
Prelude: Crazy Old Man

"…. Can I refuse?" I ask to which shocked him enough to make him hit his head on the ground as he loosened his hand in surprise.

"Huh?! What was that you brat?! You refuse such a generous gift from me, The Yellow Emperor, of all people?!?!" He said shouting out sounding clearly upset that I would refuse his 'gift' that I really didn't want.

"What do you expect of me huh?! I'm just some normal guy who would be suddenly tossed into the beginning of the Three Kingdoms and into a land of War and Strife! I'm not some warrior who charges head first into the battlefield! I'm just an archaeologist who studies ancient history and you want me to be put into a life or death situation that is the Three Kingdoms?!" I shouted back as even if he was a god I wasn't going to sit for this.

"But you will get power beyond your wildest dreams, get to live during a major historical era in history, and help shape the way you want, be whoever you want, unite China in the way you see fit! I'll even throw in something extra so you can choose how you want to live and even reward you for entraining me!" He said which caused the veins on my forehead to bulge out.

"So what?! Is this some kind of sick joke of a game for you to watch me fight for my life for your entertainment?!?! You want me to go out, fight on the batte and die just so you can have something interesting and new to watch because your bored up here?!?!" I say to which he slaps the ground as he sits up.

"Your damn right I'm bored! You may not understand how long I have been a god, but I've been a god all the way until humanity stoped existing entirely! That's hundreds of thousands of years until the human race died out in my eyes and when we gods would inevitably cease to exist but I can still exist in every moment between the beginning and end of me being a god since time doesn't mean anything, and suddenly in a timeline I never saw, a man bearing my name found my resting place! And this is my chance at excitement! To see something completely different from someone else's eyes and how they live and how one person can rewrite an entire countries history! And I'm sooo booooreeeddd!!! I need something interesting to see with my own eyes! And your my ticket to be able to see that world!" He said before falling on his side as he began flailing about like a kid having a tantrum.

"Your a grown ass man and your acting like some kid right now!"

"I'm a god! I can act however I want! And I want something entertaining! And your my ticket to a new and exciting story I've never seen before!" He said as he pulled himself up with sparkles in his eyes.

"Just reincarnate me as a normal person in a normal non-wartorn era of time!" I shouted back, but he seemed adamant.

"No way! How about I give you an even better system that could easily make yourself the strongest warrior!"

"Who do you think I am! I never killed anyone in my life and you think I'm supposed to do it easily?!"

"Then I'll add in a bonus so you can easily negotiate yourself out of any situation should it be possible for you to do so!"

"I just want to live peacefully and have a family that doesn't exist in an era of strife!"

"Then what if I made it easy for you to woo the most beautiful of women that existed in the Era of the Three Kingdoms!"

"That's not the point! I don't want to be thrown into the the Three Kingdoms to begin with! I'll just die again if I am thrown into that story!"

"Then what if I made it so death wasn't a threat to you! Allowing you to save at major turning points in your life to let you live your story however you want!"

"Even if you did that, that would be a great betrayal to anyone that I ever became friends with, or I married if I end up becoming their enemies in another life?!?!" I was getting really irritated with his arguments as I could tell that no matter what I said he was going to do it anyway, this crazy old geezer.

"Then I'll give you the ability to let your lovers to come back in time with their future memories in tact, and for friends and allies they would naturally have a better opinion of you even if you didn't allow them to understand who you are! Besides saying that you got your powers from me would be totally believable as I'm still highly worshipped and respected in that era! It can even help you become the emperor of China!"

"Be an Emperor?! Are you stupid?! You think that it's some lofty and easy thing that you have in your position?! You know how many people would be wanting to take my head if I became that in the first place?!" Sure being the highest Authority in China letting you make many different decisions sounds great, but it's loads of paperwork even with plenty of advisors, and not to mention the wives and concubines could go and possibly Cuck me behind my back with other men which would make me do something rather drastic which I'd never want to do.

"Then you don't have to! You can do whatever you desire, be a scholar, a warrior, a merchant, a mercenary, a warlord, a bandit, even a tribal of the Nanman Tribes! You can be whoever you wish! This story you live will be entirely your story! I'll even let you get your system now and make this your earliest save point in your life!" He said before even giving me a chance to rebuke him before a light entered my chest.

*Ding* [Save Point Made]

He then cleared his throat and calmed down, "Now then I'm not going to explain much more as this is where you figure out the system on your own and start your story your own way, wether this is your first try at life or your hundredth, I'm interested to see what you become next, but anyway I'll see you around." He said with a sly smile on his lips.

*Clack* I heard the Odoshi again before I was suddenly floating in a black empty void as a screen appeared before me.


[Choose Major Point in the Three Kingdoms Era to become an Adult by]

[Decline of the Han] (178-181)

[Rise of the Yellow Turbans] (182-189)

[Rise of the Warlords] (190-193)

[A World Betrayed] (194-199)

[Fates Divided] (200-215)

[The Three Kingdoms] (216-250)

[The Eight Princes] (285-291)


"Great, using the time periods set around the turbulent times specfically in the Three Kingdoms, he didn't even give me an option to be born in the era between the Unification of China and the Eight Princes era, he really wants to see something good and not something boring that crazy old man." I said scratching my head in frustration as I had to decide as now it seems I have no choice but do it his way.

"What a pain in my ass."

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