
[4] The Crucible

A gaunt figure appeared through the morning mist, his sunken eyes fixed on me. All Might - or rather, his true form. It was still jarring to see the Symbol of Peace reduced to this skeletal shadow.

"Young Midoriya," he wheezed as he approached. "I'm glad you came."

I nodded, affecting a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Of course, All Might. I wouldn't miss this for the world."

He coughed, a trickle of blood appearing at the corner of his mouth. "Before we begin, I must ask - have you reached a decision about my offer?"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself. This was it. The moment that would set everything in motion.

"Yes," I said, injecting a note of awe into my voice. "I would be honored to inherit your quirk, All Might."

For a moment, the gaunt man before me seemed to swell with pride. Then, in a burst of steam and muscle, he transformed into his heroic form.

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT, YOUNG MIDORIYA!" he boomed, his trademark grin splitting his face. "I knew you had what it takes!"

I allowed myself a small smile, playing the part of the starstruck fanboy. "Thank you, All Might. I won't let you down."

He clapped a massive hand on my shoulder, nearly buckling my knees. "I'm sure you won't, my boy. Now, do you know why I chose this place for our training?"

I pretended to consider for a moment, though I'd already pieced it together. "Well, guessing from your description of the quirk, it's some sort of stockpiling ability. So my body isn't strong enough to handle it yet." I paused, then added, "Plus, doing community service like this is what being a hero is really about, right?"

All Might's grin, if possible, grew even wider. "Excellent deduction, young Midoriya! You're absolutely correct on both counts. One For All is indeed a power that stockpiles energy, and your current body would be torn apart if you tried to use it now."

He gestured expansively at the trash-covered beach. "That's why we're here. You're going to clean up this entire shoreline, young man. It'll build your strength and stamina, and as you said, it's the kind of selfless work that true heroes do every day."

I nodded eagerly, while inwardly I smirked. If he only knew the strength I was already hiding. Still, this training would be useful. A solid cover for my growing abilities, and a chance to push the limits of this new quirk of mine.

"I understand, All Might. Where should I start?"

He pointed to a rusty refrigerator half-buried in the sand. "Let's begin with that, shall we? Remember, lift with your legs, not your back!"

I approached the fridge, making a show of stretching and preparing myself. In truth, I was curious to see how my enhanced strength would measure up. I gripped the sides of the appliance and heaved.

It came up easier than I expected, though I made sure to grunt and strain for All Might's benefit. I didn't want him getting suspicious about any sudden increase in my abilities.

As I hauled the fridge towards the designated dumping area, I caught a flash out of the corner of my eye. All Might, phone in hand, snapping photos. Interesting. I pretended not to notice, focusing on my task.

The next few hours passed in a blur of sweat and exertion. I moved from one piece of junk to another, clearing a small but noticeable section of the beach. All Might supervised, offering encouragement and the occasional pointer on proper lifting technique.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, I felt a strange sensation wash over me. A tingling that started in my core and spread outward. I paused, ostensibly to catch my breath, as a familiar blue screen materialized before my eyes.


Current Adaptations:

. Enhanced Strength (Lv. 1)

. Accelerated Healing (Lv. 1)

Evolution Progress: 8%

Next Potential Adaptation: Improved Stamina

I blinked, processing this new information. Improved stamina? That could be incredibly useful, especially given the rigorous training All Might had planned.

"Everything alright, young Midoriya?" All Might's voice broke through my thoughts.

I straightened up, wiping sweat from my brow. "Yes, sir. Just catching my breath."

He nodded approvingly. "Good, good. It's important to know your limits. But remember, Plus Ultra!"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Right. Plus Ultra."

This quirk, whatever it was, seemed to be evolving in response to the challenges I faced. If I could find a way to accelerate that evolution...

But that was a problem for later. For now, I had a beach to clean and a mentor to impress.

The rest of the morning passed in much the same way. Lift, carry, dump. Repeat. By the time All Might called for a break, I had cleared a small portion of the beach.

"Excellent work, young Midoriya!" he boomed, his ever-present smile somehow even wider than usual. "You've made remarkable progress for your first day."

I allowed myself a tired smile, playing up the exhaustion. "Thank you, All Might. I'll do even better tomorrow."

He chuckled, ruffling my hair in a paternal gesture that made my skin crawl. "I'm sure you will, my boy. But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Pace yourself. We have ten months until the U.A. entrance exam, and I intend to make every day count."

I nodded, my mind already plotting out how to maximize this training time. "I understand. I won't let you down."

As we parted ways, All Might in his deflated form shuffling off to whatever he did when he wasn't being the Symbol of Peace, I allowed myself a moment of reflection.

This was just the beginning. A small step on the path to power. But with One For All dangling before me like the ultimate prize, and my own quirk evolving in the background, the possibilities seemed endless.

As I entered the apartment, the smell of breakfast hit me. Mom bustled around the kitchen, humming softly to herself.

"Izuku! You're back early. How was your jog?" she called out.

I hesitated for a split second. Right, the cover story. "It was good, Mom. Really invigorating."

She beamed at me, setting a plate of food on the table. "That's wonderful, dear. I'm so proud of you for taking your training seriously."

I sat down, digging into the meal with more enthusiasm than I'd expected. This body needed the fuel, especially after the morning's exertions.

"So," Mom said, sitting across from me, "have you had a chance to look into those martial arts dojos we talked about?"

I swallowed a mouthful of rice. "Not yet. I'm planning to go into town today, check out a few places and map out a schedule."

She nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "That sounds like a good plan. I've been thinking about the cost... anything under 12,000 yen a month, I can cover."

I paused, fork halfway to my mouth. From the memories of this body, I knew we were probably on a tight budget.

"Are you sure, Mom? I could get a part-time job to help pay-"

She cut me off with a wave of her hand. "No, no. I... I haven't been as supportive of your U.A. dreams as I should have been. Because you're quirkless." She looked down, a hint of shame in her eyes. "But what you said yesterday, about still being able to make a difference... it resonated with me. I want you to know that I'll support you with all I have."

A strange warmth bloomed in my chest at her words. It was... disconcerting. I pushed the feeling aside, focusing on the practical implications of her offer.

"Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate it."

She smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze my hand. "Of course, sweetie. Now, eat up. You'll need your strength."

I finished my breakfast quickly, eager to retreat to the solitude of my room. As I closed the door behind me, I let out a long breath. These unfamiliar emotions were... complicated. Best to set them aside for now and focus on the task at hand.

I booted up the desktop computer, pulling up a blank document. Time to map out a schedule.


4:00 AM - Wake up

4:45 AM - 7:30 AM - Beach cleaning with All Might

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - School

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Martial arts training

9:30 PM - 11:00 PM - Homework and study

11:00 PM - Sleep


4:00 AM - Wake up

4:45 AM - 9:00 AM - Beach cleaning with All Might

3:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Extended martial arts training

I leaned back, studying the schedule. It was grueling, pushing the limits of what a normal 17 year old could handle. But I wasn't normal, was I? With my evolving quirk and the promise of One For All on the horizon, I could handle it. I had to.

Still, I'd need to be careful. Push too hard too fast, and I might raise suspicions. I'd have to play the part of the struggling but determined underdog, at least for now.

I pulled up a map of the local area, marking potential dojos to visit. There were a few promising options within a reasonable distance. I'd need to find a place that offered a good mix of styles. Versatility would be key in the long run.

The rest of the day passed with me visiting half a dozen dojos, carefully assessing each one. Some were too focused on competition, others too steeped in tradition. I needed a place that would give me practical, adaptable skills.

Finally, as the sun began to set, I found what I was looking for. A small, unassuming dojo tucked away in a side street. The instructor, a grizzled man with more scars than I could count, didn't seem impressed by my scrawny appearance.

"You want to learn how to fight, kid?" he growled. "This ain't no after-school club. We train hard here. Real hard."

I met his gaze steadily. "That's exactly what I'm looking for, sir."

He studied me for a long moment, then nodded. "Alright. We'll give it a shot. But I warn you - first sign of you slacking off or complaining, you're out. Got it?"


As I made my way home, I allowed myself a small smile of satisfaction. Everything was falling into place. The beach training with All Might would build my raw strength and endurance. The dojo would hone my combat skills in this new body. And all the while, my own quirk would continue to evolve.

By the time the U.A. entrance exam rolled around, I'd be more than ready. Not just to pass, but to excel.

The next few weeks settled into a grueling routine. Every morning, I'd drag myself out of bed at 4 AM, my body protesting even as my mind remained sharp. The beach cleaning with All Might was a special kind of torture - hauling junk for hours on end while maintaining the facade of a struggling but determined student.

All Might, for his part, seemed impressed by my progress. "You're doing wonderfully, young Midoriya!" he'd boom, flashing that impossibly wide grin. "At this rate, you'll be ready for One For All in no time!"

School was... tedious. The classes were mind-numbingly simple compared to the education of my past life. But I forced myself to pay attention, to purposefully get questions wrong. It wouldn't do to draw suspicion by suddenly becoming a prodigy.

The real challenge came in the evenings at the dojo. Sensei, as we were instructed to call him, was a harsh taskmaster. He pushed us to our limits and beyond, his gravelly voice a constant backdrop of criticism and rare praise.

"Faster, Midoriya! You think a villain's gonna wait for you to throw a punch?"

I gritted my teeth and pushed harder, ignoring the burning in my muscles. This was nothing compared to what I'd endured in my past life. Nothing compared to what I'd need to become to achieve my goals.

As the weeks wore on, I began to notice changes. My body, once scrawny and weak, started to fill out with lean muscle. I grew taller. My reflexes sharpened, my movements became more fluid. And all the while, that blue screen continued to appear, tracking my progress:


Current Adaptations:

Enhanced Strength (Lv. 2)

Accelerated Healing (Lv. 2)

Improved Stamina (Lv. 1)

Evolution Progress: 35%

Next Potential Adaptation: Enhanced Reflexes

Each new adaptation, each level gained, sent a thrill of excitement through me. This power, whatever it was, was growing. Evolving. Becoming something truly formidable.

But I couldn't let it go to my head. I still had a long way to go, and too many eyes watching me. All Might, my classmates, even Mom - they all needed to see the struggling underdog, not the calculating mastermind poised to revolutionize their world.

Speaking of Mom... that was another complication. Her unwavering support, her proud smiles every time I dragged myself home from training - it was... unsettling. A part of me, a part I tried to ignore, found it... nice. Comforting, even.

As I collapsed into bed each night, exhausted but satisfied, I allowed myself to dream. Not of being a hero, not in the way All Might imagined. But of power. Of control. Of molding this world of quirks and chaos into something... better. A world that would hail me not just as a Symbol of Peace, but as the architect of true societal harmony. A God amongst men. 

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