
Chapter 15

Lin Feng was conflicted on whether to leave and come back for the body or stay the night to ensure that the corpse would not be eaten by other Ape Rats attracted to the scene due to the smell of blood.

In hindsight he should have bought something to cover up the smell of blood beforehand and left, once nail was used he could just put it back the thing weighted 200 kilograms.

In desperation he could only improvise, after he recalled something from his Beast lecture and textbook he quickly landed on sewer floor and took out a knife he had prepared and stabbed the creature's bladder, letting out whatever was stored in it and making the area reek of monster urine instead of monster blood.

After which he quickly let the scene through the manhole exit and went home for the night.


The next morning he bribed the same construction worker and with his help brought a lifter and medium sized truck to the area.

First he came down to make sure there was a corpse down in the sewers, at night he couldn't sleep peacefully because he thought that the smell of urine would attract more Ape Rats, just like how dogs tended to pee in the areas as other dogs.

After making sure that his loot was still there, he brought the lifter to the manhole cover he used regularly and went down to the sewers and attached the released cable back to the pulley using the lifter.

He cleaned the blood of the nail quickly and made sure it was still sharp, at least sharp enough.

The main reason he had chosen this spot to 'hang out' at night was because the sewers beneath had a turn in it near his closest exit, it was an abandoned area of the city and there was a service exit large enough for monster corpse to be dragged out.

After putting the truck and lifter in place, he went down the service exit and tied a cable around the Rat's neck as it was the only place he physically could do it, the tail was too thin and might have seperated from the body and the body itself was too heavy to lifted in order to tie the cable.

Then with the help of the construction guy the corpse was slowly dragged out, luckily the blood had coagulated, if not he would have to pay to clean the truck afterwards, after all the truck belonged to the Mu family's construction wing.

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