
Corlys (7) Rhaena (7) Alyn(3) Arthur (17) a son and father meet. two dragons grow closer

AN; Here we see Arthur comfort Rhaena. While they spend their time speaking about things arthur hasn't told anyone, a friend appears to asses the future lady of Sparta's character.

Meanwhile, Alyn gets answers to his questions. And Arthur makes Corlys an offer that's too tempting to turn down without serious consideration


Sparta, Windsor Castle, RHAENA POV, 130 AC

As I watch my grandfather seated beside a young man who looks just like him, I don't know what to feel. Yes I do. The rag my grandfather holds to his lip is all the answer someone needs. I'm furious.

To think he stepped out on my grandmother Rhaenys. And didn't tell anyone he had a son older than even jace.

As I slowly spiral downward a warm sensation comes into my hands. Looking down I see Arthur's own big ones covering mine. Looking up into those dammed eyes I'm shocked he has his hood off. This is usually when he wishes to portray true emotion.

(Come. I can see you need air. And what better air than Sparta?) he attempts a jape. But that's enough to lighten my mood. Without looking back at my grandfather, I take Arthurs arm and we head through the castle.

When his guards try to follow he stops them and informs them to stay alert for Corlys and Alyn. (While I don't believe they will come to blows, it's better if they do so under rules.)

I nod In acquiescence as we make our way outside the beautiful keep. That reminds me.

(What are those pulsing designs on the bottom of your keep?)

The mystery still surrounding the man after I've already met him keeps me coming back like a fish to water. A moth to a candle flame.

With a chuckle he answers me. But not truly. Once again. 'Ugh. He might get a slap before the night is over.' I think to myself as I hear his response.

(Well. They're to pull magic from the ground. This helps keep the waterfall clean. It also makes the walls stronger than normal stone should be.)

Taken aback by the explanation I push for more. (And did you do them? That's incredible,) his hood being off lets me see the flush going up his neck. Thank the gods. I've thought my pining was an endeavor I was alone in. But now I'm sure such a thing is mutual.

His response makes me have even more questions. (Unfortunately I cannot take credit for such things. That belongs to an ally of mine you've yet to meet. They're by far the most important though.)

His words are all to serious. Something I've noticed about him. Even in times of lull. Of peace. Arthur always has that look in his eye. As if he's years ahead up there in his own mind. Fighting enemies that do not yet exist.

I decide it's time to take his mind off whatever bothers him so. As well as the revelation my own grandfather gave to me an hour ago.

I stop walking and Arthur looks to me. Whatever hesitation I had died upon locking gazes with those eyes. Those beautiful orbs mixed with the snowy curled hair that's always In a damned tie. I lay my left hand on his chest. Right where I remember the largest scar to be. His breathing stops as I move in.

When we meet, my world explodes in fire.


SPARTA, red river bank, ARTHUR POV

kissing Rhaena Targaryen. I'm actually locking my lips with Rhaena Targaryen.

The lilac I described her smelling like becomes all I can sense this close to her. It intoxicated me.

However I quickly pull away. And open my eyes. Seeing her own beautiful violet ones starling back at me in question I wipe my thumb across her lip before putting it into my mouth.

At the flush of her alresdy blushed cheeks I speak.(while I'm not opposed to such an activity Rhaena. I think we need to set a line somewhere. For pulling on a dragons tail is never a good thing) I whisper In a breathless tone that hopefully conveys to her my own feelings rather than the fact I pulled away.

Seeing her smile and nod. Unable to speak it seems, I peck her cheek and we continue our walk. Frost by our side. Enjoying the beauty of this island I call home. Unaware of the huge golden eyes watching us from the trees.


Sparta, Windsor castle, Alyn Pov

As I blink my eyes open I wonder about the insane dream I just had. Riding my dragon to an island of dragon lords. Seeing said dragonlord with eyes not of a man. And then , seeing my family. For im sure the girl standing beside my father is related to him.

As my thoughts run wild. The same voice who called out to me earlier rings through the, now that I look closer, unfamiliar room.

(Alyn?) I turn to lock gazes with my father. Who has a rag with blood on it pressed to his lip.

A sigh escapes me. As I'm truly dumbfounded with what to say to Him. He knows me. My name. Which means he knows exactly who I am.

My first words to my father are bitter and cold, (ah my lord father. So nice of you to show yourself to me. Forgive my unexpected arrival. I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.)

Im given the desired response. The light in his violet eyes dims a bit. But they remain firm. (So you know?) he asks me and I reply in a scoff.

(I used to not understand it. When men hailed me by your name. For I was but a young boy. However. As I got older and I started seeing more things. I saw you. The man everyone called me. So I watched you during your time in hull. Wondering why I felt so familiar with you. Even though we'd never met.

Then, as I stared into the looking glass I noticed it. How similar we look. So yes. Of course I know. For I have eyes that work. ) i say.

What comes out Corlys' voice next shocked me. (I'm sorry.)

My head snaps toward him. My own answer is just as short. (Why?)

He looks confused. So I clarify. (Why didn't you come take me with you. I would've gone anywhere as long as I was with you. I yearned to see the sea. To feel it's breeze. Just like my father had. I had dreamed one day you'd show up at hull with a bag full of clothes while telling me, "it's time to teach you how to be a velaryon" but you neve came. Hells it took me flying on a dragon to meet you. Why?! Why was I not worthy of your acknowledgment? Why wasn't I shown the love every child deserves? Why did you choose now to speak to me? Where is the scary dragonlord? At least he and I have no history.)

My father sighs again. Showing his age. He returns my words with his own. (You are worthy. I was coming to the tides to get you after this trip. You yourself can ask lord Valhalla this when he and my granddaughter return.)

(Granddaughter?) I ask. So excited to have family. I've always been alone. A sad fate. But one I bore with gusto.

However. The chance to meet my family is too great to pass up.

My father nods and explains it is his daughters daughter. One of twins. My sister. Who died before I was born.

With a vulnerability I didn't know myself to posses I spoke I voice almost too soft for me to hear. As for how Corlys heard it I know not.

(Can you tell me about her?)

He smiles a true, sad smile. Nodding he proceeded to tell me about my fearless sister. Wife of the rouge prince daemon. Rider of caraxes.


Windsor castle, Sparta, Corlys pov

Shutting the door to alyns room to allow him to rest, i start looking for argtur and my granddaughter.

Anyone with eyes can see the two gravitate to eachother like the sea and sand. Like snow and ice. Fire and blood.

I am most happy about such a thing. For Arthur is impressive. Moreso than I could've ever thought. And to know he will be apart of my family makes me proud.

But nothing could've made me more proud or shocked to see Alyn arrive atop laenors dragon. I do hope Rhaenys sees this as a good thing.

As I finally find a maid I ask her where lord Valhalla is.

"My apologies lord Corlys. My lord Valhalla and lady Rhaena spoke about Going on a stroll down the red river. If my guess is right they'll go treat with the giants for a while before returning."

That was another thing that impressed me. Arthur's people knew how to treat nobles. From the way he acts, Arthur hates such things. But it seems the people here have made a consensus that they will make their lord happy.

For such a short time,they're doing remarkably.

The men, although still lithe and slim, have visible corded muscles under their skin. Soon they'll all look like they were carved from rock.

The men looked mean, wild. Daring you to offend their lord. Such devotion was usually impossible to imagine. But after all he'd done for them, it wasn't too hard for me to belive.

I nod my head and make my way back to my room. Hoping to eat dinner with my family.


Arthur pov. Red river

As we walk back from the giants camp Rhaena says something to me that stops me dead. (Arthur. Can you please tell me about your scars?)

Breathing heavily as the memories come back, I don't even wonder how she knows about them.

Sighing deeply I begin my story. (My grandfather was a teach by doing person. He had me 'kidnapped to see if I'd his family secrets away. I was tortured. Cut. Beaten. Burned. It mattered not. But when the person pulled off their face cover. It was my grandfather. All he said was I'd passed the test. And to be ready for the next one tomorrow.)

I try keeping heat out of my voice. For its not Rhaena who deserves it.

As we sit down on a large rocks, she lays her head on my shoulder as we stay in silence. Her warmth pressing into my cold a beautiful dance of ice and fire.

Standing at the base of the waterfall after visiting the giants, and telling a little from my past I inform Rhaena that it's time to eat.

But before we can call our mounts, leaf's voice echoes off the water rushing past.

""Young Arthur. I believe it's time to speak to your bride now.""

I sigh and turn Rhaena to face her. Rhaenas eyes light up and she hugs onto me tightly.


Rhaena pov

The being in front of me looks like it's made of the Forrest itself. I ask Arthur in an excited voice, (who is this Arthur. And what is she?)

He chuckled and looked to the ethereal little being who was running her hand through frosts fur. Getting a nod he spoke to me.

(Rhaena, this is leaf. My closest advisor.) he quickly spoke in the old tongue, ""leaf, meet lady Rhaena, my prospective wife.""

The little being laughs and speaks again, "" will yoh give us time alone? If you want to find out about her I can't have you here beside her.""

At the words she spoke he looked reluctant. But leaf continued, ""frost can stay here with her should you so wish it.""

Whatever she said last seemed to ease him a bit. He looked at me strangely Before he spoke. (Would you like to spend some time getting to know her? I need must speak with your uncle and grandfather.)

I'm shocked. Before I can respond he amends, (frost will stay here with you until you're ready for morning to pick you up.)

He offers me an almost begging look.

I kiss his cheek as he did mine earlier and respond in the affirmative before turning to speak to a child of the Forrest.


Arthur pov. Windsor castle.

As I make my way through the halls of my keep. My mind keeps floating back to Rhaena. 'How had she known of my scars? They weren't mentioned in the journal.'

My thoughts blind me to lord Corlys presence beside me. It's not until he speaks that my awareness comes back.

(Arthur? Where is my granddaughter?) He asks me.

I reply, (flying around the island.) I shouldn't lie. But I can't tell him about leaf yet. Not until she confirms the first Velaryon.

We continue to my solar where I pour myself a drink. Shooting the whiskey down in one go I look to see lord Corlys flabbergasted.

I raise an eyebrow, (what?)

He shakes his head before responding, (forgive me. But how can you drink that in one go like it's the finest wine? That's fire made liquid.)

Although he's joking, that sentence gives me an idea. Wildfyre. Such as thing was used in Valyria. But I can't remember how to create it.

Putting that on the back of my mind I speak what I was earlier with Corlys.

(Your boy. What do you plan to do with him?)

He looks confused so I clarify. (While Joffrey still lives, he can't inherit driftmark unless you want to make Rhaenys introduce you to the red queen. But I believe I have another way.)

He looks intrigued. Good.



I bid Arthur to speak as I pour another glass of this whiskey concoction. In truth, I find it amazing. It takes barely a glass to get you as drunk as 4/5 cups of wine.

(What if I were to offer your son s place to stay? As you well know, there are 3 islands in my territory. I've been focused on mine own because it's the central hub of it. The capital of my chain of islands.

But two more remain. That and with your family now being the 41st dragonlord family, gives him ample reason to stay here. )

My mind freezes at his offer. But I quickly put that aside to as the question his words created. (What do you mean 41st dragon lord family?)

His response shocks me to the core.

(Your son, laenor, hatched seasmoke. While many beloved it was his Targaryen parenthood. Becaus fo his Velaryon heritage, it allows him to be claimed by anyone of Velaryon blood.

Now that Alyn has claimed him, only Velaryons would be allowed to mount him. Even a Targaryen would be eaten if they tried. For a dragon cannot switch houses. Their bond is magic and blood.

Congratulations Corlys. The Velaryons have made history.)

He said before throwing his hood back on and leaving me to ponder his words.

AN: hey guys. I really liked writing this chapter.

Next we see Cregan and Walter meet Arthur and his Allie's.

Love you all. Live long ❤️

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