
Chapter 3

Robert got off quickly and walked faster then I've ever seen him walk towards Ned.

He held his swords hilt with one hand and with the other he signaled for everyone to stand up. Ned gave a little bow and said "your grace" "you've got fat" Robert said. Everyone who heard it looked at him.

Ned gave a little look all over Robert's body then they both laughed removing all of the tension. They hugged eachother. Robert gave a greeting to all of the Starks.

Mycrella, Tommen, Geoffry, and Cersei walked out of the carriage. Jaime was looking around with his Golden hair. So proud, I can't wait to see his reaction when I have him executed.

Robert took Ned away to to crypts of Winterfell. Jaime walked off to do something. I got off my horse and the hound followed. I was given some lodging in winterfell so did the hound.

There was a feast tonight. I walked through the halls with my little dog behind me. I was given a seat at the main table. The king was out in the long tables fondling the maids who fondled back. Jon snow was somewhere that wasn't here.

Cersei and Catlyn watched on. I indulged into the wonderful food. I watched Arya fling pigeon pie at Sansa. Robb Stark lifted up the young Arya and said "time for you to go to bed" I could bearly hear it even with my great hearing over these crowds. I walked away, Catlyn stark walked by me and to her and needs room she gave a little greeting and then walked into the room.

I hung out in my room for a few hours before leaving, The Hound was somewhere.

It was midnight and I was practicing my bow against a dummy. A rider rode through the gate he was obviously riding fast and for a long time his horse was on the verge of collapse and so was he.

Measter luwin happened to be outside. He rushed over to him and said "I have message from Lysa Arryn of the vale" he handed him an envelope with green wax sealing it. "Stay here, your room will be next to mine, we can discuss your stay later, for now gone into the main hall and get some food and drink"

I watched it from what most people would think would be out of ear shot. I knew what this was. Measter luwin walked faulty to The lords bedroom. I knew where their room was.

After Measter luwin and the Rider left I climbed the side of a tower. I jumped over to another tower then to the main building.

I crawled along the cold stone, wiping off the snow which just started falling. I put up my forest green hood. I made it to one of the windows of the room, it was open and the wind was flowing.

I overheard them speaking. Ned stark said hastily after Catlyn threw the message in the fire "What news!" "She's fled the capital" Catlyn explained.

I was peeping through the window, my feet were hanging on by a thread. A little outcoving of rock which wiggled a litte when ever I moved was all that was holding me.

"She says Jon Arryn was murdered... by the lannisters, she says the king is in-" they both looked towards me as the litte outcoving broke with a bang.

They both saw the outline if my head. I fell down but somehow, my hand merged with the wall. It didn't merge green threads were holding me to the wall.

It saved me from the 20 foot drop. The bright green threads dissapered and I managed to land peacefully.

I looked back and saw the lord and lady of qinterfell looking at me, Ned stark bolted away. I ran away. I managed to loop around and make it to my rooms window before Ned stark or his guards got to me.

I took off my clothes and changed them into a night gown.

-Ned starks pov-

Damm, the lannisters have spies everywhere. I'm not going down to kingslanding it's not safe there, but who will save Robert from it. I will go alone, I would not risk the lives of my children.

I walked back to me and Catlyn's room. "I'm going down to Kings landing alone, I would not risk the lives of my family" I said fericely.

"Ned, you are my family and I don't want you to get hurt" Catlyn said. Her eye got a bit teary.

-Steffon ll Baratheon pov-

I woke up early in the morning. I wore different clothes then last night I mustn't reveal it was me.

I went the the old tower where Bran was going to be pushed out the window. I followed him and said "Bran stark, mind if I join you, I'm a very good climber" "sure, my prince" he replied happily.

We climbed up the stones smiling as we did it. We made it to the top, I looked down and saw his dire wolf panting.

The ivy that lined the tower was beautiful. Very green for the dreary North. There was a wooden pole sticking out of the tower, Bran grabbed onto it first then I did.

He climbed under it then grabbed onto the ivy while his feet held firm on the ledge. I went under the pole and climbed with the ivy and my feet firm mainly because I had my stands threads holding my feet to the ledge.

I broke a small part of the ledge. Then took another step. He was much faster, with my greater ears I heard "hnn... hnn. Eehhhh" it sounded like Cersei moaning. Because it was. I went back because Bran wouldn't be thrown from the ledge if Jaime saw me. I waited for the inevitable.

I am inevitable. Snap*

He made it to the window and stopped moving. "Stop, stop" Cersei said, Bran got pulled in by Jaime though I couldn't see it only Bran getting pulled.

"Are you completely mad!?!?" Jaime asked. "HE SAW US... he saw us" Cersei said, I could almost her the tears. It was over for her. "I heard you the first time" Jaime said. I couldnt see their expressions, so hard to explain.

Jaime said something hushedly just enough so I couldn't hear him. Bran then responded, he was panicked "10"

"The things I do for love" Jaime said. I saw Bran getting pushed. This was my que.

I jumped from the ledge, I wasn't so sure about this but.


I'm just like Kratos. I turned back mid air. Jaime shit himself when he saw me. I grabbed Bran through the air with the threads of my stand. It has to come from my body, like a vine it swallowed his leg, I grabbed onto the wall with threads from my right hand.

I was holding onto the ivy branch, it was as thick as a tree trunk. It bent over, perfectly lowering me and Bran to the ground. I dropped him

Jaime rushed out of there. I heard him yelling frantically.

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