
Devil The Terrorist

"I've been there before but I didn't know about the existence of the Phantom League to begin with, let alone where they might be hiding critical places that we could do a hit-and-run on." Ayame replied coldly.

"The Heralds should remain quiet." Soren shut her down rudely. The cock-gobbler was still hung up on his daydreaming of being the leader.

"If you have a problem with my subordinate you should take it up with me." I responded in kind, which earned a few muted curses being sent my way.

This team was already extremely dysfunctional. Ambition and I were openly at war with Selene and Cedric, Iris and I had some heavy problems that needed to be dealt with, Soren was just a power-tripping jackass, while Gragan and Abudha didn't really wish to participate in the planning phase of the mission. At least they didn't seem to have problems with playing their part in the execution of it.

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