
Chapter 9 Heart in Hand

Giving Kingpin even the tiniest bit of trust was obviously a wrong decision on Michael's part. 'Lesson learned'. What really matters is how he handles this sudden betrayal. To kill or not to kill… Honestly, he himself had no idea what he'd choose.

"Sigh, I'll just figure it out on the way. First I need to handle this" 

The ship had basically become a wreck and from what he could hear the police weren't too far off from arriving. Which made sense because those sonic cannons weren't exactly quiet. Usually, Michael would just dip and move on similar to what he did with the Italians but this case was different.

He actually bled and that meant plenty of DNA samples were around and it's not even a question of whether or not they'll use it. This is freaking Marvel, if things are left as is then he might have a clone or some variant of compound V out in the streets within the week. Meaning it was time to clean up.

Looking down at the ship Michael's eyes glowed crimson before everything in sight proceeded to burn. Not one container or body was left behind and even the ship wasn't spared. It may have seemed a little drastic but it had to be done.

"Now time to give my big friend a surprise" Turning around he looked toward one of the tallest towers in the city before disappearing in that direction.




On the very highest floor of Fisk Tower was a lavish penthouse truly fit for a king. The view was perfect as well with how it overlooked the whole city. 

In fact, this view was the main reason why Fisk bought the tower in the first place. Standing there and watching the city really put things into perspective as everything became so small. It also helped that it was a great place to think after a long day's work.

"In only a few days this city will truly become mine, not just in the shadows but in the light as well" The large man said with a light smile. This was truly a special occasion and as such should be celebrated.

Pressing a secret compartment it released a hum as it revealed a perfectly preserved wine bottle. It was originally on the Titanic but with the right connections, he was able to have it safely excavated for his personal use. Originally he planned to drink it much further into the future but today had brought him too much joy.

Pulling the top off Fisk leaned forward and took in the fragrant aroma "Ahh perfect"

"You are right that does smell good"

Fisk immediately tensed up at hearing the foreign voice. This room was his personal space and as such his men knew never to enter without notifying him. Which could only mean one thing. 'Intruder'

Pulling out his side arm he twisted back with swift movements which looked quite comical for his size. Aiming toward the voice's origin, Kingpin proceeded to unload everything he had.

"Wow that was kind of ticklish" The voice said mockingly before walking forward with glowing red eyes that illuminated the dark room.

It wasn't until the man had exited the shadows completely that he recognized who it was. By all accounts, this man should be dead but clearly, it seemed he put too much trust in Hydra.

'They seemed so confident… So much for that' Kingpin mocked mentally but Hydra would need to be dealt with later. For right now he had a real problem.

"Ahh Homelander I didn't expect to see you here so soon. I trust the job went well"

"Don't play your games Kingpin I'm aware of your collaboration with Hydra"

"Hydra? I'm sorry I don't think I-"

"Listen here Peter Griffin I don't enjoy being betrayed and lies annoy me even more. So if I was you I'd be honest" As Michael said this his eyes glowed brighter than they had previously. If he pushed any further his beams would surely break out.

Kingpin grimaced at being called Peter Griffin. He didn't know who he was referring to with that name but he understood when he was being used as a butt of a joke. However, it's not like he could complain given the situation.

Lifting his hand Kingpin gave a light cough to erase his sour mood before looking back at Michael. "Yes I was involved with Hydra's obvious poor attempt and for that, I am deeply sorry. Surely you understand it was just business nothing more nothing less."

Michael's glowing red eyes finally died down hearing his confession which did ease some of his stress. He knew very little about the man in front of him. As Such he had no idea what those eyes could do and he didn't plan to learn.

"Very well if it's all business let's talk business"




Kingpin's heart noticeably slowed once he'd lowered some of his hostility but there was clearly still wariness. Michael had long noticed the men waiting outside the door and the small button he seemed to be pressing. By the looks of it the moment he released it his men would enter but these small threats meant nothing to him.

What he really wanted to know was how best he could milk the man in front of him. On the way here Michael had given lots of thought to what to do and even now he still found himself struggling with the answer. However one thing was clear, he'd take everything he possibly could.

"Of course business, for my actions, I'm willing to give 100 million and 5 properties of your choosing"

This was a pretty hefty offer to some but Michael knew he was getting lowballed here. What was that to a man who practically controlled the underworld of New York? Nothing that's what it was.

"I knew you thought little of my life with your attempt but to think you'd continue to do so. I'll be clear Fisk if you don't provide me an offer I like I won't just kill you. No, I'll walk right out this door and remove everything you hold dear. Especially that little mother of yours. She seemed like a nice lady, such a shame she had you for a son" Michael said ominously but in reality, he didn't actually know where this woman was.

He only recalled her when he tried thinking of ways to threaten Kingpin but that's where his transmigrator knowledge ended. So if Kingpin called this bluff he had no real way of following through. Luckily by the looks of things, it would go his way.

Kingpin's face flashed red in anger and confusion. No one should know about his mother; she was his most guarded secret that only his most trusted were aware of. Clearly, there was a leak… but he'd handle that later.

"You will not touch my mother!" He said while slamming his fist on the table beside him. Instantly breaking its legs as it tumbled over.

"Only you can decide that. Now give me an offer I'll like"

Clenching his fists Fisk swore to one day make Michael pay for this before he began thinking of what he could offer.

"Very well for my mistake, I'll give you 500 Million along with 30 properties of your choosing. If this isn't satisfactory tell me what else it is you want"

Michael inwardly smiled 'Now this is what I call an offer, 500 Million is practically the equivalent of three S class jobs. Maybe I should blackmail people more in the future. No no stop that can't let this be a habit' 

Shaking away his troublesome thoughts Michael reevaluated the offer and found it pleasing. The money would do for now and then the properties should also help him greatly depending on what they were. Fisk had said he could choose what he wanted so he was sure to pick up a couple of labs and warehouses. While the rest could be apartments for some passive income but what good were all those buildings if he didn't have any personnel running them?

"Your offer is more pleasing but I'd also like the contacts of any scientists you may have. If they currently owe you something I also want those debts transferred to me"

Fisk made a strange look but it didn't take him long to figure out some of what was going on. Anyone would realize that Michael was obviously planning to run a lab with all those scientists. He really didn't expect this from a mercenary but this was a preferable compromise to other requests.

"I can do that"

"Good but I also want this done tonight. After what happened I don't want to risk you running away"

"Tch run away is the last thing I'd do. I'm a man of-"

"Yeah yeah, respect, honor and all that but your actions haven't exactly proven that lately."

Fisk merely growled at this but he didn't exactly have words to refute. "Give me a moment this will take some time"

Several hours later the sun eventually rose over the city illuminating the room and Fisk signed off on the last draft. The night had been long as making these sorts of papers wasn't exactly fast and checking them took much longer due to inexperience but in the end, everything checked out.

"Perfect we'll it was great doing business with you Mr Fisk"

Kingpin didn't agree and just remained seated waiting for Michael to get out of his home. 

Getting the hint Michael got up from his seat and proceeded to leave the same way he arrived at the balcony. However, right before flying away he turned back and looked at the man.

"Will you try and get vengeance against me?"

Fisk's eye twitched at that question of course he was going to get vengeance but he wasn't going to actually answer truthfully. "No, our debts are paid"

Unfortunately for the man, Michael heard the skip of his heartbeat clearly showing a lie. This caused a pitiful smile to appear on his face for the man. Everything was so close to being over but he just had to hold a grudge.

Technically it sort of was his fault with how he threatened the man's mother but those details didn't matter. What was really important was how Fisk had a high chance of becoming a thorn in his side. Michael didn't particularly like this and he wasn't a masochist who enjoyed having recurring enemies like certain DC heroes.

"Sigh… What did I tell you about lies? Sorry but you got to go"

"YOU DA- Ugh…" Fisk screamed in anger but before he could finish his sentence he suddenly noticed Michael standing beside him with something in his hand. It was an oddly shaped object that pulsed with great vigor but as the seconds went by it died down.

Collapsing back in his seat, Kingpin looked up hazily as his mind faded. The last thing his eyes saw was Homelander placing said object into his hand as it beat its last.


Soon after pounding sounds began to echo on the door as Fisk's men attempted to enter. Looking beside the body Michael saw the released button but paid it no mind as he turned back to leave the premises. However, he did so with a certain wine bottle in tow.

"Never forget to loot" Michael said as he took off into the sky.


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