
Chapter 113 - Leaving, But Not Well Enough Alone

Nohre manipulated a sphere of Water around her arm and fingers as if it was a kind of way to keep herself busy. She felt quite stressed… so the girl pulled it directly from the special container her master had gifted her. Her concentration didn't feel strong enough to mess with the salt water.

Meanwhile, Fusand started to try and get a Projection of a crab to *move* around like one of the creatures. Making the scuttle without looking odd was harder than he expected. The newfound complexity of this sort of task made it hard to think of anything else. 

The Talcres pair watched them intently, occasionally exchanging meaningful glances as the young cultivators worked through their last exercises of the afternoon. The teenagers had both agreed aloud that they needed time to think about the offer… and Elua had then informed them all that she would be looking into leaving for home that evening.

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