
The North

(Rhaegon's POV)

"Wake up, Ser Rhaegon." I heard someone call me

My eyes shot open and I instinctively reached for my dagger, "W-What?" 

I saw that next to the bed, Ser Jaime stood as he gave me a smirk. 

"Oh?" He said, "I wonder how that will go for you." 

I frowned, "Ser Jaime." I said, "W-What's the problem?" 

I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, looking at him take a step back and study me with his eyes. 

"The Queen wishes to say goodbye." He said, "We return to King's Landing. I expect you to take your beast and venture to the North this afternoon?" 

I looked at him and nodded, "Mhm." I said

"I wonder what kept you up in the night for you to lose sleep like this." He said as I slowly got off the bed, "Quite peculiar that the famed Black Dragon displays a sight of.....well, exhaustion." 

I shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about." I said, "Got something to say? Say it." 

"Hehe." He said as I was putting my boots on, "Princess Myrcella also seemed to lack some sleep." 

"Okay." I said 

"There's also reports of the Black Lord taking to flight in the dead of night." He continued

"Yea, I took a few laps." I said, "What of it?" 

"Hm...." He said 

I stood up and straightened up, standing face to face with the Golden Lion, a famed and legendary swordsman that serves my Uncle. 

"Is there a problem?" I asked him

"No, no problem at all." He said as he looked down at my pants, "Just want to know if you have something to confess to me, Ser. I would hate to hear some scandalous rumors." 

"Are you accusing me of something?" I asked with a scowl, "Spit it out." 

He chuckled and turned around, walking away without saying a word. 

I stared at his back as he opened the door and walked out the room. 

"Fucking cunt...." I muttered under my breath, 



"Have a safe journey, my sweet Nephew." Queen Cersei said with a smile

We stood in front of the gates of the castle, about to depart to our respective journeys. 

I bowed slightly, "Likewise, Your Grace." I said as I looked at Myrcella, "Princess, I'll see you soon when I visit the capital once again. If you excuse me, I shall start my journey north." 

"It is good seeing you, Cousin." She said with a smile, "I hope you had enough rest for the journey." 

I nodded, "I did." I said before looking at the Queen, "Aunt, this is farewell." 

She smiled, "Goodbye, Ser Rhaegon." 

I turned around and began to walk away. 

As I walked, I couldn't feel but a strange pit of nervousness in my stomach as Aunt's eyes pierced me from behind. Not only that, I could feel Myrcella's gaze with every step I took. 

Why? Why did she kiss me last night atop Morghul? And why I did I kiss her back? 

Was what she told me true? Was she in love with me? Myrcella? Sweet Myrcella? My own cousin? 

Sometimes I asked myself what was the whole deal with Targaryens marrying and loving their own family. For generations, almost every major Targaryen figure had married a relative, whether it be a direct cousin or a sibling. 

I never truly understood it but I didn't think much of it. 

Aunt Cersei's words came into my mind as I thought of this; she told me that she wouldn't have been surprised if Aunt Daenerys and I were promised to each other. Mother also told me the same thing, that I loved her. 

I mean, I do care about my Aunt....but not in that way.....right? 

None of this makes sense to me.


[White Harbor, The North]

As I dismounted a grumbling Morghul, I felt a cold shiver in my bones. 

It's been a few days, I had flown straight to the North, taking some stops in the Vale for rest and food for my Dragon. I was a few days overdue in White Harbor, House Manderly had been awaiting me and I felt a bit guilty for letting them wait so long. 

As I landed on the ground, I immediately noticed several large unlit bonfires in the distance, in the open field next to the Port Town. I had to land Morghul away from the town, knowing that some people get nervous around him. 

I saw a large man with white hair and beard approaching me hurriedly, a smile on his face as the cold wind hit us both. 

"Ser Rhaegon!" He said as he reached me and extended his hand, "It is good to see you, I worried something had happened to you since you didn't arrive when agreed." 

I nodded, "Lord Manderly." I said as I shook his hand, "I apologize. An issue arose in the Crownlands at Duskendale. I humbly ask for forgiveness." 

Lord Wyman Manderly, the Lord of White Harbor. A good man who has always given me and my Father hospitality in his home due to Father's sworn brotherhood with Ned Stark. I liked him and for some reason, Morghul has tolerated his presence. Hence why he's not glaring at him like he does with other strange men. Then again, Morghul is good with people, unlike Aunt Dany's dragon, Shrykos. 

"Oh, it's fine." He said as he pulled away and looked at the unlit bonfires, "We prepared this in the meantime, for you to burn and keep your Dragon warm. It is unusually cold these days and I know the Black Lord doesn't enjoy the North much." 

I nodded, "You have my thanks." I said as I looked over to Morghul

He was looking around as snow fell from the sky and landed on his scales, snorting as he shook his neck and shifted. He didn't seem like he was shivering like he used to back when we first came to the North. 

He may be getting use to this after all. 

"Shall we make space for it, then?" Lord Wyman said, "His flames." 

I nodded, "Yes." I said as I pointed at the wooden structures, "I think he knows already." 

"Morghul, Dracarys!"

Morghul walked forward as he let out a deep rumble, opening his maw as it glowed bright red. I watched as several Manderly soldiers were running away, making distance. 

I watched as Morghul lit the bonfires with his flame-breath, releasing an immense heat that balanced out with the cold. Three massive bonfires were immediately lit by him as he walked towards them, stopping his flame-breath. 

He then shook his head as he shook his head, letting out a screech as he turned around and laid down, feeling the heat from the flames. 

I nodded, "There you go..." I said, "He's tired and hungry. If you are to bring him food, make sure you keep a distance from him." 

"Of course." Lord Wyman said as he pointed at a large stake on the ground several meters away, "We'll bring goats and such and tie them there, at a distance. I know the Black Lord is not a threat to us, he will behave." 

I then began to walk, taking my gloves off and extending my arms towards the bonfires, feeling the slight heat from them, "Yes, please inform your men to be very cautious though, I don't want an incident to occur." I said

"Of course." He said as he walked next to me, "Might I speak, Ser Rhaegon?" 

"Of course, milord." I said

"There is a planned meeting, shortly after the engagement feast of Lord Robb and the Princess Daenerys." He said, "All the Northern Lords will attend." 

"I see." I said as I looked at him, "What of it?" 

"You're the topic of said meeting." He said, "You and your marriage." 

"Hm..." I said, "Why?" 

"The Northern Lords wish to speak their mind." He said, "Lord Stark has arranged it. He expected your Father to attend but alas, that won't happen." 

"Okay." I said, "I'll attend it." 

"Good." He said, "I just want to show you my support on whatever decision you make." 

"Even if I don't marry your daughter, Milord?" I asked

"Especially if you don't." He said with a chuckle, "Many Northern lords have vied for her hand and well, they can get rather envious if I just choose you over them." 

"Worry not, I will not leave you in a position like that." I told him, "But alas...." 

"Let's get this Tour over with." 

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