
Chapter 12 Dr Killebrew


Hearing the revving of an engine stirred Michael out of his sleep as he slowly sat up on the rooftop. Prior to this, he thought about sleeping in the doctor's house to wait but in the end, he chose not to do that. It was already creepy enough that he was waiting for the guy at his home. No need to make it weirder, so he just slept on the roof.

Peering down Michael saw a large old man that was mostly bald. All in all, he really did have the look of a scientist especially because of that bushy mustache that kind of reminded him of Einstein.

'Well it'll be awkward if he sees me up here better get down quick'

Walking towards the edge Michael let gravity handle the rest as he dropped down and made his way to the man stepping out of his car.

"Dr Killebrew?"

Hearing his name startled the man as he looked toward Michael. He tried to see if he recognized him but found that they were complete strangers. Making him really wonder why he was waiting for him at his house.


"Nice to meet you I'm Michael Beckett" He said politely while trying to set a welcoming atmosphere because he was sure his next words might upset the guy.

"I'm here because of your debt to Kingpin"

Hearing the mention of that name clearly had its effect as the old man gave a light glare along. "I've been paying it so I don't think he should have any reason to contact me"

"We'll I guess you haven't heard the news but Kingpin is dead"

"You're serious, aren't you? But what happens now, am I debt-free?" Dr Killebrew asked in wonder. At first, when he heard the mention of kingpin he assumed this would go badly but it turns out to be good news.

"Not exactly, Your debt to the kingpin has actually been transferred to me which is why I'm here" As Michael spoke he noticed the happy expression on the doctor's face slowly drain away. This was expected, who would honestly be happy about learning that their debt was switched to someone they just met?

"Great so what? Do you want an early payment or something like that?" Dr Killbrew said with an irk in his voice.

"No, I don't need your money, Dr Killebrew"

The old scientist who was already fumbling with his checkbook paused his movements after hearing these words. "Then what is it you do need?" He wasn't a fool to expect his debt to disappear like magic. If it wasn't money then it had to be something else.

"Your expertise Dr, You see I recently came upon something that has great potential and can revolutionize the field of Genetics as we know it. But I am not a scientist and don't have the expertise to fully make use of what I have" Michael didn't bother beating around the bush with this. If he was going to get this Scientist then he at the very least needed to have an idea of what he wanted.

Dr Killebrew still seemed a bit off not fully believing Michael. Something that could revolutionize genetics as he knew it? He severely doubted this but as a scientist, he also found himself curious as to what it could be even if it was false.

"And what is this thing you speak of?"

"We'll it's better to show you first then explain later" Focusing his senses Michael checked all around the neighborhood making sure that they'd have no interruptions. Once that was confirmed he looked back at the doctor and slowly lifted off the ground.

Dr. Killebrew who was watching this stumbled back not expecting for this to be the demonstration. Originally he thought the lad would give him some documents like a thesis but this was beyond expectation.

Michael lowered himself back down after seeing that his flight had the right effect. He could have used his other powers but flight was both impressive and quiet keeping things simple.

"As you could see I just showed you the power of flight. These are also not the only abilities I have with many more on the list but we could discuss that another time"

"More powers, by chance are you a mutant? No, that wouldn't make sense, you just mentioned changing genetics as we know it. Unless those changes have to do with mutant abilities. Or possibly…" Much like other scientists Dr Killebrew appeared to be a bit of a rambler. Michael tried a couple of times to stop the doctor but it seemed like he was in his own world forcing him to wait till his little session was over.

"Ha! I got it. It's a sort of enhancement procedure isn't it or possibly even a serum that somehow genetically alters individuals" The scientist said after 10 minutes had gone by.

"That is correct Dr Killebrew it seems like I was right coming to you"

"We'll what can I say I…" Dr Killebrew suddenly paused his sentence realizing that they weren't exactly in a good location for what he was going to say.

"Sorry where were my manners, come let's continue this inside" Making an excuse the Dr brought Michael to his house which looked the same as last time. Slightly dusty and practically unlived in but this didn't seem to bother the scientist as he hurriedly made his way to the living room. Once there he invited him to take a seat.

"How about we continue our conversation now that we're in a more comfortable setting? Where was I… Ah yes, your serum. I have so many questions!"

"And I'll be happy to answer them Dr but first we have to have an agreement of confidentiality. As a scientist you must know the worth of what I have so you must also realize the risk it carries"

Killebrew remained silent after this, of course, he knew the worth and risk. The subject of human progression and evolution has been his greatest goal for most of his life. This isn't just him either but also multiple nations and corporations.

The success of creating Captain America wasn't just forgotten after all. Instead, the original Super Soldier serum became a goal for all to achieve. Whoever reached it first would gain everything from advances in science to dominance in the military and healthcare sectors.

"I understand, will we sign a contract of sorts then?"

"No contracts are untrustworthy instead I'm just asking that you keep this to yourself as a man of science"

Killebrew was surprised by this. When was the last time someone actually wanted to just rely on his word? It was a bit naive but the sentiment was appreciated. However, Michael wasn't as naive as he assumed. If at any point he felt a lie of some sort or hidden agenda then he would end things… permanently.

"Very well you have my word"

Michael smiled lightly, not noticing any change in heartbeat. Hopefully, this trend will continue.

"Good but as I said before I'm not a scientist so I can't explain everything just what I know"

Killebrew raised an eyebrow at this response. He'd completely forgotten that Michael had mentioned this earlier due to his excitement. This made him more curious as he wondered how he even got his hands on such a thing.

"This serum by chance does it awaken the X-Gene. Ah sorry you must not know what that is allow me to explain"

"No need I know of it" Michael replied while waving his hand to stop the DR from going on another rant.

'Right to the point huh but now that he mentions it… Can it awaken the X-Gene' Michael honestly had zero clue on this. Which made him even more sure of his decision to find a real scientist who would ask the right questions he'd most likely miss.

"Honestly I am unsure but it could be possible."

"If not then what does it do? And what kind of abilities are granted? Are they the same as yours?" All in one go Dr Killebrew began to launch question after question each one significant.

"The serum grants a variety of abilities but I wouldn't exactly say they are random. The power gained can be dictated or at the very least influenced by the person it's given to but this is only the case for teenagers and older. With children, things are very different and are more random."

Killebrew listened intently to his explanation and proceeded to ask more and more questions. Michael did his best to answer what he could but like he'd mentioned before he wasn't a scientist. What he knew came mostly from what YouTubers explained and theorized. Thankfully this seemed to be enough as it gave the man a decent picture of what the serum was capable of.


'To think that there is a serum capable of such a thing. This clearly surpasses the Super Soldier serum by far.' He thought as he compared what he knew from both. The Super Soldier serum was truly amazing for what it was. Pushing a person to peak condition, immunity to most illnesses, and an extended life span due to how the body was changed.

But this, it's like giving an X-gene to those who don't have one. It's exactly what he and many others have been working towards… no it's more than that much more.

Dr Killebrew had been working on developing the X-gene for as long as he could remember. From finding ways to enhance existing abilities to developing methods to awaken the gene. Never would he have thought of trying to grant people abilities without the gene yet here it is.

Looking at Michael he once again thought about how he came across this miraculous serum. Though this time it wasn't too hard to figure out now that he had a clear head. It was easy to piece together. For him to have the formula he would need to have been a scientist or someone working on the project but by the lack of information this clearly wasn't it. However, there was one major clue that pointed him in the right direction.

Michael's powers, only a test subject would have those. This means he most likely broke free upon gaining them and to have even acquired the formula… he must have taken out most if not all the ones responsible. Michael did mention having more powers than just flight so that would explain how he was able to escape.

This revelation did make the Dr slightly more wary of Michael but there was also a bit of hope. If he was truly strong then that meant he could possibly help him. Though he wasn't sure if Michael would be interested.

"Hopefully he'll hear me out" Killebrew whispered in a low tone while looking down as he reflected on his past.


Michael waited patiently for the Dr to gather his thoughts. This was obviously a lot to take in but he had to admit that he was really curious by what he meant with that whisper. What exactly did the scientist want to talk about? Fortunately, it seemed like he didn't need to wait long as Dr Killebrew looked at him with determination and Hope?

"Before we continue, is it alright if I share a little bit about myself with you? I promise it won't be long"

This switch in conversation was unexpected but Michael didn't mind anyway he was in no rush.

"Go ahead Dr"

Giving a light nod Dr Killebrew thought about where he should start his story but after a couple of moments, he decided it best to start things where all stories start. The beginning.

"It was a long time ago back when I was young, much like yourself. I had recently graduated with PHDs in Genetics and Cybernetics. Naturally with two degrees my life was guaranteed to be good with many promising prospects. At the time I truly saw myself at the top of the world and this only increased when I was offered to join a secret program in the government. When this occurred my pride grew even more… I was naive" Saying this Killebrew made a scowl as if cursing his past self but there was nothing he could do about that anymore. What was done was done.

"The program was called Weapon X. From what I was told we were going to make a new captain America. Change the world, they said and I bought it, hook line, and sinker. By the time I realized that I had made a mistake it was already too late but I refused to admit that I'd made a mistake and continued on. I did many things that I regret and know I won't be forgiven for."

The mention of Weapon X caused Michael's heartbeat to increase in response. He may have been a common fan of Marvel but even he knew who was responsible for making Wolverine's bones Adamantium and that was Weapon X. If he wasn't that interested before then now he was completely locked in.

"Human experimentation was just some of what I did… and even then I ignored it. Constantly telling myself that everything I did was for the country for mankind but I was just a lie to help me sleep better."

"And you never tried to leave?"

"Leave haha I wish it were so simple. From the moment I became a part of the project my life was basically forfeit. It was either that or disappearing mysteriously. Though I did try at one point through Kingpin but that plan ended in failure leaving me stuck in place with a large debt. At that point, I had basically given up on leaving and focused completely on giving my patients the best care but it never lasted long" At this point Killebrew had some tears forming on the corners of his eyes. They struggled to come out but he tried his best to remain firm. He didn't deserve to cry or feel sorry for himself, not when people had literally died because of him. This was what he truly and earnestly believed.

Michael wasn't the best with emotional situations like this and just waited awkwardly for the man to calm down. Which did take some time but once he had reeled in his emotions Dr Killebrew looked even more determined than earlier. Apparently recounting his past made whatever decision he'd made more firm.

"This serum im willing to work on it with you but I have two conditions"

"And they are?"

"First I will not participate in human experimentation"

Michael lightly grimaced hearing this, human experimentation was exactly necessary but not having it would definitely slow things. Dr Killebrew's expression and his story were enough for Michael to know that there was no way he'd change his mind on this. At Least not anytime soon.

"Alright I can accept that but what's your second?"

Dr Killebrew smiled brightly at the agreement but this smile lost some of its brightness when he thought about his second question. 'Please agree'

"Help me rescue the subjects at Weapon X along with other scientists who want out"

'And here's the side quest' Michael thought to himself with a head shake. Here he was planning on laying low but it seemed like he'd need to make some trouble again.

This wasn't something he could just ignore. Scientists from Weapon X were clear resources ripe for the taking! Not to mention all the loot they had.

"I can agree to that but I want you to make the proper preparations. Security details, scientists who want out, and things I should watch out for" Michael was confident in his strength but he was no Superman. Those sonic canons clearly showed him that he wasn't completely invulnerable.

To others, it may seem like a waste of time but he wasn't about to waste his life doing something stupid. This is also why he didn't destroy that Hydra base in the past. At the time he was not used to his abilities and was definitely at his weakest. Not to mention Hydra also has multiple weapons that could potentially hurt him.

"Haha yes, I'll do it quickly, give me a month! And I'll have everything you'll need to know at the facility." With their agreement in place, Michael stayed longer to discuss some more details before he eventually called it a night and went back home.

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