
King's Landing III

(Rhaegon's POV)

I leaned against the balcony that overlooked the Red Keep and the city, It was in the highest levels of the castle. I had nothing but a serious look on my face as I was in deep thought, thinking of what The Queen had told me. 

"Hm..." I said as I shifted in my feet, "The glow of the city at night is nice." 

This was all too much for me to process at the moment. First, it was Uncle Stannis and his ridiculous Cult activities, and now this. I didn't understand why Cersei asked me about Daenerys. Why would she think I have any sort of romantic feelings for my aunt. Any love I have for her is simply due to her being my blood. 

There was a reason I didn't enjoy being in King's Landing the older I got, this. The political shite that would drive any person mad. Many people would kill to even attempt to be in the position to claw their way as close to the Iron Throne as possible. And considering that we have Dragons, weapons of mass destruction in the eyes of the Realm, their vicious attempts of said clawing are naught but persistent. 

The only one I would consider a legitimate threat is the Hand, Tywin Lannister. He's the type of person to do everything in his power to keep his blood either in court or on the Throne, I don't know how my Uncle or Grandfather would even trust that man. His mere presence reeks of ambition, it is nauseous. 

I care not for the ambitions of these power-hungry fools, only the thrill of battle and adventure. Maybe that's why Uncle Rhaegar favors me, he always has, that is no lie. 

I do admit, Uncle Viserys would be the same as me if he wasn't obsessed with both the throne and Rhaegar's approval. If it were not for those two traits, he would not look at me with envy. 

Mother tells me I am the spitting image of my Father, caring not for what the Throne offers. Whatever power I want is the one that I already have, given to me at birth, Morghul. I am no fool; I know that he is the reason why many Lords and Ladies seek my favor. The Black Lord is the greatest Dragon to grace their skies since Sundancer first took flight. 

I sighed, "The overwhelming stench of greed and desire is nauseating...." I said aloud

"What is, Cousin?" I heard a voice say

I turned around to see a young girl standing in the doorway to the balcony, she was fair-skinned and petite, her golden blonde hair reflecting the light of the lit candles inside the room. Her pale purple eyes stared deep into me as she looked at me, giving me a warm and graceful smile. She was wearing a long yellow dress that had several decorations of Lannister lions. 

"Myrcella, Princess..." I said as I straightened up, "What brings you to my chambers?" 

She tilted her head, "Mother missed you at the dinner table..." she said with a frown, "Were you not interested?" 

Princess Myrcella Targaryen, the eldest daughter of King Rhaegar and Queen Cersei. She was but a year younger than I was, which is surprising to hear that she had not been betrothed to anyone. Considering the fact that everyone is discussing marriages without my knowledge, I was surprised to find out the Princesses have yet to be considered. They are the Princesses, they should be betrothed to continue the Royal Line. 

I have a feeling this is the Queen's work. 

I cleared my throat, "I sent a message to let her know I was unable to attend." I told her, "I got....preoccupied...." 

She chuckled, "Preoccupied with what? Taking the sight of the city?" She said as she walked up to me, "She was quite sad when she left to bed." 

She stood next to me as she looked over to the city, the gentle night breeze causing her hair to flow slightly. 

"Thinking." I said as I turned back around

"We had such a feast prepared for you." She said, "Aunt Shaena says you rarely partake in proper meals. Always going about on Morghul, eating what you and the majestic beast hunt." 

I nodded, "Aye." I said, "That's true." 

"What are you thinking about?" She looked at me, "What could have the great Ser Rhaegon thinking on a balcony inside the Red Keep?" 

I chuckled, "Many things, Princess." I said, "Many things." 

"I heard....uhm, whispers." She said

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh, whispers? Have you been spending time with Lord Varys?" I said, "What does his little birds tell you?" 

She chuckled, "Your Lord Uncle Stannis." She said, "He converted to a different religion?" 

I nodded, "Ah, yes, that." I said, "He did, if you can believe it or not. But I'll wait and see if it becomes a problem. He changed his sigil to a burning stag, can you believe that?"

"Wow, you Father will not take that well." She said with a chuckle

"He won't." I said, "But I asked for him to stay his hammer." 

She laughed, "Of course, the great Rhaegon can even keep his Father at bay." She said, "I'm glad you're here, cousin. The Red Keep can be rather.....boring without someone to spend time with." 

I frowned, "What of your sisters? And well, the other ladies at court." I said

"My sisters have their own.....hobbies...." she said, "I'm the only one who doesn't have a small dragon to care for." 

"Ah." I said, "Worry not, your egg will hatch and your dragon will be able to be ridden." 

She looked up to the skies, "Can I confess something to you, cousin? About some whispers I have heard." She asked

I nodded, "Yes, I vow not to tell a soul." I told her

She looked at me with a sad smile, "They say I am a bastard." She said weakly

"What?" I said softly, "W-Who...what? Who said this? Why would they speak this absurdity?" 

"My sisters have Father's silver-white hair...and they have dragons...." She said softly as she looked down, "But I.....I have my mother's hair...and no dragon..That is why no Lord has vied for my hand in marriage...." 

I gently grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around, "Listen to me, Princess." I said seriously, "Look at me." 

Her eyes darted up to see me, there was a hint of sadness in them as if she had been dealing with this for a long time. 

"You have your Father's eyes, Princess." I told her, "The eyes of a Targaryen, don't let the words of others dissuade you. Who has said this? Give me names and I swear by the gods that I will bring them to justice. What they have said is treason, to call you a-" 

I stopped myself, being unable to say the word. I couldn't say that word in the vicinity of any my royal relatives, never. 

It is true that Myrcella and I don't have the immediate features of a Targaryen, the silver-white hair and purple eyes. She does have her Father's eyes, that much is true. Me? I have my father's blood running through my veins but my Mother's is what makes me a Targaryen and allowed me to claim a dragon. Monica, who doesn't have white hair like my mother's, has my father's hair but mother's eyes. Nobody questions her legitimacy obviously. 

And they don't question mine due to my appearance and dragon. 

But to think some would even question Myrcella's...that is unacceptable....

"I'm sorry, cousin." She said softly as tears rolled down her eyes, "I've overstepped. I had to say this out loud, it's been eating me up inside." 

I wiped her tears away, "Do not apologize, Princess." I said, "I am happy that you trust me with this. But say the word, I will bring these mongrels to the blade." 

"I...I just wanted to tell me it wasn't true..." She said, "I....I appreciate my eyes....they're..." 

"A Targaryen's eyes, Princess." I said as I stepped back, "You are the blood of the Dragon. Just because you don't have a dragon yet, it means not that you aren't one." 

She nodded as she smiled, "Thank you." She said, "You have no idea how happy your words make me." 

I patted her shoulder, "You should go and sleep, Princess." I told her, "Your Father plans to make the announcement of our Aunt;s wedding tomorrow." 

She nodded, "Of course, mine apologies, Ser Rhaegon." She said before bowing slightly and walking away

I sighed as I watched her walk away, "Oh boy." I said hanging my head down, 

"I'm going to spend an awful lot of time, am I not?" 


The following day, on the Morrow, I walked the gardens of the Red Keep, watching as several servants kept their heads low as they walked past me. 

I found this strange, but I suddenly understood why. 

In the middle of the gardens, next to a fountain, stood the Lord Hand, Tywin Lannister. 

He had his hands behind his back as he stood next to a man who was holding a book and had a smug look on his face. 

As I approached them, I recognized him to be Petyr Baelish, the one they called Littlefinger. 

Tywin looked at me and faced me, "Good morrow, Ser Rhaegon." He said as Baelish bowed slightly, "What brings you here?" 

"Just wanted to take a walk." I said as I looked at the fountain's water

"The famous Baratheon Knight." Baelish said with a sly tone, "Who would've thought that Princess Shaena's son would be here during these.....well, trying times." 

I looked at him, "Meaning what?" 

Tywin cleared his throat, "What Lord Baelish is referring to is that we didn't intend to have you here." He said, "It was His Grace who so suddenly called for you." 

I nodded, "Mhm." I said, "Lord Baelish, you are Master of Coin, are you not?" 

"I am, Ser." He said

"Tell me, how much does the Crown spend on annual tourneys in celebration of my Cousin Myrcella's name day?" I asked him

"I..." He said with a confused smile, "I don't understand how the Princess's tourney is-" 

"Is it more or less than her sisters?" I asked

"I uhm...." He stammered, "A bit less....." 

"How many Lords attend?" I ask, "I wouldn't know, I hardly celebrate my name days so I don't attend the Princesses's. Something I terribly regret, obviously." 

"A bit less than her sisters'...I am sorry, what is the point of asking these questions?" He said

"Hm, the eldest daughter of The King doesn't have as many attendees to her tourneys....." I said, "How peculiar....No, Lord Hand?" 

"What are you trying to say here?" Tywin said

"Hm, I don't know..." I said looking around, "I have heard a couple of whispers here and there, worthy of decapitation mayhaps...something about her hail color being different than her sisters and well.....I can't say it." 

He raised his eyebrow, "What?" He said seriously

"Yes, treasonous statements, Lord Hand." I said as I looked at my nails, "Regretably, I do not know the names of these sacks of horse shite. If I did, their heads would have been mounted on pikes by now. But....." 

I looked at Baelish as he glanced back and forth between Tywin and I, "W-What?" He stammered nervously

"You..." I said as I reached over to his little metal bird, "You have an unusual amount of spies, do you not? I mean, you did find out about my journey to the Dothraki Sea." 

"W-What does that have to do...with..." He said

"Find out the names, no?" I said, "What has been said is unacceptable. Oh, and Lord Hand, do not let the Princess find out, poor thing. She is too kind-hearted to find out what we do for her." 

Tywin looked at me, "Hm." He said, "Leave us, Lord Baelish. And do as he says." 

Baelish nodded, "Okay." He said, "If you excuse me, Lord Hand, Ser Rhaegon." 

As he walked away, Tywin's eyes set upon me, constantly studying me. 

"You are dangerous." He said, "Not anyone could cause Littlefinger to falter in that way." 

"Careful what you say, Lord Hand." I told him, "All these servants are his eyes and ears." 

"Good." He said as he looked around, "Let them hear. Oh...wait....they cannot...." 

It's like his mere presence can scare away even Littlefinger's agents. I saw as the majority of the courtyard was cleared, not a single soul was present. 

"What is this I hear about Myrcella?" He said

"Ah." I said, "I'll handle that myself. I wanted to shut that stupid little man up." 

"Is that so?" He said, "You know, there is a reason Rhaegar wanted you here. Walk with me." 

As he began to take steps, I was compelled to follow. There is something about Tywin Lannister that commands fear and respect. This is something that even my Father has acknowledged in the past. Well, I suppose it is one of the benefits from being the wealthiest man in the Realm. 

"What is that reason?" I said, "Don't tell me, he means for me to marry? Ah, not even Mother has spoken to me about it." 

Of course, I was not going to say what the Queen told me yesterday. No, I have to be smart about how I approach this. King's Landing was a hornet's nest and I had to be careful or I would get stung. 

"Well, yes." He said, "Words have been spoken to your father about it as well. Just like your aunt, the possibility of marrying a Stark was on the table." 

I raised an eyebrow, "Stark?" I said, "Don't tell me." 

"Nothing is for sure, but the Lady Sansa was mentioned along other Houses." He said, "Margeary of House Tyrell, Yara of House Greyjoy, and a few others to name." 

"Greyjoy?" I said with a scowl, "Balon's girl?" 

He stopped and looked at me, "To mend the rift between the crown and them." He said, "It is a profitable agreement." 

"I killed her brothers." I said, "They won't accept me." 

"Brother, you mean?" He raised an eyebrow, "You weren't at Pyke." 

I cleared my throat, "Don't play a fool, Lord Hand, you didn't buy that lie, did you?" I said

"I find it amazing that your beast can be so.....silent when flying in the night." He said with a slight smile, "I knew all along, just didn't want to tell your Uncle." 

"Oh please, the Siege of Pyke was so fucking loud I could've risen three Krakens and nobody would've heard it." I told him, "But House Greyjoy won't allow me to marry one of their own." 

"Balon is the one who made the offer." He said

"I should've burned that fucker..." I muttered

"Political marriages are part of the natural order." He said, "Especially since trying hold the realm together. Dragons can't do that." 

"In this case, they can." I told him, "Why do you think they want me?" 

"You are Ser Rhaegon, son of Robert and Princess Shaena. Your blood is of high pedigree." He said, "You are a famed warrior as well, you fought and defeated a Dothraki Khal in single combat without the use of your Dragon. Your duel with Oberyn Martell was heard throughout the realm right after it happened. Your Dragon is famous as well, yes, but even without it, you are the man most women would desire." 

"Hm." I said looking away

"Viserys does not have a son, yet." He said, "As it stands, he is Heir. But Rhaegar fears that he will suffer the same curse His Grace has." 

"Which curse is that?" I asked him as I looked at him

"No sons." Tywin said

"I see." I said, "And what of it?" 

"If neither the King nor his Heir can bear a son, it is up to you to step up and produce one." He said, "You are next in line after Viserys, it is only your duty." 

"I am Heir to Storm's End." I said

"So produce a son for that seat, then." He said, "Produce many sons with Targaryen blood. One to hold the Throne should you be King and another to hold your Father's seat." 

I looked at him, "I'm surprised you're telling me this." I said, "After all, I imagined you wanting your blood to be on that throne." 

He smiled, "I have a proposition I will not make at this moment, Ser Rhaegon." I said, "You are a smart young man, you'll see what I am nearing towards." 

It didn't take me long to know what he meant. 

I took a step back, "Oh no." I said shaking my head, "No no no. Not that." 

"Well, moving on from that topic...." Tywin said, "There is an important matter that His Grace wishes to speak to you....alone." 

I raised an eyebrow, "What?" 

"I cannot say." He said, "It is up to him to tell you." 

"Hm." I said, "That does not sound ominous at all." 

"Trust me, the truth is more than....ominous." He said, "But I will take my leave. The Lords and Ladies will arrive shortly for the announcement. Have a good day, Ser." 

He then walked away, leaving me alone in the Gardens. 

"Shit...." I muttered, "Fucking politics....." 


"Ser Rhaegon." I heard Ser Barristan's voice as I walked the path leading down the entrance to the Red Keep

I saw several nobles making their way through the path and toward the Castle, to prepare at the throne room for Uncle's announcement.

I turned around and saw the Kingsguard make his way towards me, "Oh, good morrow to you, Ser Barristan." I said with a smile, "It's good to catch you alone and not in a room with a moaning prince." 

Ser Barristan patted me on the shoulder, "Look at you, boy." He said, "You've grown much since the last time I saw you. Your body is quickly reaching your Father's size when he was your age." 

It was good to see that despite his age, Ser Barristan was still in peak condition. Like Ser Arthur, being in his presence can be overwhelming. 

"My Father was a demon in his youth." I said, "I doubt I can reach his....legendary status." 

"Your father is still a demon in his own right." He said with a smile, "May I ask where you are going?" 

I gestured to the Castle's entrance, "I was going to the dragonpit, Morghul needs his exercise." I said

"Ah, I see. Well, I apologize but His Grace asked me to fetch you." He said, "I'm afraid The Black Lord must wait. His Grace wants you to be there when he makes the announcement." 

"It's been known Robb Stark and Daenerys Targaryen are to be married." I said with a sigh, "I don't see why he must make such a fuss about it." 

He chuckled, "If only he saw it that way." He said

"I-" I started before I felt something big hit me from behind, "What the..." 

I slightly stumbled as I saw a massive shadow above me pass by. I watched as Ser Barristan moved out the way, seeing his hand on the handle of his sword as I saw the massive back of a behemoth of a man. 

"Out of the way, boy." I heard a deep voice say

I raised an eyebrow, "Pardon me?" I said, "Who the fuck are you?" 

He stopped and turned around, giving me a serious glare, "Hm?" He said

Ser Barristan looked at the massive behemoth, "Ser Gregor." He said, "It is wise to apologize to Ser Rhaegon." 

Ser Gregor? Clegan? The fucking Mountain? 

Well, it made sense. I never met any man as big as this mountain of a man. He was huge, almost twice my size. It made sense why people would call him that. I have heard about this one, but never met him. I only met his brother, Sandor, but not the Mountain himself. 

He looked at Ser Barristan, "And if I don't?" He asked

"Say again?" I said seriously

"You're alone, boy." The Mountain said as I saw men that wore his banner stand behind him, "You have no dragon here." 

"Oh?" I said as I placed my hand on my sword, "Dragon? You think I need a fucking dragon for you? Don't make me laugh, Clegane, I'll cut open your belly and feed Morghul your guts." 

He took a step forth, "Is that so?" He said 

Ser Barristan stepped between us, "That is enough, Clegane." He said, "Do not start a scene." 

He looked at him and then at me, scoffing before turning around and walking away, "Pathetic runt." He grumbled as he walked away

"I'm not the one walking away." I muttered

Ser Barristan looked at me, "You'd do well not to antagonize him, he's the Lord Hand's top commander." He said, "A powerhouse of a man, has not lost a fight." 

"That's because he hasn't fought us." I scoffed, "Stupid behemoth of a man, I am not surprised he walks with such audacity, he's Tywin's lapdog. It's ironic they call his brother The Hound and not him." 

"Sandor Clegane is a warrior loyal to the Crown." Ser Barristan said, "He refused Knighthood but he is as fierce as us Kingsguard." 

I shrugged, "I heard there are two or three that are average." I said, "Only yourself, Ser Jaime, and the Lord-Commander are fierce." 

"Well, I would love to have you as a sworn brother." He said with a chuckle

"Please." I said with a slight smile, 

"Father would lose his mind if I joined the Kingsguard." 

Next chapter