt right.

I entered Gym Gamma, immediately struck by the forest of cement pillars filling the space. Nejire waved enthusiastically from across the room, flanked by two guys I assumed were Mirio and Tamaki.

"Izuku! Over here!" Nejire called out.

As I approached, I took in the other two. One was tall and muscular with blonde hair and a face-splitting grin. The other was shorter, with dark hair and a posture that screamed discomfort.

"So you're the famous Izuku Midoriya!" the blonde one boomed, slapping me on the back. "I'm Mirio Togata, and this shy guy here is Tamaki Amajiki."

Tamaki mumbled something unintelligible, his face turned towards the wall.

"Nice to meet you both," I said, offering a friendly smile.

Mirio's grin, if possible, grew even wider. "Man, Nejire wasn't kidding! You really do have that whole 'earnest hero' vibe going on!"

Nejire's face flushed red. "Mirio!" she hissed, elbowing him in the ribs.

"What?" Mirio laughed. "I'm just saying, she talks about you all the time. 'Izuku did this' and 'Izuku said that'. It's nice to finally put a face to the name!"

I raised an eyebrow at Nejire, who looked like she wanted the floor to swallow her whole.

"So, Midoriya," Mirio said. "How about a friendly spar? I'd love to see what you can do!"

"Sounds good to me."

We moved to a clearer area of the gym. Mirio stretched, his muscles rippling under his workout clothes. Then, without warning, his clothes phased right through his body, leaving him stark naked.

I blinked, caught off guard for a moment.

"Ah, sorry about that!" Mirio said sheepishly, quickly pulling his clothes back on. "Hazard of my quirk, I'm afraid. Shall we begin?"

I nodded, settling into a fighting stance.

Mirio moved first, faster than I expected. I barely had time to raise my arms before he was on me, fist cocked back for a punch.

I channeled One For All at 5%, preparing to dodge. But at the last second, Mirio sank into the floor, disappearing from view.

"What the-" I started, only to feel a solid impact on my back, sending me stumbling forward.

"Gotta stay on your toes, Midoriya!" Mirio's voice came from behind me.

I spun around, eyes darting to track his movement. His quirk allowed him to phase through solid matter, I realized. Tricky.

For the next few minutes, it was all I could do to avoid Mirio's attacks. He popped in and out of the floor, walls, and even the ceiling, striking from impossible angles.

But with each exchange, I was learning. The slight distortion in the air before he emerged. The pattern to his movements. The limits of his phasing.

I started to anticipate his attacks, if not fully avoid them. A glancing blow instead of a direct hit. A last-second dodge that turned a knockout punch into a graze.

"Not bad, Midoriya!" Mirio called out, genuine approval in his voice. "You're adapting quick!"

I grinned, despite the bruises I could feel forming. "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself."

As Mirio sank into the floor again, I made a split-second decision. I charged One For All through my body, alongside my newly discovered bioelectricity. As Mirio emerged behind me, I spun, my electrified fist aimed at where I predicted he'd be.

For a moment, I thought I had him. But at the last second, Mirio phased again, my fist passing harmlessly through his chin.

"Whoa!" Mirio exclaimed, solidifying a few feet away. "That was close! And was that electricity? Man, your quirk is something else!"

I panted, the exertion of maintaining both aspects of my quirk catching up with me. "Thanks. Yours is pretty amazing too."

Mirio grinned, dropping his fighting stance. "I think that's enough for now. You've got some serious potential, Midoriya. With a bit more experience, you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

"I appreciate that. This was... educational."

Nejire bounded over. "That was amazing, you two! Izuku, I can't believe how well you kept up with Mirio!"

Even Tamaki, who had been watching silently from the sidelines, spoke up. "Your analysis skills are impressive. You were reading Mirio's movements by the end."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I still have a long way to go."

"Don't we all?" Mirio laughed, slapping me on the back again. "That's what makes this journey so exciting!"

Suddenly, Mirio glanced at his watch. "Ah, look at the time! We don't want to be tired tomorrow, right Tamaki?" He nudged his friend, who nodded silently.

"It was nice meeting you, Izuku!" Mirio called out as he steered Tamaki towards the exit. "We should do this again sometime!"

And just like that, they were gone, leaving Nejire and me alone in the gym.

I turned to Nejire, raising an eyebrow. "So... you talk about me all the time, huh?"

Her cheeks flushed pink. "Mirio exaggerates! I just... mention you occasionally. You know, when it's relevant."

I chuckled, enjoying her flustered state. "Uh-huh. Sure."

Nejire huffed, crossing her arms. "Oh, stop it. You're impossible sometimes, you know that?"

I grinned, about to retort, when I noticed something in her expression. A softness in her eyes, a slight nervousness in her posture. It was subtle, but it was there.

"Well," I said, stretching my arms above my head, "I should probably head back too. Thanks for inviting me, Nejire. This was... fun."

She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm glad. Maybe next time we could train together, just the two of us?"

I nodded, filing away that suggestion for future consideration. "Sounds good. Goodnight, Nejire."

Walking away, I flexed my hand, feeling the residual energy from my new technique. Raijin, huh? I had a feeling I'd be using that a lot in the future.

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