
Three Boys

(Third Person POV)

There were once three sons, each born a few years apart from each other, from a white-haired mother with purple eyes. She was ethereally beautiful, many men sought after her for so long, but failed to even get in her vicinity. Considered to be a goddess amongst the people of Essos, everywhere she went, she garnered followers and admirers. 

Their father? It is unknown who he was or what color his hair or eyes were. All that was known was that after the third son was born, the father ended up dead in the mother's arms, while the Mother soon followed him, leaving the three sons orphaned. 

It was rumored that the woman was related to Maelys The Monstrous but none of this could ever be confirmed at all as she was not seen or heard to interact with the Blackfyre Pretender. One thing was for sure; everyone she'd come across claimed she was of Dragon's Blood, a descendant of the Targaryen Line, as pure as it could get. 

For a while, the eldest of the boys did everything he could to keep he and his brother safe, being mere children, not seeing their 10th winter at all, it was extremely difficult. He begged for scraps, and even offered services to get a tiny bit of food for his brothers' belly. To say that he went through hell for his brothers was an understatement. 

At times, he felt like taking his own life despite being so young. For a mere child to ever have these thoughts to cross his mind, it was unheard of. But he persevered, thinking only of his brothers, taking them everywhere he went. But one day, their hell ended. 

The elusive group of sorceresses from YiTi, The Dark Order, soon came across the three boys, taking them in. The High Priestess fed them, clothed them, and sheltered them. She claimed them as her own and would plan to present them to an enigmatic figure when the time was ripe. 

The Three Boys were eventually raised by The High Priestess, trained and educated in the world they lived in. They were nurtured and groomed to be powerful figures for their future plans. At the same time, The Dark Order had taken in a young white-haired girl as well, orphaned and without a name. But that's a story for another time. 

When the time came, the High Priestess presented them to their new Father who raised them himself and taught them everything they know. While his time was limited, his influence was great on the boys. 

The Eldest of the Boys was the strongest, being capable of wielding a two-handed greatsword at such a young age. He eventually learned, from experience, how to conquer using his power. He would then use his skills to wage wars in the name of his Father, claiming land and armies to gather for the Dark Order, recruiting them into the Black Army. His Father was impressed by his martial strength but noticed that he was impulsive and a fool at times. Nevertheless, he valued his power, and cared for him.

The Middle Boy was not stronger than the Eldest, but he was arguably the most skilled. While his stature and build were nearly as bulky as the Eldest, his finesse in using weapons was most notable. He was also great at adapting to situations and due to this alongside his jovial personality and natural charisma, he became a great leader who inspired many to his and his older brother's cause. While the Eldest recruited using strength, the Middle One recruited using his words and charisma. His Father was more than impressed by his ability to sway others to his side, granting him the highest position of the Golden Company, founded by a certain Targaryen Bastard who once interacted with him. 

The Youngest Boy was neither the strongest, most skilled, or most charismatic of the three. When it came to fighting, he was nothing impressive. He was the smallest of the three, even compared to his brothers when they were his age. He was arguably slower than both of them, despite their size. It was safe to say that he was the least athletic. All in all, he was average. But what was not average about this boy was his mind and heart. He was the smartest and the one with the most ambition, doing whatever it took to get what he wanted. 

It was the Youngest Boy that their Father was most impressed by. He was the most dangerous, because everyone around him underestimated him, including his brothers who constantly coddled him. He used his cunning to manipulate everything and everyone around him without anyone noticing nor finding out. Of course, His Father knew, he was immune to his manipulation. He eventually became the most valued, the perfect weapon to be used to cripple a nation. But his talents were not to be fully used, not yet. 

One day, the High Priestess walked up to the Youngest Boy, while the other two were given dragon eggs, he was given nothing. 

She merely handed him a small silver amulet with a coiled serpent engraved in it, giving him a smile. 

"Your Brothers are Dragons, that much is true. They are meant to ride in the skies, embraced in the light while bathing everything in flames." She had told him, "But you, you do not share that fate, no matter how badly you want it. Your purpose is not to be in the light, my dear, it is to be in the shadows." 

The boy had taken the amulet, giving her a serious look, a glint of disappointment in his eyes. 

"Make no mistake, we'll know if you even try to conspire against us, my dear." The High Priestess told him, "But do not think that your Father will not reward you. It is you who holds the most value to him, not your brothers, and that is no lie. Now go.... become the Serpent you're meant to be." 

The Boy was then sent off across the sea, to embed himself into the society there, a foreign world to him. 

Not much was known about the Boy after that, only that he was responsible for many events in Westeros, as was his Eldest Brother. 

The Eldest was now dead and two new siblings had taken his place in the Dark Order's side; one of them nurtured by their Father himself and eventually became chosen to lead them to greatness. 

The Middle and Youngest are still alive, the Youngest is nowhere to be found but the Middle one is still the head of the Golden Company. 

Vaemon Blackfyre is his name. 


[A Week After the Battle of Summerhall]

Stannis Baratheon walked up to several men who were gathered in the beach of one of the islands in the Stepstones. He was covered in dried blood and had bandages all over his left arm and a cut on his left cheek. 

He was holding two jars that were glowing bright green in one arm, keeping them close to his chest as he wobbled over to the men who sat atop some crates. He was followed by a couple of his men and the Red Priestess, Melisandre. 

The men were wearing armor, ranging from leather to steel-plated, but they wore gold-cloaks with the Golden Company sigil on it. 

He stopped before them as one of them was chugging on a leather flask, his white hair clearly visible as it flowed in the wind. Wine spilled from the flask and got his gray beard wet. 

Stannis narrowed his eyes, "I have brought them." He spoke up, "The Embers." 

The man ignored him, lowering the flask from his mouth and spitting a bit of wine on the ground, looking right at him. 

Melisandre walked forwards, "My Prince." She said with a smile, "It has been too long, Vaemon." 

Vaemon narrowed his eyes, "Melisandre....the last time I saw you, I think I fucked you." He said wiping his beard as the other men chuckled

Stannis glanced at Melisandre who merely cleared her throat, "My Prince, the Embers of Light are brought before you, as planned." She said

Vaemon nodded and gestured at one of his men, "Okay." 

The Mercenary stood up and walked over to Stannis and took the jars from his arm, walked over to an open chest, placed them inside, and closed it. 

Stannis looked at Vaemon, "That's it?" He said, "That's all you have to say?" 

Vaemon raised an eyebrow, "What else is there to say?" 

"I've lost many men retrieving those Embers." Stannis said, "I thought-" 

"Pfft!" Vaemon burst out laughing, "You want a reward?? Listen to this fool! Bwahahaha!!" 

The others began to laugh as Stannis frowned. 

"I.." He started

"You....the Second Son of Storm's End....." Vaemon said as he slowed his laughter, "You're a dead man walking, Stannis Baratheon. Your Brother is hunting for you, and your Nephew is definitely going to find you. What do you think he's going to do? I'll give you a hint; it'll burn. Oh wait, you'll enjoy that, won't you? After all, you worship that Lord of Light." 

"Prince Vaemon." Melisandre said, "May I remind you that the reason your Dragon God exists is due to the Lord's interference." 

Vaemon stood up and smiled, "Ah....technicalities." He said, "I care not for zealots. I do not worship the Dragon God, Melisandre. I merely do as I am told! Isn't that right, boys?" 

The Men nodded and shouted in agreement. 

"I will deliver the Embers and with the power of the Fated Rebirth, our Father shall be rejuvenated, Melisandre!! The Dragon God will walk the earth and will lay ruin to everything and everyone in Westeros!!" Vaemon drew his sword and pointed it up at the air, "You hear that, Men?! That's the sound of our impending victory!" 

The other Golden Company mercs stood up and drew their swords, pointing them at the air. 

"I thought you didn't worship the Dragon God..." Melisandre said

"You foolish woman." Vaemon smirked, "This isn't me worshiping him, it is merely me stating the facts! He will arise and with him, the Dynasty of Dragons will return!!" 

As he said that, a loud dragon's roar was heard loudly. 

Stannis widened his eyes and looked up into the air as a dragon flew into view, the loud flapping sounds of wings cracking through the air. 

"Ah! There he is!" Vaemon shouted, "Done eating fish, eh?!" 

The Dragon landed right next to them, startling Stannis and the rest. 

"W-what the..." Stannis said 

The Dragon was green and bronze with molten gold-colored eyes as it pierced Stannis and the others. 

It lifted its head up, snarling at them as Vaemon laughed. 

"Ah, my beautiful dragon!" He shouted,


It's Rhaegal. Renamed Rhaegal. Couldn't think of a better name, lol.

Lunacia_Yujincreators' thoughts
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