
Chapter 15 Preparation

It had been another long day of work for the scientists of Weapon X. Their work was extremely sensitive and time-consuming but it was beginning to show results. At first, it was very rare for them to awaken an X-Gene within a person but recent years have proved fruitful with more successes than failures.

"Dr Killebrew it's another success!" A woman dressed in a lab coat said while congratulating the doctor. Others around the room followed suit and continued to give him praise that he humbly accepted but in reality, he wasn't proud of his work. How could he? Yes, they may not have died like others but now their lives are forever changed.

Will society ever accept these new mutants he created? No, not with all their hate. Then will the government ever let them go? No, that was unlikely. Meaning all he did was create a useful tool and slave to be used by those at the top.

Facing the test subject he silently apologized and watched as the bone spikes returned to their body. 'I'm sorry but I promise to help get you out of here… all of you'

Leaving the cleanup to his assistants, Dr Killbrew walked out of the lab with a faster beat in his step. It had already been a month since he met Michael and things had been going according to plan thus far and he was ready to send everything to Michael. The layout of the lab, its various facilities, the schedules of the guards, and the sort of weapons he'd need to work out for.

Walking faster he eventually reached the living quarters and stopped in front of one of the many rooms. Looking around he made sure the coast was clear and gave several knocks to the door.


Watching the door open up he saw another old scientist who had worked at Weapon X for many years and much like himself he wanted out.

"Dr Killebrew hurry come in" Saying this the man reached out and quickly drew him in.

"Thank you, Dr Collen" Following the man in he saw the room mostly filled with various other scientists who worked in different sections but each one had one thing in common. They were done with human experimentation and wanted out. These were the individuals he had spoken of when he said that he wanted to free some other scientists.

Stepping in the middle of the group he examined each one closely and saw the same determination in them. He had gone to great lengths throughout the years to find like-minded individuals and he was proud to say that he was confident he had chosen wisely.

Dr Collen for example used to be a human supremacist who hated mutants with a passion and eagerly worked in the Weapon X program. However, this all changed when his own wife awakened her X-Gene… When this happened the government took her. Collen tried to protest and fight back but was silenced. Last he heard she was freed by the X-men which did ease his mind but the experience left him deeply changed. He just couldn't see mutants the same way and wanted to right his wrongs. The others also had very similar stories and experiences that also added to his confidence.

"Dr Killebrew you know it's not safe for us to meet like this so why the meeting… it could put us all in danger. Especially with that madman Ajax running things" A young Scientist said with worry etched in his face. This sentiment was also shared by the others especially when he mentioned Ajax.

They all knew of his cruelty… he was once a subject himself but used his new abilities to kiss up to the higher-ups until he became the head manager of their lab. Many at first thought that he'd feast the subjects better having been one himself but it actually backfired. The man was a sadist and drew in more subjects than they'd ever had before, their treatment was also worse than in previous years.

"I know… but that's exactly why I called everyone. We all know that things have become worse and are continuing to worsen. If this keeps up then the victims will be countless"

"But what should we do? We can't revolt, we're just scientists, not soldiers" Dr Collen said with some frustration. He especially wanted out so he could find his wife but he knew his limits.

"If we release the newly created mutants we may have a chance" The young scientist from before suggested. The others also found that the idea was quite possible. Which elicited a wave of murmurs to spread throughout the room.

"You're all right it is dangerous and Dr Smith's idea is in the right direction but I actually have another plan." His words got the room's attention as they gave him full focus. "I was able to get help from the outside with someone quite powerful. When the timing is right they will come and help free everyone while also putting a stop to this madness"

"An outsider? Is it a mutant?"

"Are they powerful?"

"What's their agenda, what is it that they want?"

Several questions flew out from the group making it difficult to talk but after some time they eventually settled down and gave Dr Killebrew the chance to explain.

"They are powerful, potentially Alpha level or higher as for their goals he only requested that I help him in his work" Dr Killebrew refrained from confirming or denying Michael's Mutant identity because he'd need to go through another whole explanation when that knowledge isn't really necessary. What truly matters is if he has the capability of following through.

Killebrew himself still wasn't sure of this either but anyone capable of escaping a lab meant for experimentation must be decently strong. He is sure of this especially when he recalls a mutant that had escaped in the past. A man with grizzly strength, impressive regeneration, and an adamantium skeleton.


Touching his throat for a moment he trembled slightly remembering that terrifying time when he almost died. While Killebrew was thinking about his traumatic experience the other scientists present continued discussing the possibility.

An Alpha-level mutant is not to be trifled with. Most of the scientists had actually never seen an alpha class but records and rumors of them were enough to stir up hope.

Dr Smith now had the confidence to follow through and looked toward Killebrew with resolve. "If there's anything you need us to do just let us know"

"Mm, when our help arrives I want you to free our subjects. Explain to them what's going on. I doubt any would reject freedom. Besides that the rest is up to our friend" With that plan in mind the scientists quickly dispersed and went back to acting as usual but if one was perspective enough they would notice that they had lost their usual gloom. Instead, they had a brighter attitude, one with a sense of hope.




"So Killebrew's ready. Looks like it's time to make some noise" Michael murmured to himself as he read the message from his phone.

Laying low was difficult. Yeah, he got many things done like inspecting his properties, meeting scientists, and handling his finances. However, the anticipation of uncovering Weapon X's secrets and gathering useful personnel made the wait agonizing.

"At Least it was worth the wait" If he didn't have the grace period of a month to work with. Then he might not have had a functional outfit for the occasion.

Dressing in all-black Mercenary gear was cool but it didn't fit him. He didn't use guns or swords and was more flashy in how he handled things. His usual outfits also left little to appreciate and weren't memorable in any way. This however would no longer be the case.

Standing up from his bed Michael made his way into his walk-in closet until he reached the back where he had a mannequin dressed in unique attire. The suit fit perfectly onto the body and was all black. It had a unique pattern spread all throughout and had silver eagles on the shoulders. The outfit also had an all gray cape that lightly draped on the floor making it appear more majestic and pleasing to the eye.


"Oh yeah, I can work with this…" Reaching out Michael lightly caressed the unique texture and really admires Melvin's work.

"He really went all out on this Reinforced Kevlar along with carbon fiber to make it more durable and resistant to impact. Nomex to make it resistant to fire and most of all my flight speed." There were some other things that Melvin added but Michael didn't really pay attention when he started talking about the chemicals he used to reinforce the already tough material.

"Still maybe I should have asked for a mask or something" When he made this suit he based it completely on Homelander's design but changed its color scheme and some other small details like the American flag on his cape. But while doing this he completely forgot about adding a mask.

"Well, it's not like I need one…" Shield knows him, Hydra knows him, and most Mercenaries know him. Hiding his identity now felt a little redundant. Coming to that conclusion he just ignored the mask issue and proceeded to put on the suit.

At first, he thought it would be a tight fit and might even be uncomfortable but it seemed like Melvin didn't skip out on that either. The way the suit felt was like another layer of skin that was always meant to be there.

Moving around some more he tried out various poses and stretched out his muscles a couple of times. Yet no matter the movement it all felt perfect. Seeing that he didn't need any more tests Michael went back to his room and gave a quick review of every Killebrew had sent him.

Weapon X wasn't like other facilities and as such it was given the best defensive measures money could buy. Armed guards, turrets, steel doors capable of trapping most individuals, and lastly mutants under their employ.

Most of the lab's defenses were nothing but that last one might actually be some trouble. This would also be his first time fighting other super-powered individuals. So Michael wasn't embarrassed to admit he felt nervous about it but it had to happen sometime and if it was bound to happen eventually then doing it on his own terms would be best.

"Weapon X here I come" With that said Michael walked to his window and quickly flew up into the atmosphere disappearing before anyone would notice a grown man jumping from his window.




"And that's all I know… is there anything else you need me to do?" A young man in white lab clothing asked with a tired and sad look in his eyes.

"No no you've done wonderful thus far but to think there was such a thing growing from right under my nose. It's truly disappointing" Francis tapped his desk lightly while saying this. It was truly disappointing but not unexpected. He had long known that many in the lab were unhappy and even predicted various scenarios to combat this but the involvement of an alpha level mutant was beyond his expectations.

If he didn't have his informant then things really could have become dangerous. Thankfully he's always prepared and who knows this situation may just be a blessing in disguise. Alpha mutants are rare research material after all.

Thinking this Francis made a cocky grin that left the scientists in front of him unsettled.

"Umm, sir, and my request?" The man asked anxiously. He had betrayed his friends and his very beliefs for this. He needed to be sure that it wasn't for nothing.

"Ah yes, your request. Don't worry Dr Smith your girlfriend is completely safe and will be returned to you. I personally erased her name from our list of mutants so no one should ever search for her unless she ends up revealing her abilities in public. If that happens, well, you're on your own."

Dr Smith released a deep breath with watery eyes. He felt immense joy at being able to have her back but also deep regret for what he had to do. Smith realized that their plan had a good chance of success but no one could possibly guarantee it would succeed. If they failed then he'd never have his girlfriend back. You could call him a traitor, bastard, and coward for he cared. All that mattered was that he'd have his precious Alice.

"Thank you sir"

"No need to thank me. Now run along I have much to prepare for"

"Yes sir" Giving one last nod Dr Smith excused himself from the room and left with hurried steps not wanting to spend another second in his presence.

Once Smith was gone a second figure revealed themselves and made their way in front of Francis ready for their orders.

"Will you really return his girlfriend?" A buff woman asked as she leisurely took a seat.

"Haha no I don't think I will. She has quite an interesting ability and could prove useful."

"I figured that you'd decide that." It was a bit of a scummish move in her opinion but so was betraying your friends so she had no comment on this subject.

Francis smiled at her comment and switched over to his next order of business "Christina I want all the traitors captured don't make any mistakes I don't want our guest notified"

"I'll handle it but how are we going to handle him?" Christina asked, she wasn't worried in the slightest and had complete confidence in Ajax. Instead, her question stemmed from genuine curiosity.

"You don't need to worry about that. We have spare mutants to help us and I'm going to notify higher-ups. They should have something to help"

Christina aka Angel Dust felt further reassured by his answer. If there was this much being out into this then even an alpha mutant wouldn't escape.

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