
Truth Serum

UPON arriving at the palace, they made their way directly to one of the many elegantly arranged buildings within the grounds. This particular structure, with its placard boldly declaring "Council Room," stood out among the rest. Without hesitation, they entered, moving swiftly through a narrow, dimly lit corridor. When they finally pushed open the heavy doors, they stepped into a grand circular hall, designed so that every gaze naturally fell to the center.

As they entered, the room became silent, as multiple people turned their gaze towards them. Irene felt a chill run down her spine as her eyes locked onto the Admiral, who sat in the grandest chair, commanding the room with his mere presence. This hall, steeped in history, had witnessed countless hearings and trials, its circular design ensuring that all could clearly see the proceedings; and now, all eyes were on them.

The room today contained at least a hundred people, all of them a key part of the dysfunctional Sagittarium. Irene walked to the center of the hall with her crew, as two of her guards led Helios to the dock where he stood, silent, gazing at the entire hordes of people that were hungry for his head.

"It is good to see you Irene," The Fleet Admiral spoke first as he whisked a smile in her direction. The man had a middle aged appearance, although he has been fleet Admiral for thirty five years now but being a Cryptid, as people believed, he seemed to be using his powers to keep himself young. He had white hair, a significant trait among the royal bloodline, but unlike Irene's amber skin tone, he possessed a porcelain skin that appeared pale and almost white. He had a slender appearance and is also notable for having two fangs instead of canines.

"Your Honor," Irene bowed and bent a knee.

"Oh, come on, no need for such pleasantries, we are amongst friends," he said pointing to the seven people that sat on either side of him. They were called the Seven Sages; officials who stood as the head of the Council who ruled as the mouthpiece of the Godking himself. Only very few people had an equal standing or held more power than them. And currently, the only one with veto power was the Admiral.

Irene didn't reply in an attempt to soften the mood, she couldn't. When dealing with someone as scary as Admiral Alilovic Vrykolakas, one had to be on the alert. Although she couldn't tell if the man was going to be against her or just neutral, she couldn't take the risk.

"So, we've heard the tale of Silent Sorrows over and over again from the mouth of our Notaries, and it seemed far-fetched however we looked at it. Yet, you seem to harbor a different view to this than the rest of the council. So before this hearing begins, before we plunge too deep. Might I ask, is this a sentimental bias?" The Admiral spoke again, with a voice of authority.

"No sir!" Irene replied.

"Okay, please, my council. Proceed with the hearing then my dear council!" He announced.

The hearing started soon after and Helios was asked to narrate all that befell him. The Narvach, although trying to stand firm, was frightened and Irene could tell from his shaky voice. She didn't say a word however, she just let him narrate the events as best as he could. After his speech, the entire hall began to murmur but soon, one of the Council heads raised his hand and everyone stopped talking.

The man strolled towards the dock where Helios stood leisurely. His hand was in his pocket, and unlike the other Council members, he wasn't wearing the official robe, no he was in a black and big duster coat swaying around as he walked forward. Everyone knew who he was. Councilman Jamal, brother in-law to the Admiral; his favorite brother-in-law in fact.

"So, if I am to believe your story! Godblast, the man who fought the God King has recovered from that backlash and was even strong enough to destroy your ship, whereas the ruler of the Sagittarium himself is stuck to the Carrion?" He demanded. "Isn't this blasphemy? Against our God? Isn't this blasphemy against the very foundation of reality?" He said, holding Helios' golden hair and staring into his eyes. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Irene stiffened, she hated anything that has to do with religion and faith, it is too easily used as a tool and seeing how the man just twisted everything from truth to faith irked the Marshal but she kept quiet. "Calm your nerves," she heard Moirai, her diviner whisper in her ears. "The time isn't right yet."

Irene nodded and watched as Helios tried to defend himself. "I speak nothing but the truth," he said and the man let out a hoarse laughter. The same laughter soon resounded around the room, as everyone present started to laugh.

Helios exhaled, not in relief but in surrender. He knew he had no chance, if the Council wanted him dead, he would die and there isn't anything anyone could do about it. The councilman glanced at the audience. "I will say we use the truth serum," he said with a sigh and glanced at the other members of the council. All seven sages nodded and then he smiled.

He flicked his fingers and announced. "Bring in the serum!" Two people in a white garment pushed a tray containing multiple syringes and flasks. One of the flasks contained water with a vial of blue liquid floating in it and emitting steam as it bobbed around in the glass flask.

Helios glanced at the man. "Please! Don't do this, I already told the truth!"

The man shook his head and took hold of Helios' hair again. "Charmalagne," he shook his head and with a swift motion slammed it against the edge of the cubicle he was inside. "You are in no place to plead or make demands, stand there like the trash you are," he said, letting go of Helios' hair.

Irene glanced at Jamal, her fist stiffening but the voice of Moirai came again. "A little bit more patience, little girl." She sighed and breathed again.

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